RES-3010 PAGE 1 OF 7
Date of
Term of Lease
Monthly Rent
Pet Charge
Unit No. _________________
Keys #___________________
Given ___________________
Garage Door Openers #_____
Given ___________________
12:00 (noon)
Date pd:
Date pd:
Date Pd:
Pet Deposit
Date Pd:
Residential Lease
This document has legal consequences. If you do not understand it, consult your attorney.
THIS RESIDENTIAL LEASE (“Lease”) is made and entered into by and between 1
______________________________________________________________________________________ (Landlord”) 2
and ___________________________________________________________________________________ (“Tenant”). 3
Note: Each adult occupant at the Premises is deemed a Tenant hereunder and should be identified above. 4
For and in consideration of the undertakings and obligations of the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed as follows: 5
1. LEASE. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, certain premises (the 6
Premises”) located at: (Check box if description attached) 7
Street Address City State Zip Code County 9
together with such personal property and furnishings as are set forth here (or check box if schedule attached): 10
(If any parking space(s) is/are included as part of the Premises, identify below by checking and completing all that apply): 12
Attached Garage Offsite location (identify) 13
Number of Spaces = ______ Reserved Unreserved Other (Describe) 14
Note: If any separate charges or fees (in addition to Monthly Rent set forth herein) are to apply with respect to parking or 15
otherwise, then the parties should specify such in the “Special Agreements section of this Lease. 16
2. TERM. (Check applicable box and complete information to specify whether a fixed term or month-to-month lease) 17
This paragraph, if used, shall bind the parties to a fixed lease term commencing on _________________, 20_____, and 18
terminating at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on _________________, 20 _____ (the “Term”). 19
This paragraph, if used, shall bind the parties to a lease term from month to month, commencing on 20
_______________________, 20_____ and continuing month to month until terminated by Landlord or Tenant, by giving 21
the other party at least thirty (30) days' Notice of termination before the next Monthly Rent payment date (the “Term”). 22
3. RENEWAL OPTION (If the following is not applicable, insert “zero,” “0,” “N/A” or “Not Applicable) 23
Tenant shall have the right to extend the Term for _____ additional period(s) of (check one, as applicable) ______ 24
(____) years; or _________ (___) months, each, commencing on the expiration of the then current Term (i.e., expiration 25
of the initial Term with respect to commencement of the first extension period; expiration of the first extension period with 26
respect to commencement of the second extension period, etc.) of this Lease. Such right shall be deemed effectively 27
exercised only if Tenant gives Landlord Notice thereof at least ______ days (ninety (90) days if none stated) prior to the 28
expiration of the then current Term and only if Tenant is not in default at the time of such exercise. All terms and provisions 29
of this Lease shall apply during the extension Term(s), except that Monthly Rent payable pursuant to the Lease shall be 30
increased (but in no event decreased) as follows: 31
Tenant’s failure to exercise its right to extend the Term (if more than one (1) extension option is permitted hereby) shall 32
cause all rights to future extensions to lapse. It is expressly understood that the right to extend granted herein is personal 33
to the person(s) expressly named as the initial Tenant in this Lease and shall not inure to the benefit of any successor, 34
assignee or subtenant of Tenant’s interest under this Lease. 35
4. RENT. Tenant agrees to pay an amount (“Monthly Rent”) of ___________________________ Dollars 36
($______________) per month, payable in advance on the ____ day of each month during the Term of this Lease. The 37
first full month’s Monthly Rent (together with per diem Monthly Rent if the Term commences other than on the ________ 38
day of the month) shall be paid upon execution of this Lease. Any parking charges, and any other fees or amounts to be 39
paid by Tenant to Landlord pursuant to the terms of this Lease (other than Monthly Rent) are collectively referred to as 40
Additional Charges.” Additional Charges shall be due and payable no earlier than thirty (30) days after Notice thereof is 41
delivered to Tenant (unless otherwise specified). Monthly Rent and Additional Charges are collectively referred to as Rent”. 42
All Rent shall be paid on or before the date when due without set-off, counterclaim, deduction or a grace period whatsoever. 43
Tenant agrees to pay (check all that apply): $____________ for each month that Rent remains unpaid after the due date; 44
$ ___________ for each day that Rent remains unpaid after due date, as a late charge. This provision is in addition to 45
all other rights and remedies provided by this Lease and shall not affect Landlord’s right to declare Tenant in default for 46
failure to pay any sum when due. All Rent shall be payable to _______________________________ at 47
_________________________________________________ (Number, Street, City, State and Zip Code) or to such other 48
person and at such other place as Landlord may from time to time direct. There will be a ___________________________ 49
Dollar ($______________) service charge on all returned checks. If any check delivered to Landlord by Tenant is returned 50
for insufficient funds, then Landlord may refuse payment by check thereafter and may require Tenant to make payment by 51
cashier’s check, money order, wire transfer or certified funds. 52
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Check this Box only if the following is to apply. Tenant hereby authorizes Landlord to electronically withdraw from 53
Tenant’s Account (hereinafter defined) monthly payments of Rent during the Term. Tenant shall notify Landlord of the name 54
and address of the bank, credit card or financial institution in which Tenant’s account (the Account”) is located and the 55
number of the Account, and execute authorization forms acceptable to effectuate the payment of Rent as above provided. 56
Tenant shall retain sufficient amounts in the Account for monthly withdrawals throughout the Term. If Tenant desires to 57
change the Account to another financial institution, Tenant shall give Landlord prior Notice thereof and execute authorization 58
forms to enable Landlord to electronically withdraw Rent as above provided, without hiatus. 59
5. SECURITY DEPOSIT. Upon execution of this Lease Tenant shall deliver the sum of (not to exceed two (2) months of60
Monthly Rent) ______________________________ Dollars ($_____________) (the Security Deposit”) to (check one)61
Landlord or Landlord’s property manager 62
6. USE RESTRICTIONS. Tenant agrees that the Premises shall be used and occupied as a residence only, in compliance
with all zoning and any other applicable laws, and shall not be used for any other purposes without Landlord’s prior written
consent. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit Tenant from hosting reasonable numbers of guests for limited periods of
time. Tenant agrees that no more than _______ (__) persons per bedroom shall occupy the Premises. All adult occupants
shall agree in writing to be bound by the terms of this Lease. Any proposed adult occupant of the Premises who has not
signed this Lease shall be subject to Landlord’s application procedures and reported to Landlord prior to such party taking
occupancy. Landlord may reject a proposed additional occupant for any lawful reason.
7. JOINT LIABILITY. Each adult occupant at the Premises is deemed a Tenant hereunder and shall be jointly and
severally liable for all obligations of and sums due from the Tenant under this Lease. A violation by any person constituting
the Tenant is deemed a violation by all. Each such Tenant shall be fully responsible for the actions of all other Tenants and
all guests, invitees, employees, agents, occupants or other persons located at the Premises at any time. Landlord may, but
shall not be obligated to, proceed directly against any one or more person constituting the Tenant without waiving any right
or remedy Landlord may have against any other Tenant. No discharge of any Tenant, in bankruptcy, insolvency proceeding
or otherwise, shall in any way or to any extent discharge or release any other Tenant from any liability or obligation
hereunder. Delivery of Notice to any adult occupant shall constitute Notice to all Tenants.
8. PREMISES CONDITION. Tenant has inspected the Premises prior to execution of this Lease and, unless and except
as may be otherwise noted below regarding Landlord’s Work, shall accept and take possession on the commencement
date in its “as-iscondition. If Landlord shall fail for any reason to put Tenant in possession, with all of Landlord’s Work
completed (if required), within three (3) days after the scheduled commencement date, then Tenant’s sole right and remedy
shall be to either (a) terminate this Lease by delivering Notice to Landlord prior to delivery of possession as aforesaid; or
(b) receive an abatement of Rent until possession is so delivered to Tenant. Tenant agrees to keep the Premises in at least
as good order, condition and repair as when received, free from any debris, trash or filth, and to not do anything to create
a danger of fire or cause an increase in rates or cancellation of insurance. Tenant shall notify Landlord immediately of any
repairs needed that, if left unattended, would result in damage to the Premises, such as water leakage, roof damage, wall
cracks and/or holes, termite or insect damage, etc. Landlord shall keep and maintain any fences at the Premises, the
foundation, exterior walls and roof of the building in which the Premises are located and the utilities and structural portions
of the Premises in good repair and habitable condition, except that any repairs required to be made by reason of the
negligence, willful misconduct or neglect of Tenant (or others as described in Section 7) shall be Tenant’s sole responsibility.
Landlord may choose to make such repairs and Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the cost thereof together with interest
thereon at the rate equal to three percent (3%) in excess of the publicly announced prime rate of U.S. Bank, N.A. (or its
successors), but not to exceed the highest rate permitted by applicable law (the Default Rate”) from the date of
expenditure by Landlord until the date of reimbursement by Tenant. Landlord shall not be required to make any other
improvements or repairs of any kind upon the Premises. The parties specifically acknowledge and agree that (check one):
Landlord or Tenant shall be responsible to maintain the lawn and routine landscaping (if any) at the Premises (or
cause the same to be maintained);
Landlord or Tenant shall be responsible for removal of snow and ice (or cause the same to be removed); and
Landlord or Tenant shall be responsible for extermination of rodents and insects; provided, however, that Landlord
shall be responsible for the treatment of any wood destroying insects.
to be held in a separate account as required by §535.300 RSMo for the
Term as security for Tenant’s performance of its obligations as herein specified. Landlord may withhold from the
Security Deposit such amounts as are reasonably necessary to (a) remedy Tenant’s default in the payment of
Rent; (b) restore the Premises to its condition at the commencement of the Term, ordinary wear and tear excepted;
or (c) compensate Landlord for actual damages sustained as a result of Tenant’s failure to give adequate Notice to
terminate this Lease pursuant to law or the terms hereof; and as may otherwise be permitted by applicable law. In this
regard, the parties specifically agree that an amount, up to (if not applicable, insert “zero” or “N/A”)
_________________________ Dollars ($______________), may be withheld from the Security Deposit for actual
carpet cleaning costs expended (it being further understood and agreed to, however, that Tenant may still be liable
for actual costs for carpet cleaning, or other repair or replacement of damage, that exceeds ordinary wear and tear,
which may also be withheld from the Security Deposit).
Within thirty (30) days after termination of the Lease, Landlord shall either return the full amount of the Security Deposit or
furnish to Tenant a receipt for the actual carpet cleaning costs (if applicable), along with a written itemized list of
the damages for which the Security Deposit or any portion thereof is withheld (along with the balance thereof, if
any) as required by §535.300 RSMo. Refund may be made by one check, jointly payable to all known persons
and entities constituting the Tenant. Such refund check and any itemization of damages may be mailed to one
Tenant only. The Security Deposit does not constitute liquidated damages and nothing herein shall limit Landlord’s
right to recover actual damages in excess thereof, or permit Tenant to apply any portion thereof in lieu of payment of
any Rent due under this Lease. The Security Deposit (and any prepaid Rent or other deposit hereunder) may be
held in an interest bearing account. Any interest earned shall be paid to Landlord (or its property manager if and as so
designated from time to time). If Landlord conveys its interest under this Lease the Security Deposit may be turned
over to Landlord’s grantees or assigns. In such case Tenant hereby releases Landlord from any liability and shall look
solely to such grantee or assign with respect to the Security Deposit.
RES-3010 PAGE 3 OF 7
(If the following is not applicable, insert “N/A” or “Not Applicable”) “Landlord’s Work” is limited to the following items (if 122
any) which (unless otherwise specified) shall be completed prior to the scheduled commencement date of the Term: 123
(Check box if schedule/list attached). 128
9. SURRENDER OF POSSESSION. Upon expiration or earlier termination of the Term of this Lease, Tenant shall
surrender possession of the Premises, in good order condition and repair as when received, ordinary wear and tear
excepted, remove all personal property and debris, and clean the Premises thoroughly. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord
for any or cleanup that is necessary and not completed prior to surrendering possession of the Premises.
10. NO ASSIGNMENT/SUBLETTING. Tenant shall not assign this Lease or sublease the Premises or any portion thereof
to any other person or entity without Landlord’s prior written consent.
11. DRUGS. Illegal drug trafficking or use or possession of illegal drugs is a violation of law and this Lease, subjecting
Tenant to immediate termination of this Lease and to all applicable penalties, including those provided under §441.710 et
seq. R.S.Mo. If Tenant or any other person uses or is involved in the use, possession or distribution of illegal drugs while
in, on or about the Premises, such shall be just cause for eviction.
12. UTILITIES. Except as may be specifically set forth elsewhere herein to the contrary, Tenant shall pay for all services
and utilities (including but not limited to phone, cable, Internet, satellite [to be installed only with Landlord approval], trash,
gas, electric, sewer and water services and account set up and connection fees) that are provided to the Premises when
due. (Specify if otherwise: .
13. QUIET ENJOYMENT/ACCESS. Landlord will permit Tenant to quietly and peaceably hold, occupy and enjoy the
Premises during the Term without unreasonable interference by Landlord, provided that Tenant is not in default hereof, and
provided further that Landlord or its designated agent(s) shall have the right (but no obligation) at all reasonable times upon
prior Notice (except if an emergency) to inspect the condition of the Premises, determine if Tenant is complying with all
terms hereof, make necessary or desirable repairs, and to show the Premises to prospective tenants or buyers.
14. LANDLORD LIABILITY/INDEMNITY. Landlord (and its property manager if any is so designated from time to time)
shall not be liable to Tenant, Tenant's guests or any other occupant or person at the Premises, for any injury, damage or
other loss to any person or property caused by Tenant or any other occupant or person, including but not limited to theft,
burglary, assault, other crimes, fire, ice, water, wind, rain, smoke, acts of God or force majeure or any other cause, excluding
only Landlord's (or its property manager’s) willful misconduct or extreme and reckless indifference and disregard for safety
and rights of others, it being specifically acknowledged however that Landlord shall have absolutely no duty or responsibility
of any kind with respect to safety or security at the Premises. Subject thereto, Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord
(and its property manager, if any) free and harmless from any and all liability for injury to or death of any person, or for
damage of any property, arising from the use and occupancy of the Premises or by the act or omission of any person,
including costs of defense and reasonable attorneys' fees. Tenant shall report any criminal incident in or near the Premises
to Landlord, and if requested shall fill out a report and participate in any investigation Landlord may undertake. Should
Landlord establish any security procedures or policy, Tenant shall abide by the same.
15. INSURANCE. During the Term, Tenant shall maintain general liability insurance coverage and if requested, shall
provide proof of coverage prior to taking possession. Tenant shall maintain insurance on Tenant’s own personal property
if Tenant desires this coverage. Tenant acknowledges that loss of or damage thereto will not be covered by the proceeds
of any insurance maintained by Landlord and hereby releases Landlord from any and all claims for loss, damage or
inconvenience. Landlord will maintain fire and extended homeowners/hazard casualty replacement coverage and liability
insurance covering the building in which the Premises is located during the Term. Landlord and Tenant hereby waive all
rights each may have against the other on account of any loss or damage occasioned to the person or property of Landlord
or Tenant, the Premises or its contents, arising from any risk which is insured against by Landlord or Tenant (to the extent
of such insurance proceeds, but also including the amount of any deductible), and the parties each, on behalf of their
respective insurance companies insuring the property of either Landlord or Tenant against any such loss, waive any right
of subrogation that it may have against Landlord or Tenant, as the case may be.
16. CASUALTY. If the Premises are rendered partially uninhabitable by fire or other casualty, Rent shall be equitably
reduced until such time as the Premises are wholly habitable or this Lease is terminated. If Landlord does
not elect to
terminate this Lease, then Landlord shall proceed without undue delay to render the Premises wholly habitable, and if not
finished within one month after the date of damage or loss, then Tenant shall have the option of terminating this Lease
immediately thereafter by giving to Landlord Notice of termination. If the Premises are totally destroyed or rendered wholly
uninhabitable, then at the option of either party, this Lease shall terminate upon Notice to the other and any prepaid Rent
shall be refunded to Tenant together with any unexpended portion of the Security Deposit. If the parties do not elect to
terminate, then Rent shall be wholly abated until the Premises is repaired and fit for occupancy.
17. DEFAULT. If Tenant shall fail to make any payment of Rent on or before when the same is due, or to comply with any
other term, covenant or agreement herein contained, Landlord shall have the right to declare Tenant in default hereof and
to pursue any one or more right or remedy provided for herein without prior Notice or demand whatsoever, which rights and
remedies shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other rights and remedies provided for at law or in equity, including
but not limited to those set forth at §441.065 RSMo if Tenant abandons the Premises. No failure to exercise, nor any delay
in exercising any right or remedy hereunder by Landlord shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial
exercise by Landlord of any such right or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or any other right. Waiver
by Landlord of any default of Tenant under this Lease shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent or different
default. No endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any payment be deemed an accord and
satisfaction. Landlord may accept such payment without prejudice to or waiver of Landlord’s right to recover the balance
due or pursue any other right or remedy with respect to any default by Tenant. Any payment received by Landlord shall be
RES-3010 PAGE 4 OF 7
applied first to payment of any costs and expenses of reletting the Premises by Landlord following a default hereof by 191
Tenant, including without limitation attorneys’ fees, advertising fees, brokerage fees and the costs of any such cleaning, 192
repairs, renovation, remodeling, redecoration, alterations and changes in the Premises; second, to the payment of any 193
Additional Charges or other indebtedness (other than Monthly Rent) due from Tenant hereunder; and third, to the payment 194
of Monthly Rent due and payable hereunder. If after applying any such payment there remains a deficiency, Tenant shall 195
immediately pay such deficiency to Landlord along with interest thereon at the Default Rate until fully paid. 196
18. HOLDING OVER. If Tenant remains in possession of the Premises after the expiration or sooner termination of the197
Term without Landlord’s written consent, such holding over shall constitute a default hereof and, without limiting any other198
right or remedy of Landlord at law or in equity, create and be deemed to be a tenancy at sufferance, terminable without199
Notice of any kind except as may be required in accordance with law, but subject to all other terms of this Lease insofar as200
the same may apply to such a tenancy, except that Tenant shall pay, in addition to all other charges payable by Tenant201
hereunder, for each day that Tenant holds over, Monthly Rent at an amount equal to two (2) times the rate (on a per diem202
basis) of Monthly Rent herein provided to be paid during the last month of the Term. Landlord’s receipt of holdover Rent203
shall not relieve Tenant of liability to Landlord for damages resulting from Tenant’s holdover.204
19. ENFORCEMENT/ATTORNEY FEES. If Landlord enforces any provision of this Lease through court action, then in205
addition to any damages or equitable relief, Tenant will pay Landlord's costs and expenses of litigation, including court costs206
and reasonable attorney fees. The provisions of this Section shall survive any termination of this Lease.207
20. NOTICES. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein or under applicable law, any notice, consent, approval,208
request, waiver, demand or other communication (collectively, "Notice") required under this Lease to be given by or on209
behalf of either party to the other shall be in writing and may be given by mailing such Notice by registered or certified mail210
return receipt requested, addressed to (check one):211
Landlord or Property Manager on its behalf, 212
and to Tenant, each at their respective addresses set forth on the signature page of this Lease. Notice to Tenant may also 213
be effectively delivered to the Premises following initial occupancy thereof by Tenant. Notice to either party may also be 214
sent via other means (including personal delivery, courier or messenger service or otherwise as permitted or required under 215
applicable law, such as posting or legal publication). Any such Notice shall be deemed to have been duly given when 216
actually received by the intended recipient (or as otherwise provided under applicable law). Refusal to accept service of a 217
Notice shall constitute delivery of the Notice. A party may designate a new address for purposes of payment of Rent or 218
delivery of Notice (or person to receive the same) hereunder by giving at least fifteen (15) days’ advance Notice thereof to 219
the other party in the manner provided above. 220
21. RULES AND REGULATIONS. The following Rules and Regulations (and as the same may be revised or supplemented221
from time to time by Landlord upon Notice to Tenant) shall be additional covenants and agreements on the part of Tenant.222
Failure to comply with or observe any Rules and Regulations shall be deemed a violation by Tenant of this Lease.223
Tenant shall keep the Premises and any common areas provided for Tenant use in connection with the Premises,224
including halls, stairways, elevators, yard, sidewalks, driveways, recreation and parking areas, free from trash, debris or 225
filth, and shall not permit toys, bicycles, scooters, skates, charcoal grills or other items to be or remain in such common 226
areas, but shall be stored in the Premises or such other place which Landlord may provide. Tenant shall not interfere with 227
the use and enjoyment of any such areas by Landlord or any other tenant. 228
Garbage, trash, waste and debris shall be kept in the kind of container, placed in the areas, and prepared for collection229
in the manner and at the times and places specified by Landlord. If Landlord designates a service to pick up such items, 230
Tenant shall use the same at Tenant’s cost. Landlord may require Tenant to contract directly for such service with a 231
designated service provider. Food stuffs, garbage and refuse shall be stored and removed from the Premises in leak proof 232
containers. Tenant shall clean and remove any evidence of such leakage at its expense. 233
Automobiles and motorcycles (which must be operable, licensed and insured) of Tenant and all family members,234
guests, invitees, agents or employees, shall be parked in regular parking places, if provided, and in no other place. No 235
trailer, boat or recreational vehicle of any kind shall be parked or stored at any place on or around the Premises without 236
Landlord’s prior written approval. Vehicle repairs of any kind shall not be permitted on the Premises. 237
Tenant shall not make any alterations to the Premises, and shall not paint, wallpaper, decorate or otherwise change238
the Premises in any manner, including but not limited to installing any nails, screws or other devices for hanging pictures or 239
other items on or from the walls or woodwork, without Landlord’s prior written consent. 240
Tenant shall not play any musical instrument or mechanical device or work with power tools in such manner as to241
disturb Landlord or neighbors. Tenant shall not allow loud, disturbing noises or voices by Tenant or Tenant's family, guests, 242
invitees, agents or employees. 243
Tenant shall not place or cause to be placed or permit anywhere in or about the Premises any sign, advertisement244
or announcement whatsoever, without Landlord’s prior written consent. 245
Plumbing fixtures shall be used for the purposes intended only. Cloths, cardboard, grease or other materials not246
designed for disposal in this manner shall not be placed in or disposed of in any plumbing fixture. Tenant shall be liable for 247
any costs or repair by reason of such misuse. 248
Tenant shall not alter, replace or add locks upon any door or window without Landlord’s prior written consent, and249
shall return any and all keys, fobs, passcards and garage openers to Landlord upon termination of this Lease. Landlord 250
agrees to change locks upon written request of Tenant and payment in advance of all applicable locksmith or other 251
contractor service fees. 252
Waterbeds are prohibited without Landlord's written approval and certificate of insurance before move-in.253
Tenant shall not use, generate, manufacture, produce, store, release, discharge or dispose of on, under, from or254
about the Premises any flammable or hazardous substances other than customary cleaning supplies and solvents typically 255
used in connection with residential properties. 256
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Tenant shall ensure that the air conditioner compressor is kept clean and free of debris at all times, and that all filters 257
are changed regularly (at least every 3 months). 258
Tenant shall be responsible to inspect all smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and other safety devices and ensure259
they are maintained in good working order, including but not limited to the replacement of all batteries when needed. 260
22. RIDERS. The following attached Riders hereto and incorporated herein as part of this Lease (check all that apply):261
Option to Purchase (check one):262
A. Lease does not provide option to purchase263
B. Option to Purchase (RES-3000) is attached.264
Pet Addendum (check one): 265
A. Lease does not allow for animals of any kind266
B. Pet Addendum (RES-3020) is attached.267
Other Rider(s): 268
23. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/MODIFICATION. This Lease and any attachment(s) hereto (if any) constitute the entire271
agreement between the parties and there are no other understandings, written or oral, relating to the subject matter272
hereof. This Lease may not be changed, modified or amended, in whole or in part, except in a writing signed by Landlord273
(or its property manager if and as may be designated from time to time by Notice form Landlord) and any adult occupant274
constituting Tenant (which shall be binding on all other persons and entities, if any, constituting the Tenant hereunder).275
24. LEAD-BASED PAINT DISCLOSURE. Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint276
Hazards (DSC-3000) (check one):277
IS IS NOT attached to this Lease and signed by Landlord, Tenant and Broker(s). 278
25. SIGNATURES. This Lease may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but279
all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. For purposes of executing or amending this Lease, an approved280
standard form or other written document which is signed and transmitted by any electronic method deemed valid in281
accordance with the Missouri Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, including but not limited to by facsimile machine, digital282
signature or a scanned image, such as a pdf via e-mail, is to be treated as an original signature and document.283
26. GOVERNING LAW/CONSTRUCTION. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of284
Missouri and the United States of America. The terms Landlord” and Tenant” may be either singular or plural masculine,285
feminine or neuter gender, according to whichever is evidenced by the signatures below. Section captions in this Lease286
are intended solely for convenience of reference and will not be deemed to modify, place any restriction upon, or explain287
any provision of this Lease. If any one or more provision contained in this Lease shall for any reason be held to be invalid,288
illegal or unenforceable in any respect, then such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not be deemed to terminate289
this Lease or to affect any other provision hereof, but rather this Lease shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, remain290
in full force and effect and be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision(s) had never been contained291
herein; provided, however, that such provision(s) may be referred to in order to determine the intent of the parties.292
27. LICENSEE PERSONAL INTEREST DISCLOSURE. (complete if applicable; otherwise insert “Not Applicable”)293
____________________________________________________________________________ (insert name of licensee) 294
is a real estate broker or salesperson, and is (check one or more, as applicable): 295
a party to this transaction; 296
a principal of and/or has a direct or indirect ownership interest in Landlord Tenant, and/or 297
an immediate family member of Landlord Tenant. 298
28. BROKER COMPENSATION. Except as may be specifically set forth in the “Special Agreements,” Section 35 of this299
Lease, any real estate commission or other compensation due to the undersigned (the “Broker(s)”) will be paid by (check300
one, neither or both, as applicable):301
Landlord Tenant, pursuant to separate agreement. 302
Landlord and Tenant each represent to the other that the Broker(s) identified in Section 29 below, is (are) the only real 303
estate broker(s) involved in this Lease. Each party shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party to this Lease 304
from any loss, liability and damage, including without limitation prevailing party fees and costs incurred by the other party, 305
that arises from this transaction as a result of any claim made by any other person purporting to act on behalf of such party. 306
The provisions of this Section shall survive expiration or termination of this Lease. 307
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29. BROKERAGE RELATIONSHIP. By signing below, Landlord and Tenant confirm their receipt of the Broker Disclosure309
Form prescribed by the Missouri Real Estate Commission, and that disclosure of the undersigned licensee(s) brokerage310
relationship, as required by law or regulation, was made to the Landlord and/or Tenant or their respective agents and/or311
transaction brokers (as the case may be), by said undersigned licensee(s), no later than the first showing of the Premises,312
upon first contact, or immediately upon the occurrence of any change to their relationship.313
Licensee assisting Tenant is a: (Check appropriate box) 314
Tenant’s Limited Agent (acting on behalf of Tenant) 315
Landlord’s Limited Agent (acting on behalf of Landlord) 316
Dual Agent (acting on behalf of both Landlord and Tenant) 317
Designated Agent (designated to act on behalf of Tenant) 318
Transaction Broker Assisting Tenant (not acting on 319
behalf of either Landlord or Tenant) 320
Subagent of Landlord (acting on behalf of Landlord)321
Licensee assisting Landlord is a: (Check appropriate box) 322
Landlord’s Limited Agent (acting on behalf of Landlord) 323
Tenant’s Limited Agent (acting on behalf of Tenant) 324
Dual Agent (acting on behalf of both Landlord and Tenant) 325
Designated Agent (designated to act on behalf of Landlord) 326
Transaction Broker Assisting Landlord (not acting on 327
behalf of either Landlord or Tenant).328
By signing below, the licensee(s) confirm making timely disclosure of its brokerage relationship to the appropriate parties. 329
Broker’s Firm Assisting Tenant (and MLS ID No.) Broker’s Firm Assisting Landlord (and MLS ID No.) 331
By (Signature) By (Signature) 332
Licensee’s Printed Name: Licensee’s Printed Name: 333
Date: Date: 334
30. FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE. Although one or more Broker may be a member of a franchise, the franchisor is not335
responsible for the acts of said Broker(s).336
31. LEASE INFORMATION. Permission is hereby granted by Landlord and Tenant for Broker(s) to provide information about337
this Lease, including but not limited to rental rates, Term and Premises address, to any multi-listing service, local Association or338
Board of REALTORS®, its members, member’s prospects, appraisers and other professional users of real estate data.339
32. ANTI-TERRORISM. Each party hereto represents and warrants to each other and to Broker(s) that such party is not,340
and is not acting directly or indirectly for or on behalf of any person or entity, named as a Specially Designated National and341
Blocked Person (as defined in Presidential Executive Order 13224) or with whom you are prohibited to do business under342
anti-terrorism laws, and agrees to deliver a certificate to that effect which contains its tax identification number.343
33. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence in performance of the obligations of the parties under this344
Lease. All references to a specified time shall mean Central Time. Unless specified otherwise herein, a day” is defined345
as a 24-hour calendar day, seven (7) days per week.346
34. SUBMISSION OF LEASE. Negotiation and submission of an offer to either party for signature does not constitute an347
option to lease or reservation of space. Neither Landlord nor Tenant shall be bound until the last party to sign this Lease348
has delivered a fully executed copy to the other party.349
RES-3010 - Page 7 of 7
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have entered into this Lease as of the last date set forth below their respective 358
signatures (Add additional signature pages if needed). 359
Note: Each adult occupant at the Premises is deemed a Tenant and must sign this Lease. Failure to do so may be declared 360
to be a default hereof. Notice delivered to the Notice Address set forth at below left (or as subsequently directed by a Notice 361
from Tenant) shall be deemed delivery of Notice to all Tenants. 362
(Signature) 365
Print Name 366
Notice Address 367
Phone 369
Date 371
Print Name
Print Name
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
(Sign below if Landlord is to sign this Lease) (Sign below if Property Manager is to sign this Lease) 373
Landlord’s Name Property Manager Name (Landlord’s authorized agent) 375
By By 376
Print Name Print Name 377
Title (if any) Title (if any) 378
Address Address 379
Phone Phone 381
E-mail E-mail382
Date Date 383
By 384
(If more than one individual is Landlord, sign here) 385
Print Name 386
Date 387
Approved by legal counsel for use exclusively by current members of the Missouri REALTORS®, Columbia, Missouri. No warranty is made or implied as to
the legal validity or adequacy of this Lease, or that it complies in every respect with the law or that its use is appropriate for all situations. Local law, customs
and practice, and differing circumstances in each transaction, may each dictate that amendments to this Lease be made.
Last Revised April 2020