March 2020
Please fill out the Energov page completely, supplying all necessary information and documentation to support your request.
Your application will not be placed on the Planning Commission agenda until this information is furnished.
CCP Checklist:
Attach the following items to this application:
Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application:
Residential (10 or less residential units)
Residential (25 or less residential units)
Residential (26 or more residential units)
Technical Plat Resubmittal (tabled items only)
$200.00 per
Tree Preservation
Public Notification Sign Fee (per sign)
One (1) digital copy of correspondence in the form of a written letter to Planning Staff describing the
scope, nature, and intent of the proposal.
A copy of the county parcel map from the Washington County Assessor’s office website
( or the Fayetteville Address Point File (website instructions). The subject
property and all parcels within 200 feet should be identified on this parcel map. The owner’s name,
official mailing address, and the parcel number for every property and resident addresses shall be
shown on this map.
One (1) digital copy of the written decision from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board regarding
park land dedication requirements (residential projects only).
(1) digital copy in PDF format of the proposed CCP site, landscaping, grading, utility, and tree
preservation plans, signed owner authorization, and other items submitted with this project. These
plans should include all required information for a CCP listed on the Plat Requirements checklist in
Section 166.03 of the Fayetteville Unified Development Code. These requirements are listed on the
Plat Requirements checklist pages in this application.
One (1) digital copy of the Drainage Report or Drainage Letter (if exempt from Drainage Criteria
Manual requirements). No hard copy required.
One (1) digital copy of the Completed Tree Preservation forms and application (see attached).
One (1) digital copy of the Completed CCP application signed by current property owner of record or
written verification signed by such owner designating a project representative.
The applicant is responsible for meeting the public notification requirements for a concurrent plat
listed on the Notification Requirements pages in this application.
(Fayetteville UDC Section 166.03)
Name, address, zoning and property lines of all property owners adjacent to the exterior boundaries
of the project.
Name, address, telephone numbers of owner(s), developer(s) and project representatives.
North arrow, scale (graphic and written), date of preparation, zoning classification, and proposed
March 2020
Title block located in the lower right hand corner indicating the name and type of project, scale, firm
or individual preparing drawing, date and revisions.
Provide a complete and accurate legend.
A vicinity map of the project with a radius of 1.5 miles from the project. This map shall include any
Master Street Plan streets as well as the 100 year flood plain boundary.
Street right-of-way lines clearly labeled. The drawing shall depict any future R.O.W. needs as
determined by the AHTD and Master Street Plan. Future R.O.W. as well as existing R.O.W. and
center lines should be shown and dimensioned.
The location of all existing structures.
Written legal descriptions including area in square feet or acres that read clockwise (Note: If the
project is contained in more than one tract, the legal for each individual tract and a total tract
description must be provided.)
Boundary survey of the property shown on the plat. The surveyor shall seal, sign and date the
survey. The survey shall be tied to state plane coordinates.
Provide a benchmark, clearly defined with an accuracy of 1/100’. This benchmark must be tied to
USC & GS Datum. Benchmarks include but are not limited to the following: fire hydrant, man hole,
Point-of-beginning from a permanent well-defined reference point. This P.O.B. shall be clearly
labeled on the drawing.
Each plat shall have 2 points described in State Planes Coordinates, Arkansas, North, North
American Datum, 1983 (NAD 83).
Curve data for any street which forms a project boundary.
Show 100-yr floodplain and/or floodway and based flood elevations. Reference the FIRM panel
number and effective date.
Note regarding wetlands, if applicable. Note if Army Corps of Engineers determination is in
Delineate trees to be retained on-site and the measures to be implemented for their protection.
Clearly depict the limits of soil disturbance to include all areas to be graded both on and off-site.
Show proposed location of all utilities.
Landscape proposals for parking lots, street tree planting, and/or tree replacement requirements shall
include proposed plant species and size. Existing and proposed utility lines shall be shown on the
plan. State the method for irrigating the plant material on the plan. When an ordinance requires
shrubs or other screening material, show the layout of planting beds.
Show on the drawing all known on-site and off-site existing utilities and easements (dimensioned)
and provide the structure’s locations, types, and condition and note them as “existing” on the plat.
Existing easements shall show the name of the easement holder, purpose of the easement, and the
book and page number for the easement. If an easement is blanket or indeterminate in nature, a note
to this effect shall be placed on the plat or plan. Note: existing easements may only be
vacated/abandoned by a separate Vacation” application, and are not abandoned by a Concurrent
Plat or Replat process.
Water systems, on or near the site:
a. Provide pipe locations, types, and sizes; and service location.
b. Note the static pressure and flow of the nearest hydrant if requested.
c. Show location of proposed fire hydrants and meters.
Underground or surface utility transmission lines: (Note: This category includes, but is not limited
to Telephone, Electrical, Natural Gas, and TV Cable):
a. Locations of all related structures (pedestals, poles, etc.)
b. Locations of all lines (note whether the line is below or above ground).
c. A note shall be placed where streets will be placed under the existing overhead facilities and the
approximate change in grade for the proposed street.
March 2020
State the width, location, and purpose of all proposed easements or rights of way for utilities,
drainage, sewers, flood control, ingress/egress or other public purposes within and adjacent to the
The location, widths, grades, and names of all existing and proposed streets (avoid using first names
of people for new streets), alleys, paths, and other rights-of- way, whether public or private, within
and adjacent to the project; private easements within and adjacent to the project; and the radius of
each centerline curve. Private streets shall be clearly indicated and named. Names of streets should
be approved by the 911 Coordinator.
A layout of adjoining property (within 300') in sufficient detail to show the effect of proposed and
existing streets (including those on the master street plan), adjoining lots, and off-site easements.
This information can be obtained form the Master Street Plan, Aerial Photos, and the City Plat Pages
located in the Planning Office if requested.
The location of all existing and proposed street lights (at every intersection, cul-de-sac & every 300'
and associated easements to serve each light).
The lot layout, the dimensions of each lot, number of each lot, total area in square footage or acreage
to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100th) acre of each lot, and the approximate finish grade where pads
are proposed for building sites. Lots shall be numbered consecutively for all phases. The total
number of lots shall be indicated on the plat.
Fore phased development, a plat showing all phases is required.
The location of known existing or abandoned water wells, sumps, cesspools, springs, water
impoundments, and underground structures within the project.
The location of known existing or proposed ground leases or access agreements, if known. (e.g.
shared parking lots, drives, areas of land that will be leased)
The boundaries, acreage, and the use of existing and proposed public areas in and adjacent to the
project. If land is to be offered for dedication for park and recreation purposes it shall be designated.
Location of buffer strips, fences or screen walls, where required (check Unified Development Code
for specific requirements).
Indicate location and type of garbage service. Dimension turnaround area at dumpster location.
A description of commonly held areas, if applicable.
Draft of covenants, conditions, and restrictions, if any.
A written description of requested waivers or variances.
Show required building setbacks. Provide a note on the plat of the current setback requirements for
the subdivision. A variance is necessary from the Board of Adjustment for proposed setbacks less
than those set forth in the zoning district.
Any other data or reports as deemed necessary for project review by the Zoning and Development
Administrator, City Engineer or Planning Commission.
Signature block to certify approval of streets, drainage and utility easements.
Signature block to certify approval of water and sewer system.
Signature block to certify approval of building setback dimensions.
Signature block to certify approval for recording.
Signature block to certify approval of Tree Preservation and Protection.
Signature block to certify approval of park land dedication or money in lieu.
Signature block to certify approval of utility easements.
Signature block to certify approval of ownership, title and dedication.
Signature block to certify approval of survey and accuracy.
The Zoning & Development Administrator and City Engineer may waive any of these application
requirements when, in their discretion, any such requirement is not necessary due to the nature of
the proposed project, or other circumstances justify such waiver. A pre-application conference may
be arranged and is encouraged to review the proposed project and discuss the checklist
(Note: As this request goes through the review process, revised copies of the project plans will be
required (see 'materials required for submittal' notice.)
Consent of Owner Form
PROPERTY OWNER(S) / AUTHORIZED AGENT: By signing below, I/we certify under penalty of perjury
that I am/we are the owner(s) of the property that is the subject of this application and that I/we have
authorized this application and consent to its filing.
Property Owners: Attach additional info/documentation if necessary.
Authorized Agents: If signing on behalf of a Property Owner, a letter from each Property Owner must be
provided indicating that the agent is authorized to act on their behalf.
Associated Project (required field)
Property Owner 1:
x ________________________________________
Name of person signing [printed] Entity/Company signator legally owns or represents
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Contact Email Contact Phone
Mailing Address
________________________________________________________________ ________________
Property Owner Signature Date
Property Owner 2: (if needed)
x ________________________________________
Name of person signing [printed] Entity/Company signator legally owns or represents
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Contact Email Contact Phone
Mailing Address
________________________________________________________________ ________________
Property Owner Signature Date
Property Owner 3: (if needed)
x ________________________________________
Name of person signing [printed] Entity/Company signator legally owns or represents
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Contact Email Contact Phone
Mailing Address
________________________________________________________________ ________________
Property Owner Signature Date
Property Owner 4: (if needed)
x ________________________________________
Name of person signing [printed] Entity/Company signator legally owns or represents
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Contact Email Contact Phone
Mailing Address
________________________________________________________________ ________________
Property Owner Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
March 2020
Written Notification Process:
1. The applicant shall mail a written notice of the action by first-class mail to the address of all
landowners and residents with separate addresses within 200 feet of the boundary line of the
property on which the use is proposed
2. CUP applications for special uses must notify all property owners in writing within 500 feet of the
perimeter of the property. CUP special uses include: Dance halls; Facilities emitting odors and
facilities handling explosives; wireless communication facilities; carnival, circus, amusement park or
similar temporary open-air enterprise; manufactured and mobile homes; outdoor music
establishments; sexually oriented business.
3. The applicant shall provide the following to the Planning Division (contact staff planner or Development
Services coordinator for submittal deadline):
a. alphabetical list of the landowners and residents with separate addresses receiving notification
(City’s Address Point File)
b. map showing the landowners’ relationship to the site (City’s Address Point File)
c. copy of the notice sent to the landowners and residents (example attached)
d. certificate of mailing (example attached)
e. Click here to learn how to create the list of those being notified.
Sign Posting Process:
(1) Signs shall be made available to the applicant by the Planning Division. A $5 fee per sign shall be
remitted by the applicant (contact staff planner or Dev. Srvcs. coordinator for date to pick up sign).
a. The applicant shall post notice on the land for which the use is requested in a visible,
prominent location no more than ten (10) feet from the street, and shall not impede the vision
of drivers or pedestrians.
b. The staff planner may require an alternate location where the property is not adjacent to a
c. Additional signs may be required by the staff planner.
(2) The applicant shall post the sign and submit a certificate of sign posting to the Planning Division.
The sign(s) shall be photographed by the applicant and attached to the certificate (example
(3) The Planning Division will be responsible for retrieval of signs after the hearing; if a hearing is
postponed, the applicant will be notified when a new sign has been created. The applicant shall
then be responsible for posting the new date of the hearing in accordance with the criteria herein.
March 2020
I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the attached written notice was
placed in the U.S. mail, first-class, postage prepaid this ____ day of
________, 20___, and addressed as follows:
Name: __________________
Street Address: __________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________
Name: __________________
Street Address: __________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________
Name: __________________
Street Address: __________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________
Name: __________________
Street Address: __________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________
(name of person completing the mailing)
(signature of person completing the mailing)
City File No./Name: ______________________________
March 2020
Project Description:
The applicant Name proposes a Type of Development at Project Address.
Building/land Use: _______________________
Zoning: _______________________
Size of Property: _______________________
Density/Intensity: _______________________
Public Hearings:
Subdivision Committee; 9:00 AM; Month/Date/Year; 113 West Mountain
Street (City Administration Building Room 326) Fayetteville, AR 72701
Planning Commission; 5:30 PM; Month/Date/Year; 113 West Mountain
Street (City Administration Building Room 219) Fayetteville, AR 72701
Property Owner:
Name: _______________________ Phone #: _____________________
Name: _______________________ Phone #: _____________________
Review Location:
The project information is available for public review at the City of
Fayetteville Planning Division, 125 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, AR
72701 Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM; 479.575.8267.
March 2020
I, __________________________________(print the name of the
applicant/representative/person posting sign), attest that the above sign was
posted on
________________(month/day/year) adjacent to
_______________________________ (name of street).
(signature of person completing the sign posting)
City File No./Name: ______________________________
(attach photo here)
(sign lettering must be legible in
March 2020