Please fill out the Energov fields completely, supplying all necessary information and documentation to support your
request. Your application will not be placed on a review cycle or the Planning Commission agenda until this
information is furnished.
Attach the following items to this application:
1. Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application:
▪ $25.00 application fee
▪ $5.00 public notice sign fee (if required).
2. Legal description of property (may be found on deed or current survey of property). A survey may be
required if the deed cannot be platted accurately.
3. A typed letter addressed to the chair of the Planning Commission addressing the following items:
▪ Complete written description of this request (what is proposed by the applicant) including any
information pertinent to the variance to be considered by the Planning Commission, and referencing
the specific section of the Unified Development Code proposed to be varied.
▪ The letter should demonstrate required criteria as required by the Unified Development Code, Chapter
156 Variances. The general requirement for a development variance is that there would be an undue
hardship placed on the property owner if the variance is not granted. Some variances have unique
criteria to be addressed and considered by the Planning Commission in order to grant a variance.
Please consult Planning staff for any necessary information for specific requests.
4. Certain variances may require notification of surrounding property owners and residents with a separate
address, as determined by Planning staff. Please consult with a planner on whether notification is needed.
5. Site plan drawn to scale (in PDF format ), based on the deed or survey. At minimum, site plans shall include
lot boundaries with dimensions, centerline of street(s), Master Street Plan right-of-way(s), utility easements,
existing curb-cuts, minimum setbacks, proposed setbacks. Any other drawings (elevations, site cross-sections),
material board, or other documents or drawings necessary to fully describe and depict the requested variance
shall be supplied at the request of the Planning Division.
6. Public notification may be required for certain items. Please consult with a City planner to determine if it will
be required.
Note: No non-conforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same district, and no permitted or
non-conforming use of lands, structures, or buildings in other districts shall be considered grounds for the issuance of a