Please fill out the Energov fields completely, supplying all necessary information and documentation to support your
Attach the following items to this application:
o Payment in full of applicable fees for processing the application - $50.00 per meeting
o Complete written description of this review request including scope, nature and intent of development.
Please identify any specific design features or issues desired for input by staff and/or Planning
o Signed owner authorization letter.
o The concept plat or plan submittal should including the following information:
(1) Scale. The concept plat or plan should be drawn at 1 inch = 100 feet or 1 inch = 200 feet on any
material so long as it portrays the intent of the developer;
(2) Vicinity map. A vicinity map which shows the proposed subdivision location in relation to the
nearest arterial and collector streets on the Master Street Plan or Washington County Highway
(3) Topography. Topography (USGS is sufficient);
(4) Natural or physical features. Existing watercourses, floodplains, tree cover, and other natural or
physical features or restricting elements;
(5) Utilities. Type of utilities to be provided;
(6) Proposed use. Proposed use of all land;
(7) Traffic system. Existing and proposed traffic system;
(8) Structures. Proposed type and number of structures;
(9) Developer identification. Name, address, and telephone number of owner, developer, and engineer
or surveyor; and
(10) Subdivision identification. Subdivision name, scale, date, north arrow and acreage.
o For projects containing commercial structures, one (1) colored rendering should also be provided
depicting the architectural concept for the structures.
o Cover Letter describing the nature, scope and intent of the proposal.
o Desired level of review:
Technical Plat Review (reviewed by City staff and utility providers); or
Planning Commission (reviewed by City staff and Planning Commission, open for public
Consent of Owner Form
PROPERTY OWNER(S) / AUTHORIZED AGENT: By signing below, I/we certify under penalty of perjury
that I am/we are the owner(s) of the property that is the subject of this application and that I/we have
authorized this application and consent to its filing.
Property Owners: Attach additional info/documentation if necessary.
Authorized Agents: If signing on behalf of a Property Owner, a letter from each Property Owner must be
provided indicating that the agent is authorized to act on their behalf.
Associated Project (required field)
Property Owner 1:
x ________________________________________
Name of person signing [printed] Entity/Company signator legally owns or represents
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Contact Email Contact Phone
Mailing Address
________________________________________________________________ ________________
Property Owner Signature Date
Property Owner 2: (if needed)
x ________________________________________
Name of person signing [printed] Entity/Company signator legally owns or represents
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Contact Email Contact Phone
Mailing Address
________________________________________________________________ ________________
Property Owner Signature Date
Property Owner 3: (if needed)
x ________________________________________
Name of person signing [printed] Entity/Company signator legally owns or represents
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Contact Email Contact Phone
Mailing Address
________________________________________________________________ ________________
Property Owner Signature Date
Property Owner 4: (if needed)
x ________________________________________
Name of person signing [printed] Entity/Company signator legally owns or represents
__________________________________________ ________________________________________
Contact Email Contact Phone
Mailing Address
________________________________________________________________ ________________
Property Owner Signature Date
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