Areas of Agreement
A. Complete the sentences below with information that is true for you.
1. Last weekend, I ___________________________________________________________
2. My favourite kind of music is _________________________________________________
3. I'm not very good at _______________________________________________________
4. In the evening, I usually ____________________________________________________
5. I've never been to _________________________________________________________
6. I've got a friend called ______________________________________________________
7. I would like to ____________________________________________________ tomorrow.
8. I had ________________________________________________________ for breakfast.
9. I've always wanted to ______________________________________________________
10. I like eating _____________________________________________________________
11. I used to _______________________________________________________ as a child.
12. I'm interested in learning how to _____________________________________________
13. I want to _____________________________________________________ in the future.
14. I didn't ________________________________________________________ yesterday.
15. I can __________________________________________________________ quite well.
16. I like watching ___________________________________________________________
17. I like to ________________________________________________ when I'm on holiday.
18. I like going to ______________________________________________ at the weekend.
19. When I wake up, the rst thing I do is ________________________________________
20. I'm not keen on __________________________________________________________
B. Work with a partner. Practice agreeing and disagreeing to each other's statements
using the language below.
'So ... I' and 'Neither/Nor ... I' are used to express agreement to a statement.
'So + auxiliary verb + subject' is used to
agree with a positive statement.
A: I am hungry. B: So am I.
A: I went to class. B: So did I.
A: I want to eat pizza. B: So do I.
'Neither / Nor + auxiliary verb +
subject' is used to agree with a negative
A: I am not hungry. B: Neither am I.
A: I didn't go to class. B: Nor did I.
A: I don't want to eat pizza. B: Neither do I.
'Subject + positive or negative auxiliary verb' is used to express disagreement.
If the auxiliary verb is positive in a
statement, make the reply negative to
disagree. If it's negative, make the reply
A: I am hungry. B: I'm not.
A: I didn't go to class. B: I did.
A: I want to eat pizza. B: I don't. © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.