Full Name ________________________________________________________________________
Street : ____________________________City: ___________________State: ______ Zip: ________
Phone Numbers: (Cell): ________________________ (Home/Work): ________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Today’s Date: _________________________________________________
How to volunteer:
In the Center-The Community Cat Center houses a number of feral and abandoned cats in our pre and
post-op center. Volunteering at the center is a time commitment and entails feeding, cleaning and
socializing our furry guests
TNR (Trap Neuter Return)-Volunteers assist in the the humane trapping of feral and abandoned cats
to provide spay/neuter, vaccinating and returning healthy cats back to their environment. Also,
encouraging and teaching neighbors how to get involved in the TNR process
Transport- An integral part of and our operation as an animal rescue. Transport involves bringing
cats/kittens to the vet to ensure our animals are in peak health condition.
Foster- Sometimes a cat needs some special one-on-one care that can’t be provided at a very busy animal
shelter. A foster offers their home, time, & love to provide care for those special cats or kittens who have
the greatest needs.
Please check the programs that interest you:
Cat care at the Center Creative Writing Skills
Fostering Feeding Colonies
Trapping Assist at Adoption Events
Transportation to and from Veterinarian Social Media Management
Grant Writing Soliciting Businesses for Donations
Communications/Promotions Fundraising Committee
PawsWatch Community Cat Center
Sponsored by Grieco
Automotive Group
Volunteer Application
Complete this form and email it to Karen Luther at zorissa4@cox.net and someone will call you
with information on how to volunteer.
Do you have special skills to offer us?
Carpentry Website Management Veterinary/Kennel Experience Plumbing Electrical
Please tell us why you’d like to volunteer at our Community Cat Center:
How many hours per week are you interested in volunteering for Community Cat Center? A
minimum of four hours per month is required of our volunteers.
______________ Hours per Week or ________________ Hours per Month
Please tell us which days and time periods you are available. Circle all that apply.
9 AM to 12 PM
11 AM to 2 PM
6 PM to 9 PM
9 AM to 12 PM
11 AM to 2 PM
6 PM to 9 PM
9 AM to 12 PM
11 AM to 2 PM
6 PM to 9 PM
9 AM to 12 PM
11 AM to 2 PM
6 PM to 9 PM
9 AM to 12 PM
11 AM to 2 PM
6 PM to 9 PM
9 AM to 12 PM
11 AM to 2 PM
6 PM to 9 PM
9 AM to 12 PM
11 AM to 2 PM
6 PM to 9 PM
Thank you for your interest in helping the community cats of Rhode Island!
Signature: _______________________________________________________________________
@catcarecenterri on Instagram
PO Box 7005
Warwick, RI 02887
click to sign
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