Rent Assistance – Application
We need to determine if you qualify for Rent and Utility Assistance. Answer all the question on this application. We will be asking for details about your household,
income, landlord, rent and utilities along with supporting documentation. Submitting this application does not mean you will receive rental assistance. Once we have
verified your income, rent and household information, we will determine your eligibility. The information you provide will be used for determining your eligibility for
assistance under the Rent Assistance Program. We will not provide your information to third parties, except as needed to determine your eligibility for rent relief.
1. Are you renting your primary residence? Yes No
2. Are you receiving Section-8 or Rural Development rental assistance? Yes No
3. Are you currently living in public housing? Yes No
4. Has your household experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19? Yes No
(Total household income decrease could be due to a layoff, reduction in hours or loss of business. The cause must be related to the COVID-19 pandemic)
5. Has your household experienced a financial hardship due to COVID-19? Yes No
(A hardship includes any significant costs or other financial hardship incurred due, directly or indirectly to COVID-19)
6. Is your household experiencing housing instability? Yes No
(Answer yes if you have a past due utility bill, rent statement, eviction notice or can produce other evidence of risk of homelessness.)
7. Do you or any member of your household qualify for unemployment? Yes No
(Does anyone in your household qualify for unemployment benefits?)
8. Number of People in your Household. ______________________
(The number of people in your household in includes all adults listed on your lease, all children living in the rental more than 50% of the time, and any foster children or adults. Do not
include live-in aides. Do not include unborn children.)
9. Current Total Monthly Gross Household Income _____________________
(Enter the total of all household income sources, including but not limited to: wages, business income, social security or pensions, interest on savings accounts, TANF (welfare),
unemployment benefits and any other periodic payments or gifts from any source.)
Contact Information:
Address:____________________________________________ Unit#:___________________City:______________Zip Code:_____________________
Name:________________________________Date of Birth: ___________Social Security Number/ITIN: ______________ Check if you don’t have a SSN/ITIN
Phone Type:_______________Phone Number:________________________________Email:________________________________________________
What is your Gender? ____________________ Are you currently unemployed? Yes No If yes, what is the date of unemployment? __________
Are you Disabled? Yes No Are you Hispanic or Latino: Yes No What is your Race:__________________
Have you served in the US Military? Yes No