Name of volunteer
Membership number
Date of plan
How would you describe your disability or long-term condition?
What impact do you think your disability/condition may have on your guiding experience
(for example your time as a Rainbow/Brownie/Guide/Ranger)?
What changes can we make at Rainbows/Brownies/Guides/Rangers to make your guiding
experience better?
Adjustment plan for
young members: general
An adjustment plan is a personalised, practical plan to help
identify and record adjustments for disabled young members
so they can get the most out of their guiding experience.
Work together with your leader and parent/carer
to complete this form.
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How do you like to communicate?
Our communication passports and visual timetables help our autistic members or members with
learning disabilities tell others all about themselves – so you don’t need to communicate verbally.
Would these be helpful for you?
Ask for more information by emailing
What helps you participate in group activities?
What can affect your senses (if applicable)?
What can affect your movement and mobility (if applicable)?
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Your independence
Use this section to tell us about any support you need with:
• Sleep/bedtime
• Eating/drinking
• Washing/bathing
• Toileting
• Dressing and undressing
Your equipment/medications (if applicable)
Describe your equipment/medications, including dosage and frequency (if applicable)
Where should your medication/equipment be kept when you’re at unit meetings and on trips?
Who can administer/use this?
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Would you benet from the support of an Individual Support volunteer?
Unfortunately, it won’t always be possible to guarantee this as an adjustment.
What changes might we need to make for unit events, trips or visits, including residential events?
Triggers (if applicable)
Are there any situations that can be a trigger for you?
Remember to think about trips as well as unit meetings.
What coping mechanisms do you nd useful (for example spending time in a quiet space)?
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What support or adjustments can we put in place to minimise triggers or help to manage the impact?
Early warning signs (if applicable)
How can a leader recognise if things aren’t going to plan (for example you’re feeling unwell,
something has made you feel uncomfortable or you don’t feel like you can take part)?
How would you let your leader know?
What can we do to help if things aren’t going to plan?
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Crisis/emergency plan
Crisis refers to a point where you need help to keep safe.
What would a crisis look like for you?
How will other volunteers recognise that a crisis is happening?
What should other volunteers do in a crisis (for example call your emergency contact,
call a medical professional or help keep you calm)?
What are your emergency medication needs?
Please include dosage and how to administer this (if applicable).
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Is there anything else you would like to share?
Adjustments identied in this plan.
Plan for review
How often will you review and update this plan to check it’s working well?
Next review date
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By signing, I agree:
That the information given on this form is accurate, to the best of my knowledge,
at the time of writing.
That I am comfortable with the adjustments agreed in this plan and am comfortable for
Girlguiding volunteers to make the adjustments agreed.
Signature(s) of parent/carer (if young member is under the age of 18, or 16 in Scotland)
(under 16 in Scotland))
Signature of young member (if over the age of 18, or 16 in Scotland)
By signing, I agree:
That the information given on this form is accurate, to the best of my knowledge,
at the time of writing.
That I am comfortable with the adjustments agreed in this adjustment plan. I conrm that the
person responsible for making the adjustments agreed in this plan is competent (and suitably
trained, where necessary) to carry out the agreed tasks.
• That I agree to follow this plan, as far as possible.
Name(s) of person responsible for making adjustments agreed in this adjustment plan
(for example unit leader/rst aider)
By signing, I agree:
That the information given on this form is accurate, to the best of my knowledge,
at the time of writing.
That I am comfortable with the adjustments agreed in this adjustment plan. I conrm that the
person responsible for making the adjustments agreed in this plan is competent (and suitably
trained, where necessary) to carry out the agreed tasks.
Name of unit leader (if different from above)
By signing, I agree:
That the information given on this form is accurate, to the best of my knowledge,
at the time of writing.
That I am comfortable with the adjustments agreed in this adjustment plan. I conrm that the
person responsible for making the adjustments agreed in this plan is competent (and suitably
trained, where necessary) to carry out the agreed tasks.
That I have made Girlguiding HQ aware of any concerns I have with adjustments agreed in this
plan by emailing
Name of district/division commissioner
Two copies of this plan should be kept. One copy should be kept by the unit leader and the other by the volunteer
(or their parents/carers if the volunteer is under the age of 18 (under 16 in Scotland).
Privacy statement
We collect your personal information to help us make guiding accessible for you.
Your data will be shared with:
• Volunteers supporting you at unit meetings/residentials
• Volunteers/staff running events
• HQ events team
• Volunteers in your new section/unit (where relevant)
We may also share your data (on a need-to-know basis and for your ongoing support only) with:
• HQ Inclusion team
• HQ Safe Practice team
• Relevant regional or local Girlguiding organisations (staff and/or volunteer teams)
We process the data you provide on the lawful basis of consent. You can take back your consent
at any time by contacting
You can nd more information on how and why Girlguiding use your personal data, including how
long we keep it, your rights, and how you can contact us, in our full privacy notice at:
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