Starting young member 14-17 years © Girlguiding 2020 girlguiding.org.uk
Starter form to be completed
by parents/carers of young
members aged 14-17 years
This form should be used by
parents/carers of:
Rangers is for young women aged 14-18. Being a
Ranger offers a huge variety of opportunities – make
friends, travel abroad, learn new things and get your
voice heard on issues that you care about. You can also
volunteer with other Girlguiding units in your area.
Young leaders
Help girls make the most of their time in Rainbows,
Brownies and Guides.
Peer Educators
14 – 25 year olds who help Brownies, Guides and
Rangers explore important topics. As young people they
use their own experience to bring the subject to life.
Join Girlguiding’s youth panel to discuss the issues
that matter to our members and help to do something
about them.
Young external volunteers
Get new skills, inspire girls and have fun all whilst
working towards the volunteering section of an
external scheme.
What does it cost?
All Girlguiding groups (known as ‘units’) charge
subscriptions or ‘subs’ to cover the costs of equipment,
activities and hiring the meeting place. These can be
paid weekly, monthly or each term. There’s also an
annual subscription paid by all members that covers
the day-to-day running of our charity and your local
guiding area. This is sometimes included in unit subs.
Because all Girlguiding units are different costs can vary.
For Rangers the unit leader will let you know the costs
for your unit and when these can be paid. There’s
usually an extra charge for special activities, days out,
residential events and holidays. Your unit leader will
share all the information you need about these in
advance so look out for more information. Those who are
in volunteering roles usually are not required to pay subs.
We try to make guiding affordable for all girls and
young women and there’s help at hand if you can’t
meet the costs. If you’re concerned about any of these
costs, speak to your unit leader and she can tell you
about ways we can help, including our grants.
As Girlguiding is a charity, if you pay income tax we
can use Gift Aid to claim 25p for every £1 you give us,
including your child’s subs. So we’d really appreciate
it if you could sign the Gift Aid form on p7: the extra
money will go straight back to your child’s unit.
What you should do to support your
young person and the volunteers
at the unit?
All of our units are run by volunteers who give up their
time to create an environment that empowers young
members to be the best that they can be. The Girlguiding
community treats everyone with respect and dignity and
values the support that parents/carers can give to help
to set positive examples. You can help and support your
young person and the volunteers at your unit by:
Encouraging your young person to get involved.
Checking with your young person to make sure
that they have let the unit leader know in
advance if they are unable to attend.
Make sure that you tell your young person if you
change your personal details so that they can
update them on the membership system and
inform the unit leaders of any changes. This will
ensure the young person’s safety.
Ask you young person about information and
paperwork (such as consent forms) so that they
can be returned promptly and payments can
be made on time.
Positively reinforcing our ethos of treating all
people with respect and dignity.
All 14 – 17 year olds in a volunteering role will be asked
to undertake safeguarding training as part of their role.
If you have questions or concerns about this please
speak to your leader or activity co-ordinator.
Parent/Carer permission to take
part in activities
This will need to be given by you until they turn 18 and
includes activities at regular meetings and for outings
and special events. Please check with your young
person for any paperwork. If you have questions or
concerns about this and your young person is a Ranger,
young leader or young external volunteer please speak
to your leader. For peer educators and advocates you
should contact the activity co-ordinator.
Starting young member 14-17 years © Girlguiding 2020 girlguiding.org.uk
The sections on this page should be lled in as appropriate for Rangers, young leaders and young
external volunteers. This page is not applicable for peer educators and advocates.
Unit details
Unit subscription details
Area support
Your child’s unit is part of a wider Girlguiding family
We take your concerns seriously. If you ever need to talk about an issue with someone other than your
unit leader contact the local commissioner in the rst instance, or our national support team through our
website: girlguiding.org.uk
Local commissioner
Buying guiding uniform, gifts and resources
Once completed please pass pages 1,2 and 3 to the applicant’s parent/carer
Unit name
Meeting place
Meeting day/ time
Unit email
Facebook/ twitter
How often it is paid
How much
It _ the Girlguiding annual
membership subscription
partly pays for
You can pay it by
Unit main contact
Landline Mobile number
Unit secondary contact
Landline Mobile number
Her unit is part of
This is within County
In Country/ Region
Phone number
To nd your nearest Girlguiding or volunteer
shop ask your leader, call 0161 941 2237 or visit
girlguidingshop.co.uk > Shop Locator.
Your local shop
You can buy your guiding essentials online at
To order by phone from your latest Guiding
Essentials catalogue call 0161 941 2237.
For any buying queries please email us at
Starting young member 14-17 years © Girlguiding 2020 girlguiding.org.uk
What will you do with my data?
It’s simple. We need the information you share with us to run our exciting activities and to satisfy our legal
responsibilities. We’ll keep it safe for as long as your child is an active member. We promise we’ll only share
your information if:
you ask us to
the law requires us
in order to comply with our policies so your child can enjoy an activity safely
it’s in the public interest
Don’t worry – we’ll never sell your data or share it for any other reason.
Girlguiding is the registered data controller* for all our members’ personal information,
both in the UK and around the world.
Want to nd out more about how we use your information – and your rights?
Visit girlguiding.org.uk/privacy notice
* The organisation that manages and looks after your data
Once completed please pass pages 1,2 and 3 to the applicant’s parent/carer
Starting young member 14-17 years © Girlguiding 2020 girlguiding.org.uk
Parent/carer details – complete as required
Parent/carer details – complete as required
Emergency contact details (person to contact if parent/carer above is not available)
Compulsory eld
Emergency contact (person to contact if parent/carer above is not available)
Complete as required
Essential Information
Young person’s name
Parent/carer details
This must be the person who has legal responsibility for this member. This person must sign this form.
Compulsory field
Relationship to young person
Landline Mobile number
Relationship to young person
Landline Mobile number
Relationship to child
Landline Mobile number
Landline Mobile number
Landline Mobile number
Once completed please ensure the information on this page is recorded on GO.
Paper copies should be securely destroyed
Starting young member 14-17 years © Girlguiding 2020 girlguiding.org.uk
In addition to the information that you have supplied on this form your young person has been asked to
complete the following information (as appropriate) on the Girlguiding membership system, called GO.
They can login at go.girlguiding.org.uk where they will also nd help guides for lling in their information.
Full name, preferred name and date of birth
Home address, email address, telephone numbers (mobile and/or landline)
Parent/carer details and an emergency contact
Details about how they get to and from unit meetings
Any relevant health information
Photographic preferences
It is very important for the safety of everyone involved with Girlguiding that all these details are kept up
to date. In order to maintain this we ask that you check with your young person that these are correct and
make sure that any changes to your details are communicated to your young person and the unit leader
(if appropriate).
To deliver good quality guiding, local leaders will need to communicate with members or young member’s
parent/carer. We need to be able to tell you the information, that you need to know, so together we can
participate in great local guiding. The unit leader may also need to contact you about any last-minute
changes to our plans. Please speak to your unit leader to nd out more.
Phone numbers
I conrm that the information that I have provided for this form is correct at the time provided and that I
have read the information about supporting my child and the unit volunteers. I am happy for Girlguiding to
contact me in the ways I have indicated above. I understand that the Girlguiding community treats everyone
with respect and dignity and I understand my role in helping to uphold the values of Girlguiding.
We couldn’t do any of the work without our volunteers. Every extra adult helping out makes a massive
difference – is this something you’d consider? Girlguiding could not run without our volunteers, we have a
variety of different roles, if you can help out once a term, once a year or share a skill…….
We understand that this won’t be possible for everyone, any support you can offer will be warmly welcomed.
I am happy for my child’s leader to store my telephone number on her personal mobile phone
Name of young person
Parent/carer name
Once completed this page should be kept in a secure location for the duration of membership +1 year
Are you willing to help at meetings Regularly Occasionally Never
Can you help occasionally with any
of the following?
Transport Activities Camps or
Other - if you have interest, skills,
equipment or anything else that
you’d be prepared to share with
your young person’s unit at some
point, we’d love to hear from you.
Please give details
You can also register your interest to volunteer on our website at Girlguiding.org.uk/interested
Starting young member 14-17 years © Girlguiding 2020 girlguiding.org.uk
This page has been left intentionally blank
Starting young member 14-17 years © Girlguiding 2020 girlguiding.org.uk
Gift Aid Declaration
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate
Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed
to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
Money that you donate via Gift Aid goes directly to help your child’s unit.
Past, present and future donations to Girlguiding
If the unit you wish to donate to is in England or Wales please complete this box (not all units in E&W have
a charity number – if this is the case leave blank).
If the unit you wish to donate to is in Scotland or Northern Ireland and is registered with the charity
regulator (OSCR or Charity Commission NI) please complete this box.
EVERYONE should complete this box. Compulsory eld
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less income tax and /or capital gains tax than the amount
of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
Donor’s details (please print in black ink)
Please notify Girlguiding if you:
Want to cancel this declaration
Change your name or home address
No longer pay sufcient tax on your income and /or capital gains
If you pay income tax at the higher rate or additional rate and want to receive additional tax relief, you must
include all your Gift Aid donations on your self-assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to
adjust your tax code.
Once completed this page should be kept in a secure location for 7 years and then securely destroyed
Name of young person
Unit name
Unit Charity number if applicable
Do not enter the central Girlguiding charity
number unless you wish the central charity
to receive the Gift Aid.
Scottish Charity Number/Unit Charity
registration number
Do not enter the central Girlguiding charity
number unless you wish the central charity
to receive the Gift Aid.
Please treat as Gift
Aid donations all
qualifying gifts of
money made
Today In the past four years In the future
First name or initials