Starting external volunteer 13 years © Girlguiding 2020 girlguiding.org.uk
Starter form to be completed
by parents/carers of young
external volunteers
aged 13 years
This form should be used by
parents/carers of:
13-year-old young external volunteers
Get new skills, inspire girls and have fun all whilst
working towards the volunteering section of an
external scheme.
Why is this different to the starter form
for the parents/carers of 14-17-year-old
Members aged 13 and under can’t log into GO to
update/access their own details. We use a different
form to get the right contact details of their parent/
carer. Once they’re 14, their leader can help them
login to update this themselves.
What does it cost?
All Girlguiding groups (known as ‘units’) charge
subscriptions or ‘subs’ to cover the costs of equipment,
activities and hiring the meeting place. These can be
paid weekly, monthly or each term. There’s also an
annual subscription paid by all members that covers
the day-to-day running of our charity and your local
guiding area. This is sometimes included in unit subs.
Because all Girlguiding units are different costs can
vary. There’s usually an extra charge for special
activities, days out, residential events and holidays.
Your unit leader will share all the information you
need about these in advance so look out for more
information. Those who are in volunteering roles
usually are not required to pay subs.
We try to make guiding affordable for all girls and
young women and there’s help at hand if you can’t
meet the costs. If you’re concerned about any of these
costs, speak to your unit leader and she can tell you
about ways we can help, including our grants.
As Girlguiding is a charity, if you pay income tax we
can use Gift Aid to claim 25p for every £1 you give us,
including your child’s subs. So we’d really appreciate
it if you could sign the Gift Aid form on p7: the extra
money will go straight back to your child’s unit.
What you should do to support
your young person and the volunteers
at the unit?
All of our units are run by volunteers who give up
their time to create an environment that empowers
young members to be the best that they can be. The
Girlguiding community treats everyone with respect
and dignity and values the support that parents/
carers can give to help to set positive examples.
You can help and support your young person and
the volunteers at your unit by:
Encouraging your young person to get involved.
Checking with your young person to make sure
that they have let the unit leader know in
advance if they are unable to attend.
Make sure that you tell your young person if you
change your personal details so that they can
update them on the membership system and
inform the unit leaders of any changes.
This will ensure the young person’s safety.
Ask you young person about information and
paperwork (such as consent forms) so that they
can be returned promptly and payments can
be made on time.
Positively reinforcing our ethos of treating all
people with respect and dignity.
All 13 year old young external volunteers will be asked
to undertake safeguarding training as part of their role.
If you have questions or concerns about this please
speak to your leader.
Parent/Carer permission to take
part in activities
This will need to be given by you until they turn 18
and includes activities at regular meetings and for
outings and special events. Please check with your
young person for any paperwork. If you have questions
or concerns about this, please speak to your leader.