# 150033 Cust: Pearson Au: Woods-Moe Pg. No. 35
Title: Analytical Reading Inventory Server:
Short / Normal / Long
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ARI ReadeR InteRvIew
Readers Name ___________________________________________________________ Date _________ Grade ________
1. You like to read books about. . . .
2. Name some of your favorite books.
3. Who is your favorite author? Why do you like his or her books?
4. When you go to the library to choose a book, how do you decide if the book is too easy for you? How do you
decide if it is too hard?
5. Once you choose a book, do you just dive into reading it or do you do anything before you start reading?
6. When no one is there to help you, what do you do when you come to a word you can’t pronounce? What do you
do if you don’t know the meaning of a word?
7. Name the things you do well when you are reading.
8. Name some things you’d like to do to become a better reader.
9. How do you feel when you are reading?
10. In your opinion, why is it an advantage to be a good reader?
Examiners Notes:
Analytical Reading Inventory, 10
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