# 1
# 2
Electronic Records
1. ✦ Log in to the EHR with your
username and password.
2. ✶ Access the record of the desired
patient. Confirm the medical
record number, patient name,
address, and date of birth.
3. ✦ Access the menu for importing or
linking external documents.
4. ✶ Follow the onscreen prompts or
menu selections to scan in paper
documents or link to existing
electronic files. Ensure that each
file is associated with the correct
purpose, such as laboratory
results or consultation reports.
5. ✦ When prompted for a date for the
record, enter the date the report
was issued, not today’s current
date. The EHR will automatically
sort the records in chronological
or reverse chronological order, as
designated by the user.
6. ✶ Verify that all documents have
been scanned or imported. Exit
the patient’s record.
Paper Records
1. ✶ Verify that you have the correct
patient record for the patient
documents you have been given.
Confirm medical record number,
patient name, address, and date
of birth.
✦ = 3–6 points
✶ = 7–9 points
Name: ________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________
Procedure_09-1 to 13-6.indd Page 84 26/04/17 11:10 AM f-424 /206/PH03233/9780134473062_BEAMAN/BEAMAN_PEARSON_COMPREHENSIVE_MEDICAL_ASSISTING_ ...