Professional Experience Checklists
During the professional experience
Role Ex pectations
Site coordinator
Support supervising teachers in the assessment, moderation and reporting processes. Meet
regularly with supervising teachers and preservice teachers.
Liaise with the HEI representative.
Ensure the preservice teacher’s compliance with:
• school policy for the protection of young people
• school policy on workplace health and safety
• any lawful direction given by school supervising staff
• acting in a professional manner
• meeting attendance requirements.
If required, address non-compliance, through liaison with the preservice teacher, supervising teacher
and HEI representative.
Support the supervising teacher in the identication of ‘at risk’ preservice teachers and coordinate
early implementation of the relevant HEI ‘at risk’ process through liaison with the HEI.
Notify the preservice teacher of any schedule changes.
Ensure the supervising teacher is aware and complies with the policy regarding preservice teachers
not undertaking a sole supervisory responsibility of students.
Supervising teacher
Provide regular feedback to the preservice teacher (preferably on a daily basis), and time for joint
reection of practice. Encourage self-reection by the preservice teacher.
Review the preservice teacher’s lesson and unit plans prior to implementation in a class setting.
Liaise with the site coordinator in a timely manner regarding assessing, moderating and reporting
using the relevant professional experience documents for ‘at risk’, interim, and completion reports.
Identify and notify the site coordinator of any instance where the preservice teacher fails to comply
• school policy for the protection of young people
• school policy on workplace health and safety
• any lawful direction given by school supervising staff
• expectations regarding their professional manner and meeting attendance requirements.
Ensure the preservice teacher is not given sole supervisory responsibility of students.
Provide learning opportunities that allow the preservice teacher to demonstrate the specic
requirements of the professional experience. Supervise and model effective teaching and learning
practice to support their professional development.