College of Arts, Society & Education
Professional Experience Report
Return report to JCU Profex within 7 days of completion of practicum. Retain a copy before submitting original.
Preservice teachers focus on developing their own consciousness in
teaching so to develop their decision making processes in planning,
teaching, managing, assessing and collegial relationships. By the
end of third year, the preservice teacher demonstrates
understanding and application of the Early Years Learning
Framework (for ECE settings), the Australian Curriculum and the
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at a developing level.
Planning effectively – Preparation for teaching
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social
and intellectual development and characteristics of students
and how this may affect learning.
Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are
responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students
from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for
differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of
students across the full range of abilities
Organise content into an effective learning and teaching
Use curriculum, assessment and reporting
knowledge to design learning sequences and lesson plans.
Know and understand literacy and numeracy teaching
strategies and their application in teaching areas
Set learning goals that provide achievable
challenges for students of varying abilities and characteristics.
Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student learning,
content and effective teaching strategies
Leave blank if unable to assess in the school context
Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of
legislative requirements and teaching strategies that
support participation and learning of students with