CASE – HDR Competitive Funding Form 2 – Page 4
Summary of Funds Requested:
An estimate of the total thesis budget:
Funds already received from all sources (as listed above)
Applications under consideration (as listed above)
Funds requested in this application
Future planned applications (sources and amounts)
Publication List
Refereed Papers
Provide full references and append abstracts of all published, accepted and submitted
papers. Do not include publications in preparation
Non-refereed Contributions
Provide a list only of non-refereed publications, including consultancy reports,
technical memoranda, popular articles, non-refereed conference abstracts and proceedings etc.
I have read the Graduate Research Scheme funding guidelines and accept the conditions of award
and reporting requirements associated with this application and agree to comply with them.
Applicant’s Name
Signature Date
Primary Advisor Endorsement
I confirm that I have read the proposal and agree it is in a proper form for submission for
competitive funding.
Advisor’s Name
Signature Date
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