Object Name Type Instance Read Write COV Units Min
Max PV Inactive
Text (0)
Text (1)
State Text
DEVICE {Base} +
+ 1
X — — — — — — — — The Area Name is the logical name
that typically corresponds to a
physical location in a building. The
Instance is the same as the unique
Device ID assigned to each area.
Lighting Level AV 2 X X — % 0 100 — — — The intensity level of all lighting
fixtures in the area. The light level
will be an analog value between 0%
and 100%. If the lighting fixtures in
the area are at different light levels,
this value will be set to the level of
the highest intensity in that area.
Lighting State BV 3 X X X — 0 1 Off On — The Lighting State will be on if any
of the lighting fixtures in the area
are in the On state; if all lighting
fixtures are off, the Lighting State
will be set to Off.
Lighting Scene MSV 4 X X — — 1 Number
of scenes
for this
area in
— — {SceneName} Displays to which lighting preset the
lighting fixtures in that area are
currently set. If the value is set to 1,
the Off Scene will be selected,
which will turn all lights off. All other
scenes are defined within the
® software suite. If lights
are currently not set to a valid
lighting scene, the value will be set
to an unknown preset level.
BV 5 X X — — 0 1 Disabled Enabled — When set to Enabled, any daylight
sensors programmed to control that
area will limit the light level that the
lighting fixtures in the area can
produce. When set to Disabled,
daylight sensors will not affect the
lighting fixtures in that area.
Daylighting Level AV 6 X X — % 0 100 — — —
A target value between 0% and
100% that limits all lighting fixtures
in the area that are controlled by a
daylight sensor to a maximum value
when daylighting is enabled. When
set to 100%, lights will be at their
maxmum level. When set to 0%,
lights will be at their minimum level.
Disable Occupancy
BV 7 X X — — 0 1 False True — When set to True, occupancy
sensors wil not affect the lights in
the area. When set to False,
occupancy sensors will affect the
lights in the area as programmed.
(continued on next page)
AV = Analog-Value, BV = Binary-Value, MSV = Multi-State-Value
{Area Name} is a text string defined in the Lutron
® Quantum® system configuration software
{Instance} is a number defined in the Lutron® Quantum® system configuration software that is equal to the {Base} number + {System} number +1
{Base} is a 22-bit value set in the Lutron® Quantum® system configuration software (default 1760000)
{System} is an 8-bit value set in the Lutron® Quantum® system configuration software (0 to 127)
{SceneName} is a text string of the name of each scene that is defined in the Lutron® Quantum® system configuration software
PV = Present-Value
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
BACnet® PIC Statement for Quantum® Area Virtual Devices
using Quantum
® Version 1.9
369-323c 3 07.04.12