Preset Dimming Controls
369469b 5 07.16.12
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
Wireless Control Unit (230 V Limited 434 MHz)
Info Screen
• OLED(organicLED)screenisviewablefromallangles.
• Screenturnsoffwhenidlefor30seconds.
• Programmablezonelabels.
• Programmablescenelabels.
• Statusofreal-timezonepercentageandenergy
• Programmabletimeclockschedules.
• Programmablewindowtreatmentlabels.
• Selectabledisplaylanguages:
- English - Spanish - French
- Italian - German - Portuguese
Astronomic Timeclock
• Integraltoallunits.
• 7dailyschedulesavailable.
• Oneavailableholidayscheduleisprogrammableby
date up to one year in advance.
• 25eventsperdaymaximum.
• Timeclockeventsareprogrammabletocontrolscenes
that affect any Energi Savr NodeTM unit connected on
the QS link without changing the local scene on the
• Astronomictimesareprogrammablebyintegralcity
database or by entering latitude and longitude. Sunrise/
Sunset times automatically adjust throughout the year
based on location.
• AutomaticallyadjustsforDaylightSavingTime(DST);
DST is programmable.
• Localtimeclockeventscanactivateanyofthefollowing
- Scenes 1 to 16 and Off
- Any available window treatment presets
- Start and End afterhours mode
- Enable and Disable daylighting for all zones/groups
- Enable and Disable occupancy for occupancy/
vacancy sensors
- Enable and Disable occupied events for all occupancy
System Communications and Capacities
• Low-voltagetypeIECPELV/NEC® Class 2 wiring
connects control units, wallstations, motorised window
treatments, and control interfaces.
• AQSsystemcanhaveupto100devicesand100
• AQSsystemcanhaveupto30wirelessdevices.
Shade Control
• TheGRAFIKEye® QS can include up to 3 shade button
columns. Each column has backlit open, preset, close,
and raise/lower buttons.
• Eachshadebuttoncolumncanbeprogrammedto
operate one shade or a group of shades. (Shades may
be assigned to more than one shade button column).
• Faceplatesareavailablewith1,2and3shadebutton
Wireless shade limitations:
• AccesstotheSivoia® QS Wireless electronic drive unit
(EDU) is required to associate shades with the GRAFIK
Eye® QS and set their raise/lower limits.
Exception: Sivoia® QS Wireless cellular shades allow limit
setting from the GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control unit.
• Wiredandwirelessshadesmaynotbeprogrammedinto
the same shade button column; however, both may be
used on the same GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit.
• Scenecommandsthataffectwirelessshadesacross
multiple shade button columns will have a 1-second
delay from column to column. This does not occur in
RadioRA® 2 systems.
Zone Control
• Eachzonehasadedicatedraiseandlowerbuttonto
adjust the zone.
• Eachzonehasadedicated7LEDbargraphforlevel
status. Percentage of light level and energy saved is
displayed on the info screen.
• AllzoneinformationhasbluebacklitLEDs.Backlight
turns off when idle for 30 seconds.
• High-endandlow-endtrimsettingsareadjustableper
zone (high end from 99 to 55%; low end from 45 to 1%).
Note: Trim for remote zones must be adjusted locally on
the Energi Savr NodeTM unit.
• Eachzoneisprogrammabletoonlyoneloadtypeata