S P E C I F I C AT I O N S U B M I T TA L Page
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
LSC-AH-SU Service
3601230b 1 04.04.13
After Hours Startup
Onsite Startup performed outside of normal
business hours by a Lutron Service Representative.
Visit Summary
• Onsite Startup procedures will apply. Additional
details can be found within system submittals.
• Applies if any portion of the startup falls outside of
normal working hours (Monday through Friday,
7 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
Additional Information
• Lutron requires 10 business days notice to schedule
an onsite visit.
• Facility representative should secure access to the
required areas prior to the visit date.
Contact Information
Toll-free 24/7 Technical Support Line: 1.800.523.9466
To schedule a visit, contact Lutron Scheduling
Phone: 1.800.523.9466, ext. 4439
Email: LSCscheduling@lutron.com