3. History of Mental Health of Development Disorders in Your Lifetime: Have you ever been
diagnosed with any mental health or development disorders? If yes, you must provide details below AND
have your doctor fill out the “Statement of Physician” Form. Note that we may contact your consulate or
embassy if further information is required.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
4. Foreseeable Difficulty in Navigating Stairs: Do you foresee any physical challenges resulting from the
need to go up and down several flights of stairs on a daily basis? If yes, please explain.
5. Allergies: What allergies do you have, if any? Are you currently undergoing treatment? If yes, please
provide details below.
6. Medication(s): If you are currently taking, or have taken in the last five years, any prescription medication,
(other than for common colds/viruses, oral contraceptives, or acne medications), please give details
including the name of the medication, purpose, and period taken. Make sure to describe the conditions for
which you take any medications listed here in questions 1, 2a, 2b, and 3, above.
7. Eyesight and Hearing: Are you colour blind or have any disabilities related to your eyesight or hearing
(excluding the use of prescription glasses and contact lenses to correct vision)?
Please provide details below.
If you wrote yes for question 7 AND have a driver’s licence, does this affect your ability to drive?
8. Dietary Restrictions: Are there any foods or substances that, for medical or personal reasons, you do not
eat? If so, please give reasons. (e.g. medical, religious, personal reasons, etc.) Check all that apply.
9. Other Health-Related Issues or Disabilities: Please explain any other health-related issues or
disabilities. (e.g. use of a wheelchair, pending medical treatment, etc.)
I understand that false statements may result in disqualification from the JET Programme.
I also understand that if I suffer, or have ever suffered from any physical or mental illness, I must
also submit the “Statement of Physician” Form in which my physician clearly states my ability to
live and work overseas on the JET Programme.
Signature of Applicant: Date: / / 2021