Date of expiry
Issuing authority
Passport No.
Nationality or citizenship
Ordinary Other
Passport type:
ID No. issued to you by your government
Given and middle names (as shown in passport)
Surname (as shown in passport)
Tel. Name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Female Sex:
Former and/or other nationalities or citizenships
Date of issue
Place of issue
Purpose of visit to Japan
Dates and duration of previous stays in Japan
Date of arrival in Japan
*Official use only
Port of entry into Japan Name of ship or airline
Intended length of stay in Japan
Mobile No.
Current profession or occupation and position
Other names (including any other names you are or have been known by)
Tel. Name
Marital status:
(City) (State or Province) (Country)
Your current residential address (if you have more than one address, please list them all)
Names and addresses of hotels or persons with whom applicant intends to stay
Name and address of employer
(Paste photo here)
45mm ×35mm
or 2in x 1.4in
Name Tel.
Date of birth
Relationship to applicant
Name Tel.
Date of birth
Relationship to applicant
*Remarks/Special circumstances, if any
* It is not mandatory to complete these items.
Date of application
Signature of applicant
Guarantor or reference in Japan
(Please provide details of the guarantor or the person to be visited in Japan)
Profession or occupation and position
Nationality and immigration status
Inviter in Japan
(Please write 'same as above' if the inviting person and the guarantor are the same)
Nationality and immigration status
been sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year or more in any country?**
been deported or removed from Japan or any country for overstaying your visa or violating
any law or regulation?
Have you ever:
been convicted and sentenced for a drug offence in any country in violation of law
concerning narcotics, marijuana, opium, stimulants or psychotropic substances?**
engaged in prostitution, or in the intermediation or solicitation of a prostitute for other
persons, or in the provision of a place for prostitution, or any other activity directly
connected to prostitution?
committed trafficking in persons or incited or aided another to commit such an offence?
** Please tick “Yes” if you have received any sentence, even if the sentence was suspended.
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, please provide relevant details.
*Partner's profession/occupation (or that of parents, if applicant is a minor):
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
been convicted of a crime or offence in any country?
Yes No
Yes No
Any personal information filled in this application as well as additional information submitted for the visa application (hereinafter
referred to as "Retained Personal Information”) will be handled appropriately in accordance with the Act on the Protection of
Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs (Act No. 58 of 2003, hereinafter, “the Act”). Retained Personal Information
will only be used to the extent necessary for the purpose of processing the visa application (including providing personal
information to the transportation company which you intend to board, or the alternative airline or ship which you initially did not
intend to board due to unforeseen circumstances) and for other purposes in compliance with Article 8 of the Act.
“I hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct. I understand that immigration status and period of stay to
be granted are decided by the Japanese immigration authorities upon my arrival. I understand that possession of a visa does not
entitle the bearer to enter Japan upon arrival at port of entry if he or she is found inadmissible.”
“I hereby consent to the provision of my personal information (by an accredited travel agent, within its capacity of representing
my visa application) to the Japanese embassy/consulate-general and (entrust the agent with) the payment of my visa fee to the
Japanese embassy/consulate-general, when such payment is necessary.”
Yes No
Profession or occupation and position
Male Female