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Chapter 13 Georgia from Confederation to Constitution 65
Section 3 Creating a New Constitution
Skills Practice
What Was the Constitutional Convention All About?
Directions: Read/review pages 311-315 and fill in the information below concerning key aspects of the Constitutional
1. When and where did the Constitutional Convention meet? _____________________________________________
2. Which state did not attend the convention? ____________________________________________________________
3. Who were the four men who represented Georgia at the convention? _____________________________________
4. According to the textbook, the major problems with the Articles of Confederation were all related to what?
5. Describe the basic points of the Virginia Plan. _________________________________________________________
6. What were some of the complaints of the small states regarding the Virginia Plan? __________________________
7. In your own words, describe the Great Compromise. __________________________________________________
8. What did the convention want in the executive branch? ________________________________________________
9. Describe the judicial branch as established in the Constitution. __________________________________________
10. Which representatives from Georgia signed the Constitution? When? ____________________________________
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66 Chapter 13 Georgia from Confederation to Constitution
Section 3 Creating a New Constitution Skills Development
Georgians Ratify the US Constitution
Directions: Why did Americans choose to ratify the Constitution? We know that the Articles of Confederation were
severely flawed. e Constitution addressed many of the shortcomings of the Articles. Review information in the chapter,
and write notes that explain how the Constitution addressed each issue.
How did it appeal to states that
had potential conicts with
Native Americans?
How many states had to
ratify the Constitution
before it became law?
What was the Virginia Plan?
What three branches of
government were
Chapter 13, Page 67
5. agreement at the Constitutional Convention
that established a bicameral legislature
7. one -house (legislature)
8. a fee for instruction
9. first United States constitution
10. public approval; usually associated with
government actions such as a constitutional
11. meeting of states in 1787 intended to
improve the Articles of Confederation
1. the plan introduced at the Constitutional
Convention to replace the Articles o f
2. primary cash crop immediately after the
3. two -house (legislature)
4. those who supported the new U.S.
6. those who opposed the new U.S. Constitution
5. agreement at the Constitutional Convention that
established a bicameral legislature
7. one-house (legislature)
8. a fee for instruction
9. first United States constitution
10. public approval; usually associated with govern-
ment actions such as a constitutional amendment
11. meeting of states in 1787 intended to improve the
Articles of Confederation
1. the plan introduced at the Constitutional
Convention to replace the Articles of
2. primary cash crop immediately after the Revolution
3. two-house (legislature)
4. those who supported the new US Constitution
6. those who opposed the new US Constitution
© Clairmont Press, Inc. DO NOT DUPLICATE 1-800-874-8638
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Chapter 13 Georgia from Confederation to Constitution 67
Section 3 Creating a New Constitution
Vocabulary Review
Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
Directions: Use the clues below to complete the crossword puzzle and review key terms from this chapter.