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Name________________________________________________ Date_____________
Leaders of the Trustee Era
Directions: Identify the individual or group based on each one’s role in the trustee period.
A. trustees
B. Salzburgers
C. Jews
D. James Oglethorpe
E. Mary Musgrove
F. King George II
G. debtors
H. Malcontents
I. Tomochichi
J. Highland Scots
48 Chapter 9 Georgia in the Trustee Period
Section 3 Life in Trustee Georgia Lesson Review
________ 1. widely recognized as the man responsible for the establishment of the
Georgia colony
________ 2. the group of men who worked together to establish the colony
________ 3. the colonists who gradually became dissatisfied with life in Georgia and
with some of the trustees’ rules
________ 4. the group of settlers recruited by Oglethorpe who settled the town of
________ 5. settlers who established the towns of Ebenezer and New Ebenezer and
were opponents of slavery
________ 6. a group of settlers opposed by some trustees, but welcomed by
Oglethorpe, who brought a much needed doctor to the colony
________ 7. a Yamacraw chief who welcomed the colonists and became a lifelong
friend of Oglethorpe
________ 8. served as an interpreter for Oglethorpe and the Native Americans
________ 9. one of the groups that Oglethorpe and the trustees hoped to settle in
the new colony
________ 10. person who granted the charter to the trustees and for whom the
colony is named
Chapter 9, Page 52
3. the first city established in Georgia
4. the ship that carried the first colonists
5. the native tribe led by Tomochichi
7. an organization that helped ensure the
security of the new colony
9. legal agreement that established the
guidelines for starting the Georgia colony
10. colonists known for their growing
unhappiness about the situation in the colony
1. individuals who convinced King George to allow
them to establish the colony
2. individuals who contracted themselves to work
or a
certain number of years before gaining
their freedom
6. the key leader in establishing the colony
7. the person who served as interpreter for
Tomochichi and Oglethorpe
8. an idea under which Great Britain hoped to
export goods that were more v aluable than those
they imported
3. the first city established in Georgia
4. the ship that carried the first colonists
5. the native tribe led by Tomochichi
7. an organization that helped ensure the
security of the new colony
9. legal agreement that established the
guidelines for starting the Georgia
10. colonists known for their growing unhappiness
about the situation in the colony
1. individuals who convinced King George to
allow them to establish the colony
2. individuals who contracted themselves to work
for a certain number of years before gaining
their freedom
6. the key leader in establishing the colony
7. the person who served as interpreter for
Tomochichi and Oglethorpe
8. an idea under which Great Britain hoped to
export goods that were more valuable than
those they imported
© Clairmont Press, Inc. DO NOT DUPLICATE 1-800-874-8638
Name________________________________________________ Date_____________
Colonization Vocabulary Crossword
Directions: Use the clues below to
complete the crossword puzzle.
Try it first without using your textbook
or notebooks.
Chapter 9 Georgia in the Trustee Period 49
Section 3 Life in Trustee Georgia
Vocabulary Review