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Practice Map Skills
Directions: Use the map on the opposite page to answer questions and accomplish the tasks below.
1. If your town/city is not on the map, draw it in and label it. If your town/city is on the map, circle it.
2. Use cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West) to
a. identify the directions from your town/city to Savannah: ______________________________________________
b. identify the directions from your town/city to Atlanta: ________________________________________________
c. identify the directions from your town/city to Columbus: _____________________________________________
3. Use the letter/number grid to identify the location of
a. your town/city: _________________________________________________________________________________
b. Atlanta: _______________________________________________________________________________________
c. Savannah: _____________________________________________________________________________________
4. Use the map scale to determine the distances from
a. your town/city to Atlanta: ________________________________________________________________________
b. your town/city to Savannah: ______________________________________________________________________
c. your town/city to Albany: ________________________________________________________________________
5. Now, presume that you are driving from your town to the following locations and must use the highways and
interstates indicated on the map. Use the scale to measure road mileage and describe the route, e.g., Hwy 29 E to
I-20. (You can use MapQuest to compare your route and mileage.)
a. your town/city to Atlanta: ________________________________________________________________________
b. your town/city to Savannah: ______________________________________________________________________
c. your town/city to Albany: ________________________________________________________________________
Section 3 Georgia’s Physical Features Map and Globe Skills
6 Chapter 1 Georgia’s Land and Climate