These materials have been developed and paid for by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) for
informational purposes. Although the information contained in this document is believed to be accurate at the time of printing,
PHEAA does not guarantee its accuracy. You should independently verify that this information is correct.
Your Name: ___________________________
Put a check in the column that best describes you.
Give yourself 2 points for every check in the “Mostly True” column Points
Give yourself 1 point for every check in the “Sometimes True” column Points
Give yourself 0 points for every check in the “Not True” column Points
If you scored 15--20: You are a very good student. Keep up the good work!
If you scored 10--14: You are doing pretty well. Keep looking for ways to do even better.
If you scored 5--9: You are doing OK but could be doing better. Ask your teachers or counselor about ways you
can improve your study habits and your grades.
If you scored 0--4: You may be struggling in school, but you can get help. Ask your teachers or counselor about
how you can do better in school.
Good Study Habits Good Grades Good Career Options Good Life!
Mostly True Sometimes True Not True
I care about doing well in school.
I try my best in school each day.
I do my homework.
I understand things that I have read.
I have the things I need for class.
I get along well with my teachers.
I take good notes in class.
I am good at taking tests.
I ask and answer questions in class.
I am happy with my grades.
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