Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Class Length: 36 weeks \
Schedule: 5 days/week
Instructions: This curriculum guide provides a full year of instruction using the materials on If you choose to use this method, you do not need to use the lesson plans that are
included with each separate course. This guide incorporates all the content and assignments needed to meet all the
objectives on the Scope and Sequence. As you will see, it incorporates material from multiple courses and resources
and is hyperlinked to each one so that you can find them easily. Lists of additional materials and resources are also
provided. Please note that this is only one way to address the objectives for the year. We encourage you to find a
combination of materials, both on and off of our site, that best fits your family.
ote to parents: If your state requires heavier emphasis on US History in middle school, you may use
Drive Thru
History: American History to replace the first several weeks that focuses on European history.
esources needed:
Corresponding lessons on
Binder for history activities and assignments
n addition, we have other resources that can be used as supplemental material from our site.
Renaissance History
: 36-week study exploring the time period of the Renaissance in various parts of the world
People and Places of WWII: 21-week course that explores the causes of the war, key figures, and their nations
Blaise Pascal: Mathematician Extraordinaire: unit covering the story of his life and faith in our Unit Studies
and More section
Life Lessons from Christian Luminaries
: David Livingstone, Isobel Kuhn, Dr. Paul Brand, and Betty Green: stand-
alone units in our Unit Studies and More section
Mary Slessor: White Ma of Calabar: stand-alone unit in our Unit Studies and More section
Our World Book libraries include WebQuests about the United Kingdom since 1707 and the Great Depression
in the United States.
Our World Book Discover
library includes a number of short videos about World War II under world history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Week 1: Renaissance and Reformation
Week 2: Age of Discovery/Age of Exploration
Week 3: Age of Discovery/Age of Exploration
Week 4: Science and Philosophy
Week 5: England, Part One
Week 6: England, Part Two
Week 7: England, Part Three
Week 8: Struggles in Europe and Abroad
Week 9: France, Part One
Week 10: France, Part Two
Week 11: Russia, Part One
Week 12: Russia, Part Two
Week 13: Russia, Part Three
Week 14: British Colonialism
Week 15: World War I
Week 16: Independence Movements
Week 17: A Different Kingdom
Week 18: Advances in Science and Exploration
Week 19: Roaring Twenties, Part One
Week 20: Roaring Twenties, Part Two
Week 21: Causes of the Great Depression
Week 22: Deepening Depression
Week 23: Combating the Great Depression
Week 24: Review
Week 25: War on the Horizon
Week 26: Here We Go Again! World War II
Week 27: World War II Gets Going
Week 28: On the Eastern Front
Week 29: On the Homefront
Week 30: More World War II
Week 31: Even More World War II
Week 32: The Beginning of the End
Week 33: War in the Pacific, Part One
Week 34: War in the Pacific, Part Two
Week 35: The Bomb
Week 36: Aftermath and Review
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 1: Renaissance and Reformation
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 1 from the Class Lessons page, referenced above.
Read the text provided for Day 1 on pp. 1–3.
Explore the link given on page 2.
Answer Questions 19 given on page 2 and place your answers in the binder.
Download and read through Week 1, Day 1 – Middle Ages Presentation found
the Class Lessons page.
Explore the additional resources using the links on page 3.
2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 2 on pp. 3–4.
Complete the activities given on pp. 3–4.
Download and read through Week 1, Day 2 – Copernicus and Week 1, Day 2 –
Galileo found on the Class Lessons page.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 3 at the bottom of page 4.
Complete the activities.
4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 4 on page 5.
Complete the activities.
5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text on page 6.
Complete the activities.
Download and read through Week 1, Day 5 Lutheran Reformation found on
the Class Lessons page.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 2: Age of Discovery /Age of Exploration, Part One
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 2.
Read the text provided for Day 1 and take notes on what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided on pp. 2–3.
Copy the poem in your notebook.
y 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text on pp. 3–4 of Day 4 and take notes.
Write about the Line of Demarcation and the Treaty of Tordesillas in your
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text on page 4 for Day 5 and take notes.
Make a list of things exchanged between the two sides of the Atlantic. Do you
use any of these today?
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 3: Age of Discovery/Age of Exploration, Part Two
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 3.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 2 on page 2 and take notes.
Follow the link to view the map.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 3.
Research the six men listed in the text. Write your answers to the questions
sked in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 4 on page 3 and take notes.
Watch the video.
Answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 5 on pp. 34 and take notes.
Watch the video.
Answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 4: Science and Philosophy
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 4.
Research the men referenced in the text for Day 1 and write sever
al sentences in
your notebook about each.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Choose one of the men from the list on Day 1 about whom you will write a one-
page paper that will be due on Day 5.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Continue your research for your paper.
4 | Date: ______________________________
Follow the instructions for Day 4 on page 2 and begin writing your paper.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Review your essay and make any necessary changes.
Hand in your paper.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 5: England, Part One
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 5.
Read the text provided and complete the activities for Day 1. Take notes about
what you learn.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day on pp. 2–3 and take notes on what you read.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 on page 3, follow the link to learn more, and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4, follow the link to learn more, and take notes.
Add your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and happenings
n history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Review your notes and timeline and make a test of your own and set it aside for
a few hours.
Take your test.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 6: England, Part Two
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 6.
Read the text and follow the links on pp. 1–2. Take notes about what you learn.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the links for Day 4 on pp. 4–5. Take notes about what
you learn.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Read a section of one of Shakespeares plays.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 7: England, Part Three
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 7.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Complete the activity at the bottom of page 1.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 on page 2 and take notes.
Complete the activities for Day 2.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and complete the activities for Day 3. Take notes about what you
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the childrens version of The Pilgrims Progress.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 8: Struggles in Europe and Abroad (17021763)
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 8.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
List each war studied throughout the week and the countries involved. Compare
the lists.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Complete the research activity.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 9: France, Part One
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 9.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Find out more about John Calvin and write in your notebook what you have
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the links for Day 2. Take notes about what you learn.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the links for Day 3. Take notes about what you learn.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the links for Day 4. Take notes about what you learn.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5. Take notes.
List a few characteristics you can deduce based on the list of facts provided and
answer the question in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 10: France, Part Two
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
ys 1–2 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 10.
Follow the link and watch the video. Take notes on the things Napoleon did.
Write a one-page report following the instructions in the lesson.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3.
Follow the link to learn more about the Rosetta Stone.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read through your notes and timeline and highlight things you think are
Make a test following the instructions for Day 4.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Take your test.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 11: Russia, Part One
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 11.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Follow the link and learn more about Ivan the Great.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
ys 4–5 | Date: ______________________________
Research Peter the Great and write what you learned in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Share what you learned with someone in your family.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 12: Russia, Part Two
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 12.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Follow the links and answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Research Florence Nightingale and make notes in your notebook.
Write a one-page paper about things in her character
that you would like to have
in your own character, using examples from her life.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Consider watching Anastasia, if you have time and permission.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Follow the link to learn more about Karl Marx.
Define capitalism, socialism, and communism.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 13: Russia, Part Three
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 13.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the links for Day 2. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
List positive and negative personal characteristics of Lenin in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5.
Complete the mapping activity.
Watch the video made in 1918.
Follow the link and learn more about St. Basils Cathedral.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 14: British Colonialism
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 14.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Follow the link to the map and see if you can find all the European colonies as
listed in the text.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
View the map of Africa and answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Days 3–5 | Date: ______________________________
Follow the instructions in the lesson and write a piece of historical fictional with
you as the lead.
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Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 15: World War I
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 15.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Research Veterans Day and take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Follow the link to learn more about Wilsons Fourteen Points and answer the
questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Seventh Grade Traditional History
Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 16: Independence Movements in Canada, Australia, and Ireland
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 16.
Read the text for Day 1.
Watch the video to learn about the history of Canada and answer the questions
ound in the text in your notebook.
Complete the map activity.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Make a list of some things that make Canada special.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Find a recording of a didgeridoo and listen to it.
Complete the map activity.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Make a list of some things that make Australia special and answer the questions
n the text.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 17: A Different Kingdom
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
ys 1–5 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 17.
Following the instructions, research each of the missionaries listed in the lesson.
Week 18: Advancements in Science and Exploration
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 18.
Read the text for Day 1.
Research the four archaeologists and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2.
Research the two gentlemen listed and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text Day 3.
Research the three explorers and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
ys 4–5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Days 4–5.
Spend time reviewing what you have learned during the first semester of this
course and answer the questions in your notebook.
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
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Week 19: Roaring Twenties, Part One
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 19.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Listen to some jazz music and answer the questions in your notebook.
Watch a short excerpt from The Jazz Singer.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided for Day 2 and take notes.
Watch the video about famous pilots.
Choose one of the pilots or types of airplanes/airships from the video and write
out him/it.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the link for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Learn about 1920sfashion and draw some in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 20: Roaring Twenties, Part Two
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 20.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Write a paragraph in your notebook about what life would be like without
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the link for Day 2.
Choose two inventions and, following the instructions, write a one-page letter to
the inventor.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and complete the writing assignment.
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
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Week 21: Causes of the Great Depression
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 21.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Follow the link to read about the stock market crash.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided and complete the activities for Day 3.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 22: Deepening Depression
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 22.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the link for Day 2. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the link for Day 3. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the link for Day 4. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Write a paper to defend your position of the question posed for Day 5.
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 23: Combating the Great Depression
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 23.
Read the text and follow the link for Day 1. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Choose one of the CCC projects you find most interesting and read more about
Write two letters from your brother who is working with the CCC to your family.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Read about Fireside Chats.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Week 24: Review
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 24.
Read the text and follow the link for Day 1. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Review all your notes from this semester and m
ake a list of each of the topics we
have discussed.
y 3 | Date: ______________________________
Take the list from Day 2 and write a few sentences about each, without looking
at your notes.
ys 4–5 | Date: ______________________________
Follow the two links in the text and read the articles.
Choose either a farm or city setting and write a story about a family living there
during the Great Depression.
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Week 25: War on the Horizon
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 25.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
View the three posters and answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Week 26: Here We Go Again! World War II
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 26.
Read the text and follow the link for Day 1.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text provided and complete the activities for Day 2. Take notes about
what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Complete the writing assignment according to the instructions for Day 5.
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Week 27: World War II Gets Going
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 27.
Read the text and follow the link to the map for Day 1. Take notes about what
youve learned.
Watch the video to see how the map of the European Theater changed
from day
to day.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the link for Day 2. Take notes as you read.
Write a paragraph supporting your view of whether or not Churchill was a good
eader for Great Britain at that time.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text follow the link for Day 3. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Following the instructions for Day 5, write a news report.
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Week 28: On the Eastern Front
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 28.
Read the text and follow the link for Day 1. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text, follow the link, and complete the activities for Day 3. Takes notes
out what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Watch the video about the Battle of Stalingrad, and answer
the questions in your
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5.
Research both Napoleons and Hitlers problems in Russia and write a
compare/contrast essay.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Week 29: On the Homefront
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 29.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Listen to Roosevelts address to the nation and answer the questions in your
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Pick five patriotic posters from the link provided and answer the questions in
your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Write a diary entry as if a young teenager being sent to an internment camp.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Week 30: More World War II
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 30.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Choose a book about the Holocaust and plan to finish reading it during Week 31.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Research what each of the four people on page 3 did to stand up for what is
right and add that information to your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Curriculum Guide
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Seventh Grade Traditional History Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 31: Even More World War II
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 31.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Answer the question in the third bullet point in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3.
Watch a movie or two about World War II.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the link for Day 4. Take notes about what you learned.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
View Norman Rockwells four paintings and answer the questions in your
Watch the video and answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Week 32: The Beginning of the End
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 32.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Tour the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial virtually (or visit in person).
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Write a diary entry about how you feel upon hearing about the presidents
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
View the pictures of Great Britains celebration.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Week 33: War in the Pacific, Part One
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 33.
Read about Emperor Hirohito and answer the questions in your notebook.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and follow the link for Day 4 and take notes as you learn about
General Douglas MacArthur.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text and complete the activities for Day 5. Take notes about what you
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Week 34: War in the Pacific, Part Two
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 34.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Complete the mapping activities throughout todays lesson.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Find the Philippines on a map.
Optional: Play Battleship.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 5 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
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Week 35: The Bomb
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 35.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Review your notes about World War II.
y 5 | Date: ______________________________
Using the instructions for Day 5, complete the writing assignment.
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Week 36: Aftermath and Review
Read material and complete activities from the course Renaissance to World War II History.
y 1 | Date: ______________________________
Download Week 36.
Read the text for Day 1 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
y 2 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 2 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 3 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 3 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 4 | Date: ______________________________
Read the text for Day 4 and take notes.
Add to your timeline and to your list of significant people, places, and
happenings in history.
Day 5 | Date: ______________________________
Review your notes from this semester.
Make a test and put it away for several hours.
Take your test.