EntreCulturas 1
UNIDAD 4 | Observa 2
¿Qué comidas te gustan?
Los verbos gustar y encantar
Watch Observa 2 video: Los verbos gustar y encantar and complete the following exercises
during the viewing.
A. Fill-in the chart with the correct pronouns used with ENCANTAR.
I really like _______________________ encanta (n)
You really like _______________________ encanta (n)
He/she really likes _______________________ encanta (n)
B. How would you ask a friend if he loves tacos?
¿ ?
Now decide if you like, don’t like, or love the following food items and write a sentence for
each using GUSTAR or ENCANTAR.
alimento ¿Te gusta(n) o no? ¿Te encanta(n)?
1.el bistec
2. las uvas
3. el pescado
4. las quesadillas
5. el yogur
©2016 Wayside Publishing
Unidad 4 | Observa 2