Applicant’s Name _________________________________________________________
Service Report Instructions
On page 4, adding an additional sheet if necessary, describe your community service,
both required community service and voluntary. Include only service performed during
your high school years.
When initially referencing an organization or charity group, please use the full name
instead of an acronym or initials.
Description of the community service should include positions held (if in an organization,
church group etc.) and the approximate number of hours per week, monthly or year that
you served. If a “one time” event, describe your role and time spent. List any
achievements in your voluntary service. If you are still volunteering service to an
organization, provide the start date and indicate that it is ongoing. The number of hours
for the activity should be as of the date you submit your application.
For required service, please indicate the number of hours you must perform, and the
amount of these service hours you’ve already completed. Please place a (R) behind
any service hours you did as required community service.