Access No. Member’s Name: First MI Last Sufx
Savings Account No(s). Money Market Savings Account (MMSA) No(s).
Checking Account No(s). Jumbo MMSA No(s).
Certicate Account No(s). Custodial Account (Custodian) No(s).
Joint Owner Signature (1)
Joint Owner Signature (2)
Access No. Joint Owner Name (1): First MI Last Sufx
Access No. Joint Owner Name (2): First MI Last Sufx
This document contains both information and form fields. To read information, use the Down Arrow from a form field.
Navy Federal
Voluntary Removal of Joint Owner Request
Owner of the account from which the joint owner(s) wish(es) to be removed:
Joint Owner(s) requesting to be removed:
I/We voluntarily request that the name(s) above be removed as joint owner(s) of the Navy Federal Credit Union account(s) listed
below, and if applicable, also removed as the authorized user(s) of the Credit Union Services Card (CUCARD
) and Navy Federal
Debit Card. Please note that account balance(s) must be current and minors are required to have an adult joint owner.
I/We understand that all rights as joint owner(s) of the account(s) are relinquished and that I/we can no longer obtain
information or make transactions on any of these accounts. To remove someone from a credit card or loan, please visit your
local branch or call 1-888-842-6328.
Check this box to be removed as Authorized User to online banking.
Under each account type below, please list the full account number(s) from which you wish to be removed:
Joint Owner(s) physical signature(s) required for this request to be processed.
Submission Instructions
Fax: Fax completed form to 703-206-4600, ATTN: “Membership Administration.”
Mail: Send completed form to Navy Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 3002, Merrifield, VA 22116-9887.
Online: Sign into online banking > Select “Messages” tab > Select “Send us a message” tab > Under “My Message is About,” select “General” > Under “Regarding,” select “Add
Remove Joint Owner” > Fill out subject as “Removal of Joint Owner Request” > Attach completed 596.
Branch: Go to navyfederal.org/branches-atms/index.php to find your closest branch office.
© 2021 Navy Federal NFCU 596 (10-21)