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© 2020 Ascensus, Inc. (97) (4-20)
© 2021 Navy Federal NFCU 602C (1-21)
IRA Certicates: The IRA Certicate has a minimum balance requirement as
shown on your IRA application form and will earn dividends for each monthly
dividend period at the dividend rate and APY specied, if held to maturity. If
the balance falls below the minimum requirement, the Certicate will be closed
and the funds transferred to IRA savings. Dividends are computed from day-
of-deposit to day-of-withdrawal on the actual dollar value of the Certicate
using the daily balance method, compounded daily, and credited to the IRA
Certicate monthly on the last calendar day of the month in which they were
earned, unless another dividend distribution option has been chosen. The APY
assumes dividends remain in the account until maturity. Early withdrawals
reduce earnings. The following charts give a projection of the growth of the
value of your IRA by showing the amount available to you at the end of each
year. The rst chart assumes a contribution of $1,000 is made on the rst day
of each year to your IRA. The second chart assumes that the only contribution
to your IRA is a one-time rollover (or transfer) of $1,000 made on the rst day
of the rst year. A loss-of-dividend penalty may be charged on a withdrawal
from an IRA Certicate prior to maturity. These projections assume the penalty
is either a one-month, a three-month, or a six-month loss of dividends on the
entire amount withdrawn.
Chart V
Regular IRA Financial Projections
.10% Dividend Rate and .10% APY
No. Years Account Value 3 Mo. Penalty 6 Mo. Penalty 12 Mo. Penalty
1 $1,001.00 $1,000.75 $1,000.50 $1,000.00
2 $2,003.00 $2,002.50 $2,002.00 $2,001.00
3 $3,006.01 $3,005.26 $3,004.50 $3,003.00
4 $4,010.02 $4,009.01 $4,008.01 $4,006.00
5 $5,015.03 $5,013.77 $5,012.52 $5,010.01
6 $6,021.05 $6,019.54 $6,018.04 $6,015.02
7 $7,028.07 $7,026.31 $7,024.56 $7,021.04
8 $8,036.10 $8,034.09 $8,032.08 $8,028.07
9 $9,045.14 $9,042.88 $9,040.62 $9,036.10
10 $10,055.19 $10,052.68 $10,050.17 $10,045.14
11 $11,066.25 $11,063.49 $11,060.72 $11,055.19
12 $12,078.33 $12,075.31 $12,072.29 $12,066.25
13 $13,091.41 $13,088.14 $13,084.87 $13,078.32
14 $14,105.51 $14,101.98 $14,098.46 $14,091.40
15 $15,120.62 $15,116.84 $15,113.06 $15,105.50
16 $16,136.75 $16,132.72 $16,128.68 $16,120.61
17 $17,153.90 $17,149.61 $17,145.32 $17,136.74
18 $18,172.06 $18,167.52 $18,162.97 $18,153.89
19 $19,191.24 $19,186.44 $19,181.65 $19,172.05
20 $20,211.44 $20,206.39 $20,201.34 $20,191.23
21 $21,232.66 $21,227.36 $21,222.05 $21,211.43
22 $22,254.91 $22,249.34 $22,243.78 $22,232.65
23 $23,278.17 $23,272.35 $23,266.54 $23,254.90
24 $24,302.46 $24,296.39 $24,290.31 $24,278.16
25 $25,327.78 $25,321.45 $25,315.12 $25,302.45
26 $26,354.12 $26,347.53 $26,340.94 $26,327.77
27 $27,381.49 $27,374.64 $27,367.80 $27,354.11
28 $28,409.88 $28,402.78 $28,395.68 $28,381.47
29 $29,439.31 $29,431.95 $29,424.59 $29,409.87
30 $30,469.76 $30,462.15 $30,454.53 $30,439.29
31 $31,501.25 $31,493.37 $31,485.50 $31,469.75
32 $32,533.77 $32,525.63 $32,517.50 $32,501.23
33 $33,567.32 $33,558.92 $33,550.53 $33,533.75
34 $34,601.90 $34,593.25 $34,584.60 $34,567.30
35 $35,637.52 $35,628.61 $35,619.70 $35,601.88
36 $36,674.18 $36,665.01 $36,655.84 $36,637.50
37 $37,711.87 $37,702.44 $37,693.01 $37,674.16
38 $38,750.60 $38,740.91 $38,731.23 $38,711.85
39 $39,790.37 $39,780.42 $39,770.48
40 $40,831.18 $40,820.97 $40,810.77 $40,790.35
41 $41,873.03 $41,862.57 $41,852.10 $41,831.16
42 $42,915.93 $42,905.20 $42,894.47 $42,873.01
43 $43,959.87 $43,948.88 $43,937.89 $43,915.91
44 $45,004.85 $44,993.60 $44,982.35 $44,959.84
45 $46,050.88 $46,039.36 $46,027.85 $46,004.83
46 $47,097.95 $47,086.18 $47,074.40 $47,050.85
47 $48,146.07 $48,134.04 $48,122.00 $48,097.93
48 $49,195.24 $49,182.94 $49,170.65 $49,146.05
49 $50,245.46 $50,232.90 $50,220.34 $50,195.22
50 $51,296.73 $51,283.91 $51,271.09 $51,245.44
51 $52,349.06 $52,335.97 $52,322.88 $52,296.71
52 $53,402.43 $53,389.08 $53,375.73 $53,349.03
53 $54,456.86 $54,443.25 $54,429.63 $54,402.41
54 $55,512.35 $55,498.47 $55,484.59 $55,456.83
55 $56,568.89 $56,554.75 $56,540.60 $56,512.32
56 $57,626.49 $57,612.08 $57,597.67 $57,568.86
57 $58,685.14 $58,670.47 $58,655.80 $58,626.46
58 $59,744.86 $59,729.92 $59,714.98 $59,685.11
59 $60,805.63 $60,790.43 $60,775.23 $60,744.83
60 $61,867.47 $61,852.00 $61,836.53 $61,805.60
61 $62,930.37 $62,914.63 $62,898.90 $62,867.44
62 $63,994.33 $63,978.33 $63,962.33 $63,930.33
Chart VI
Rollover or Transfer IRA Financial Projections
.10% Dividend Rate and .10% APY
No. Years Account Value 3 Mo. Penalty 6 Mo. Penalty 12 Mo. Penalty
1 $1,001.00 $1,000.75 $1,000.50 $1,000.00
2 $1,002.00 $1,001.75 $1,001.50 $1,001.00
3 $1,003.00 $1,002.75 $1,002.50 $1,002.00
4 $1,004.01 $1,003.76 $1,003.51 $1,003.00
5 $1,005.01 $1,004.76 $1,004.51 $1,004.01
6 $1,006.02 $1,005.77 $1,005.52 $1,005.01
7 $1,007.02 $1,006.77 $1,006.52 $1,006.02
8 $1,008.03 $1,007.78 $1,007.53 $1,007.02
9 $1,009.04 $1,008.79 $1,008.54 $1,008.03
10 $1,010.05 $1,009.80 $1,009.55 $1,009.04
11 $1,011.06 $1,010.81 $1,010.56 $1,010.05
12 $1,012.07 $1,011.82 $1,011.57 $1,011.06
13 $1,013.08 $1,012.83 $1,012.58 $1,012.07
14 $1,014.10 $1,013.84 $1,013.59 $1,013.08
15 $1,015.11 $1,014.86 $1,014.61 $1,014.10
16 $1,016.13 $1,015.87 $1,015.62 $1,015.11
17 $1,017.15 $1,016.89 $1,016.64 $1,016.13
18 $1,018.16 $1,017.91 $1,017.65 $1,017.14
19 $1,019.18 $1,018.93 $1,018.67 $1,018.16
20 $1,020.20 $1,019.95 $1,019.69 $1,019.18
21 $1,021.22 $1,020.97 $1,020.71 $1,020.20
22 $1,022.24 $1,021.99 $1,021.73 $1,021.22
23 $1,023.27 $1,023.01 $1,022.75 $1,022.24
24 $1,024.29 $1,024.03 $1,023.78 $1,023.27
25 $1,025.32 $1,025.06 $1,024.80 $1,024.29
26 $1,026.34 $1,026.08 $1,025.83 $1,025.31
27 $1,027.37 $1,027.11 $1,026.85 $1,026.34
28 $1,028.40 $1,028.14 $1,027.88 $1,027.37
29 $1,029.42 $1,029.17 $1,028.91 $1,028.40
30 $1,030.45 $1,030.20 $1,029.94 $1,029.42
31 $1,031.49 $1,031.23 $1,030.97 $1,030.45
32 $1,032.52 $1,032.26 $1,032.00 $1,031.48
33 $1,033.55 $1,033.29 $1,033.03 $1,032.52
34 $1,034.58 $1,034.33 $1,034.07 $1,033.55
35 $1,035.62 $1,035.36 $1,035.10 $1,034.58
36 $1,036.66 $1,036.40 $1,036.14 $1,035.62
37 $1,037.69 $1,037.43 $1,037.17 $1,036.66
38 $1,038.73 $1,038.47 $1,038.21 $1,037.69
39 $1,039.77 $1,039.51 $1,039.25 $1,038.73
40 $1,040.81 $1,040.55 $1,040.29 $1,039.77
41 $1,041.85 $1,041.59 $1,041.33 $1,040.81
42 $1,042.89 $1,042.63 $1,042.37 $1,041.85
43 $1,043.94 $1,043.68 $1,043.42 $1,042.89
44 $1,044.98 $1,044.72 $1,044.46 $1,043.94
45 $1,046.03 $1,045.77 $1,045.50 $1,044.98
46 $1,047.07 $1,046.81 $1,046.55 $1,046.03
47 $1,048.12 $1,047.86 $1,047.60 $1,047.07
48 $1,049.17 $1,048.91 $1,048.65 $1,048.12
49 $1,050.22 $1,049.96 $1,049.70 $1,049.17
50 $1,051.27 $1,051.01 $1,050.75 $1,050.22
51 $1,052.32 $1,052.06 $1,051.80 $1,051.27
52 $1,053.38 $1,053.11 $1,052.85 $1,052.32
53 $1,054.43 $1,054.17 $1,053.90 $1,053.38
54 $1,055.48 $1,055.22 $1,054.96 $1,054.43
55 $1,056.54 $1,056.28 $1,056.01 $1,055.48
56 $1,057.60 $1,057.33 $1,057.07 $1,056.54
57 $1,058.66 $1,058.39 $1,058.13 $1,057.60
58 $1,059.71 $1,059.45 $1,059.19 $1,058.66
59 $1,060.78 $1,060.51 $1,060.24 $1,059.71
60 $1,061.84 $1,061.57 $1,061.31 $1,060.77
61 $1,062.90 $1,062.63 $1,062.37 $1,061.84
62 $1,063.96 $1,063.70 $1,063.43 $1,062.90