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Name: First MI Last Sufx
Address: Street City State Zip Code
Social Security No. (SSN)
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Home Telephone No.
☐ ☐
Name: First MI Last Sufx Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Social Security No. (SSN)
Address: Street City State Zip Code Relationship Percentage
Name: First MI Last Sufx Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Social Security No. (SSN)
Address: Street City State Zip Code Relationship Percentage
Name: First MI Last Sufx Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Social Security No. (SSN)
Address: Street City State Zip Code Relationship Percentage
Entity Name: (Trust, Estate, or Non-Profit Organization) Tax ID No. (SSN/EIN/TIN) Percentage
Name: First MI Last Sufx Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Social Security No. (SSN)
Address: Street City State Zip Code Relationship Percentage
Name: First MI Last Sufx Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Social Security No. (SSN)
Address: Street City State Zip Code Relationship Percentage
Name: First MI Last Sufx Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Social Security No. (SSN)
Address: Street City State Zip Code Relationship Percentage
Entity Name: (Trust, Estate, or Non-Profit Organization) Tax ID No. (SSN/EIN/TIN) Percentage
Additional information on reverse.
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© 2012 Ascensus, Inc.
© 2021 Navy Federal NFCU 584 (2-21)
Navy Federal
Designation of Beneciaries for IRA Plan
This form can be used to change, add, or remove beneficiaries for your Roth,
SEP, or Traditional IRA Plan(s). Numerous situations affect whether your
beneficiary designations are up to date, and may include death of a beneficiary,
divorce, or birth of a child. If you wish, you may keep a copy for your records.
Please return this completed form through one of the following methods:
Digital Banking: Attach signed form to eMessage
Fax: Number (703) 206-4250
Visit your local branch
Mail: P.O. Box 3001, Merrield, VA 22119-3001
Toll-Free Number:
(888) 842-6328
A. Your Information
IRA Plan Type (Please check box(es) for appropriate plan(s))
Traditional IRA SEP IRA Roth IRA
If you would like different beneciaries for each plan type, please complete a separate Designation of Beneciaries for IRA Plan application for each.
Select one:
Replace Beneficiary(ies) - I designate the individual(s) or entity(ies) named below as my primary and/or contingent beneciary(ies) of this/these IRA Plan(s)
and hereby revoke all prior beneciary(ies) designations, if any, made by me.
Add Beneficiary(ies) - I designate the individual(s) or entity(ies) named below as my primary and/or contingent beneciary(ies) of this/these IRA Plan(s). This list
supplements and does not replace the beneciary(ies) previously designated by me on the date specied. (When adding beneficiaries, if the share percentage of
(a) previously designated beneficiary(ies) change(s), restate all beneficiaries and the corresponding share percentage if the percentages are no longer correct.)
Remove Beneficiary(ies) - Remove all principal and contingent Beneciary(ies) from this/these IRA Plan(s). I understand that without a designated beneciary,
all IRA account(s) under this/these plan(s) will be transferred to an Estate account upon my death.
B. Principal Beneciary(ies)
C. Contingent Beneciary(ies)
(if any)
If more than one primary beneciary is designated and no distribution percentages are indicated, the beneciaries will be deemed to own equal share
percentages in the IRA Plan(s). Multiple contingent beneciaries with no share percentage indicated will also be deemed to share equally. If any primary or
contingent beneciary dies before me, his/her interest and the interest of his/her heirs shall terminate completely, and the percentages share of any remaining
beneciary(ies) shall be increased on a pro rata basis. If no primary beneciary(ies) survive(s) me, the contingent beneciary(ies) shall acquire the designated
share of my IRA Plan(s). Additional information on reverse.