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Vertical Alignment Process, Phases II and III
This tool guides both phase II and phase III of the vertical alignment process.
Phase II: Grade-band examination of a district-determined priority prociency scale (K–2, 3–4, 5–7, 8–12)
Phase III: Expanded grade-band examination of the same prociency scale (K–3, 4–6, 7–12)
Time allotment: Thirty minutes for each phase
Examine each prociency scale in the grade band in relation to each statement on this page. Be sure to record the information
discussed to help ensure that the following statement is true about each scale: The scale is aligned vertically with previous and
subsequent grade levels or courses.
Scale 1 Scale 2 Scale 3
The scale meets all criteria listed in phase I.
The verbs at each scale level (2.0, 3.0, 4.0) indicate a progression from one grade level to the next.
The level of rigor is appropriate on each scale in comparison to the adjacent grade-level scales.
The text of the correlating common assessment is grade-level appropriate (if applicable).
The items on the common assessment align to the learning targets on the prociency scale.
Please record any proposed changes to any of the scales in this grade band and the reason for the change.