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Vehicle Registration Information Sheet
Page 1 of 2 LTSR Forms Area Form F3518 CFD V01 Aug 2021
Vehicle Registration Application (form F3518)
Vehicle Details Inspection Sheet (form F3529)
Garaging address:
• If garaging address of the vehicle is dierent to the residential, provide evidence of the address where the vehicle will be
garaged in Queensland (e.g. property rates notice, bank statement, Australian Taxation Oce Assessment or phone account).
• If you are not the owner/rentee/leasee of the property where the vehicle will be garaged, or don’t have proof of a garage
address, complete a Queensland Garage Address Statement (form F4408).
Proof of origin:
• Brand new vehicles - compliance plate tted to the vehicle or a receipt of purchase which clearly states the vehicle’s details
• Imported vehicles - ‘Vehicle Import Approval’ that allows registration and use on roads
• Second hand vehicles - previous Registration Certicate from any Australian jurisdiction or TMR has proof of previous
registration on their records. (If applicant can’t provide proof of origin and there is no proof of previous registration on records,
a Statement of Acquisition must be completed).
Note: Customer must also provide evidence that a compliance plate is tted to the vehicle (except for Conditional Registration).
Standard vehicle related documentation:
Imported vehicles
For left-hand drive vehicles less than 25 years old - steering needs to be converted to right-hand drive and a modication plate
tted. Call 13 23 80 for more information.
Safety Certicate or Certicate of Inspection (Section 10) - for second-hand vehicles a current safety certicate or
certicate of inspection is required. (The original is required for handwritten certicates or a copy of an electronic certicate
may need to be produced on request). Note: Federal interstate registration - a current Certicate of Inspection is required and must not
be dated more than 45 days prior to lodging this application.
Exemptions for Safety Certicate and Certicate of Inspection:
1. New vehicles with 500km or less on the odometer, and have not been previously registered in Australia or another country
2. Tractor-based mobile cranes (any size)
3. A demonstration vehicle, being registered to a dealer
4. Light trailers and caravans less than or equal to 750kg Aggregate Trailer Mass (ATM)
5. Wheelchairs
6. Vehicles garaged on a Queensland island where there is no Approved Inspection Station (AIS) for safety inspection certicate
7. For a motorbike, caravan and trailer (750kg up to and including 3.5t ATM) with a garage address outside of a 50km radius of
an AIS station that can perform inspections for that type of vehicle
8. For light vehicles garaged in Queensland remote locations, please contact TMR on 13 23 80 for a list of remote locations
9. For vehicles that are garaged in one of the following local government areas; Aurukun, Barcoo, Boulia, Bulloo, Burke,
Carpentaria, Cook, Croydon, Diamantina, Doomadgee, Etheridge, Hope Vale, Kowanyama, Lockhart River, Mapoon,
Mornington, Napranum, Northern Peninsula Area, Pormpuraaw, Quilpie, Torres and Wujal Wujal
10. You cancelled your vehicle registration due to COVID-19, no other changes have been made to the vehicle or registered
operator details. Additionally, for Certicate of Inspection vehicles, the certicate must have been issued within the previous
12 months (or 24 months for primary producers)
11. Heavy vehicles that are in the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme Maintenance Module.
Gas Certicate (Section 11). Exemptions for Queensland Gas Certicate:
1. A new vehicle, never registered anywhere and tted with a Gas Compliance Plate
2. Registering an unregistered vehicle in the same name that it was previously registered
3. For light vehicles garaged in Queensland remote locations, please contact TMR on 13 23 80 for a list of remote locations.
4. A demonstration vehicle, being registered to a dealer.
Certicate of Modication. If the vehicle was modied from its original form, a modication plate may need to be tted before this
application can be processed. For more information about vehicle modications, go to ‘Vehicle Modications’ page at
Additional requirements for heavy vehicles:
HVRAS Inspection (if applicable). The Heavy Vehicle Registration Assessment Scheme (HVRAS) allows HVRAS accredited
persons to inspect and measure heavy vehicles more than 4.5t Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) and trailers more than 750kg ATM for
the purpose of registration. Contact TMR on 13 23 80 for information.
Certication of Registration of a Company (displaying the ACN) issued by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC)
Ocial company document such as a letter authorising someone to act on behalf of the organisation. The authorised person
must bring evidence of identity.
CTP Certicate (Section 9). Note: only original copy accepted if CTP has been pre-purchased. Emails from insurers are acceptable
provided the certicate is certied by the insurer as the original certicate. For a list of CTP insurers, please refer to the MAIC website at
Registration checklist
Use this checklist to ensure that you have the required documents and identication prior to attending TMR to register your vehicle. If you are
unsure whether checklist items apply or if you would like further information, please visit or call 13 23 80.
Evidence of Identity (for the registered operator/s and representative must be provided at the time of making an application):
If you don’t have any of the below, bring other ID like a valid passport, keycard or Medicare Card. You will also need to complete a
New Customer Application (form F3503) if you don’t have a customer reference number.
Queensland Driver Licence (or one that has been current at any time within the last two years)
Industry authority (for example, taxi licence)
Marine Licence Indicator Card
APA or Photo ID Card.
Individuals: one of the following cards-