draft only
Tenant/s initials 1. 2. 3. Lessor/agent initials
Page 1 of 7 v10 Jun21
Level 11, Midtown Centre, 150 Mary Street | GPO Box 390 Brisbane Q 4001 | t 1300 366 311 | rta.qld.gov.au
Address of the rental premises
Details of the tenant/s
1. Full name/s
Forwarding address
Phone Mobile
2. Full name/s
Forwarding address
Phone Mobile
3. Full name/s
Forwarding address
Phone Mobile
Name/trading name of the lessor/agent
Water meter reading at end of tenancy:
The Entry (and Exit) reports provide evidence of the condition of the premises at the
beginning and ending of the tenancy. Take time to fill these forms in carefully. These
documents may be referred to as evidence if there is a dispute over the bond refund
at the end of the tenancy.
1. Inspect the premises.
2. Mark each item on the list clean, working, undamaged (where applicable).
3. Make a note of any extra items in the additional comments/information section.
4. Initial each page of the report. Give it to the lessor/agent as soon as possible once the
agreement ends.
5. Talk to the lessor/agent if you disagree about the condition of the premises. Comments
can be recorded in the additional comments/information section (Page 7) or by
attaching a separate page.
Supporting documentation has been attached
6. Retain the signed copy of the report from the lessor/agent.
1. Inspect the premises.
2. Include comments where you disagree with the tenant’s report.
3. Initial each page of the report.
4. Talk to the tenant if you disagree about the condition of the premises. Any agreement
can be recorded in the additional comments/information section.
5. Return a signed copy of the report to the tenant within 3 business days. Retain a copy
for at least one year after the tenancy agreement ends.
Note: The Entry condition report (Form 1a) is compared to this Exit condition report
(Form 14a) at the end of the tenancy.
Do not send to the RTA—give this form to the lessor/agent, keep a copy for
your records.
Exit condition report – general tenancies (Form 14a)
Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008
(Section 66)