Get Intimate with VITA
ELEVATE Your Existence!
VITA Coaching Pre-Course
Get Intimate with VITA™
ELEVATE Your Existence!
The Original Essence
The unconditioned core expression of yourself through your body, emotions, and experience
when supported with love and empowerment.
What does Original Essence mean to me?
List some of your current desires. Feel into what properties of your Original Essence they
might be pointing to.
What I felt in my Original Essence meditation:
Copyright 2020, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
VITA Coaching Pre-Course
Get Intimate with VITA™
We don’t wait until we are fixed or whole or perfect to allow ourselves to experience
pleasure, gratitude, joy, or the cosmic joke…
We can do it right here, right now.
It’s perfectly okay to feel good and amazing RIGHT NOW.
And these elevate practices are important for soothing and supporting your nervous system
as you grow.
How not to get stuck in perpetual healing:
Don’t forget that healing is part of the journey. It’s part of being alive.
Don’t put things off until you are more “healed.”
Don’t forget to enjoy the process and the ride.
How not to become victimized by your wounding:
Practice self-regulating.
Practice self-soothing.
Practice self-care.
How I’m going to ELEVATE in 2021:
Copyright 2020, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
VITA Coaching Pre-Course
Get Intimate with VITA™
Copyright 2020, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.
VITA Coaching Pre-Course
Get Intimate with VITA™
Copyright 2020, Truth and Love Coaching, LLC - All Rights Reserved.