Person to be exempted
Flight information
Last Name: Departure Date:
First Name: Departure Airport:
Civic address: Destination:
Has a previous temporary exemption request been made for this person? Yes Booking number: (if applicable)
If yes, please provide detail:s (date; name of carrier/operator) Flight number: (if applicable)
I hereby confirm that I understand that:
Requestor information (If the requester is different than the person to be exempted, please complete the following section)
Last name: First Name:
Civic address:
Religious Beliefs (Please provide the requested information concerning your sincere religious belief.)
Name of Religion/Religious denomination (if applicable):
Describe how you are a practicing member of this religion/religious denomination:
Explain in your own words the connection between your religious beliefs and your inability to receive a Covid-19 vaccine:
What specific religious beliefs or authorities do you rely upon to demonstrate that your religion/religious denomination precludes youfrom receiving a Covid-19 vaccine?
Do your religious beliefs preclude you from receiving other vaccines or medications? If yes, please provide examples. If no, please explain why receiving a Covid-19 vaccine is different?
If I receive authorization for a temporary exemption from Air Transat, I must alsopresent results of COVID-19 molecular test upon check-in.
- Within 72 hours of the passenger’s scheduled departure time, where the result is negative, or
- At least 14 days before but not more than 180 days prior to the traveler’s scheduled departure time (traveler eligible to travel on day 15), where the result is positive.
If my request for a temporary exemption is denied by Air Transat, the decision is final and not subject to appeal.
Any accommodation provided by Air Transat is for the purpose of travel,within or out of Canada, and I will still be subject to all border entry requirements including quarantine requirements
imposed under the Quarantine Act.
The person requesting a temporary exemption must submit a completed copy of this form in its entirety to Air Transat, by email to All pages must be reviewed and completed
by the person to be exempted and/or requester, as well as by the required Commissioner of Oaths.
This form must be completed in full and submitted for approval no less than 21 days prior to departure.
Air Transat will approve exemptions at their sole discretion.
Air Transat decision to approve or decline an exemption request is final and not subject to appeal.
Please note that refunds for trips cancelled because of an accommodation request that is not approved are subject to the terms and conditions of the reservation.
Fees for vaccination exemptions, including any costs associated with the services of a Commission of Oaths or for obtaining a Covid-19 molecular test, are the responsibility of the applicant.
Approved temporary exemptions are applicable on Air Transat flights only, and do not extend to travel with any other airline.
Passengers must carry a copy of Air Transat’s approval, together with this completed form, for the duration of their trip.
Upon check-in passengers with an approved temporary exemption must also present results of COVID-19 molecular test taken:
- Within 72 hours of the passenger’s scheduled departure time, where the result is negative, or
- At least 14 days before but not more than 180 days prior to the traveler’s scheduled departure time (traveler eligible to travel on day 15), where the result is positive.
If I receive authorization for a temporary exemption from Air Transat, I will need to carry a copy of Air Transat’s approval, together with this completed form, for the duration of my trip.
Note, leaders and members of a number of religions and religious denominations (e.g., Islam, Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Greek Orthodox, Mennonites, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science) have
released public statements indicating their support for the COVID-19 vaccine specifically in the interest of public health.
I consent to the collection and retention of the personal information on this form and contained in any documentation I have provided for the purposes of adjudicating my exemption request
and facilitating travel, with the understanding that this information will be kept confidential in accordance with Air Transat’s Privacy Policy
Religious Beliefs continued (Please provide the requested information concerning your sincere religious belief.)
Signature: Full Name:
Date: Location:
Signature of Commissioner Of Oaths (The following is to be completed by a Commissioner of Oaths)
In : (Province, State or Country)
Signature: Full Name:
I hereby make oath or solemnly affirm and say:
• I am unable to be vaccinated against Covid-19 because of my sincere religious belief;
• I am requesting a temporary exemption from Transport Canada’s requirement to be fully vaccinated for air travel, on the basis of
• The information provided in support of this application is accurate and truthful;
• I acknowledge that it is an offence under section 131 of the Criminal Code to make a false statement under oath or solemn affirmation,
knowing that the statement is false; and
• I acknowledge that it is an offence under section 366 of the Criminal Code to make a false document, knowing it to be false.
Can you provide documentation from religious leaders or other practitioners of your faith that explain the connection between your religious beliefs and your objection to the vaccine, and the
accommodation you are seeking? If yes, please attach documentation. If no, please explain why documentation cannot be provided.
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