2022 Expanding Horizons Institute
Parent/Legal Guardian Agreement Form
Applications will not be taken into consideration if this Parent/Legal Guardian Agreement Form with signature
is not submitted. Your signature below indicates that you have read and understood the agreement, and that
you are willing to abide to the terms thereof.
1. For Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) to consider your child’s application, they must meet all the required
Neither parent attended a 4-year college in or outside the U.S.
Must attend a Title 1 school (more than 40% of students receive free or reduced lunch).
Must be a sophomore or junior.
Must be available to attend all weekly virtual seminars.
. Your child must attend all virtual seminars. If your child is absent from more than one seminar, your child w
e considered being dropped from the program. Schedule any doctor’s/dentist’s appointments on non-
seminar/working days if possible and always provide a note if your child misses a seminar.
The seminars will be weekly via Zoom during the following weeks May – mid-August.
3. If for some reason your child is unable to complete the program, it is your responsibility to notify CRF staff
about this as soon as possible.
I give permission for my son/daughter to apply for and if selected to participate in CRF’s Expanding Horizons
Institute, we will submit all required documentation. I certify that I have read and understand the agreement,
and that I will abide to the terms thereof.
Student Name: ________________________________
Occupation of mother/guardian: ___________________ Occupation of father/guardian: ________________________
Parent/Legal Guardian Printed Name: _________________________________ Phone Number:(___)____________
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ Date: __________________
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