VA All Employee Survey Score Booster
The purpose of this tool is to increase each employee’s connection to your workplace and the
Department of Veterans Affairs’ mission. This will strengthen the climate of your work unit and
improve your All Employee Survey scores. Having an open discussion about elements impacting
relationships, work environment, and engagement will create a valuable opportunity for you to learn
more about your employees, your work unit, and your operations. Use this tool to facilitate a
meaningful dialogue throughout the year. It is advisable to cover areas of primary concern to you
before the Survey is disseminated by the VA.
Before using this tool, you may want to let your employees know in advance, either in a staff meeting
or via email, that you will be meeting with them to discuss the AES. Supervisors should approach the
discussion with genuine curiosity. Make employees feel comfortable that the goal is to learn, and that
opinions, feedback, or ideas won’t be held against them. This should be a collaborative effort.
Ask open-ended questions to facilitate a conversation that is focused on the employee. The idea is for
employees to tell you not only about their goals, roadblocks, and priorities, but also their ideas on the
best way to address them. Together, you will identify the best action plan to support each employee.
The topical areas below and the items surveyed are derived from the VA’s AES. The “Discussion
Points” in each area will help you get the conversation started. It’s not necessary to cover all the areas
in this tool in one meeting. Cover the high priority items first, then discuss the other areas at different
times throughout the year. This tool is a fillable PDF so take notes, document agreed-upon actions,
and then save it for future reference and updates.
Note: For organizations with bargaining unit employees, supervisors should ensure all labor relations
obligations have been met in accordance with law and existing collective bargaining agreements.
Date of This Discussion:
Date of Next Discussion:
Supervisor Tasks
Items Surveyed:
Goal Setting: Supervisors set challenging and yet attainable performance goals for my workgroup.
Goal Evaluation: My supervisor reviews and evaluates the progress toward meeting goals and objectives of the
Workgroup Recognition: In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way.
Personal Recognition: How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for doing a good job?
Supports Development: Supervisors in my work unit support employee development.
Work/Life Balance: My supervisor supports my need to balance work and other life issues.
Address Concerns: It is worthwhile in my workgroup to speak up because something will be done to address our
Performance Accountability: I believe that appropriate steps would be taken to hold me accountable for poor
Prior to discussion, review the Manager Advantage topics:
Work-Life Balance
Poor Performance
Performance Coaching
Develop Your Employees
Recognizing Desired Performance
Holding Your Employees Accountable
Competencies for Improving Performance
Discussion Points:
Let’s review your Individual Development Plan. How should we update it?
I’m thinking about scheduling a staff meeting to review our goals as a unit. What items should I
include on the agenda?
Since everyone has different comfort levels, how would you prefer to receive recognition for a
good job and constructive feedback on areas for improvement?
What are your professional goals?
Why are these goals important to you?
How can I help you achieve your goals?
What obstacles do you face? How can I help you overcome them?
What types of training would you like to attend to improve your skills?
What suggestions do you have for improving the balance between work and life outside work?
I’m letting everyone know that they will be held to our performance standards and proper steps
will be taken if poor performance becomes an issue. Do you feel poor performance is addressed in
our unit? Why or why not? Are there any concerns you would like to discuss?
Supervisor Relationships
Items Surveyed:
Listening: My supervisor listens to what I have to say.
Respect: My supervisor treats me with respect.
Trust: I have trust and confidence in my supervisor.
Favoritism: My supervisor does not engage in favoritism.
Prior to discussion, review the Manager Advantage topics:
Active Listening
Interpersonal Skills
Merit System Principles
Leadership and Integrity
Discussion Points:
What work processes are working well and what processes do you feel need improvement?
How would you go about making those changes?
What feedback or ideas do you have to strengthen our operations?
I strive to treat everyone fairly. Have you witnessed any instances of favoritism at our agency or
within our work unit? What can be done to ensure all employees are treated fairly?
How do you feel about your performance?
What assistance can I provide to help you take your performance to the next level?
Workgroup Relationships
Items Surveyed:
Respect: People treat each other with respect in my workgroup.
Conflict Resolution: Disputes or conflicts are resolved fairly in my workgroup.
Cooperation: The people I work with cooperate to get the job done.
Diversity: Discrimination is not tolerated at my workplace.
Psychological Safety: Members in my workgroup are able to bring up problems and tough issues.
Prior to discussion, review the Manager Advantage topics:
Gender Identity
Age Discrimination
Sex Discrimination
Receiving Feedback
Conflict Management
Diversity and Inclusion
Religious Discrimination
Disability Discrimination
Race, Color and National Origin Discrimination
Discussion Points:
I expect everyone in my work unit to treat others with respect. Do you know the process of
reporting incidents of discrimination or harassment? Let’s review the policy.
Let’s talk about any specific incidents you’ve observed or heard about in the workplace that you felt
were inappropriate. I want to address them immediately so that everyone is treated respectfully.
Have you had any disagreements with coworkers that ended up being helpful, such as learning
more about your coworkers' views about a project or process? I want to create a culture in which
civil disagreements become learning opportunities prompting divergent thinking to emerge.
What ideas do you have for us to build a more diverse staff?
What measures or activities can we implement that will make all members of our work unit feel
What can I do to make you feel more comfortable coming to me with issues?
Workplace Relationships
Items Surveyed:
No Fear of Reprisal: I can disclose a suspected violation of any law, rule or regulation without fear of reprisal.
Workgroup Collaboration: Work groups collaborate to accomplish shared objectives.
Workgroup Communication: Members of my work group communicate well with each other.
Raise and Discuss Ethics: My direct supervisor raises and discusses ethical concerns (i.e., uncertainty or conflict
about the right thing to do).
Transparency: My direct supervisor communicates the reasoning (how and why) behind decisions that have an
impact on my work.
Moral Courage: Employees in my workgroup do what is right even if they feel it puts them at risk (e.g., risk to
reputation or promotion, shift reassignment, peer relationships, poor performance review, or risk of termination).
Moral Distress: In the past year, how often did you experience moral distress at work (i.e., you were unsure about
the right thing to do or could not carry out what you believed to be the right thing)?
Prior to discussion, review the Manager Advantage topics:
EEO Retaliation
Oral Communication
Whistleblower Reprisal
Written Communication
Discussion Points:
Do you know how to make a whistleblower disclosure? Let’s review the policy.
Do you feel comfortable sharing solutions and best practices with others? Why or why not?
Would it be helpful if we shared more information during staff meetings? How can we make this a
standard practice?
What can I do to facilitate employees talking to one another about work more?
Do you feel that you are provided clear reasons when changes are made that impact your work? If
not, here is what I intend to do going forward…
Are there any particular instances where you wish you had been provided with more information
about the rationale for making the change? Let’s talk about that.
If you witness a co-worker doing something untoward or unethical (like a boundary violation), how
would you handle it? Let’s talk about moral and ethical courage and our roles in those instances.
Can you think of any times when you were unsure about the right thing to do in a work situation?
Do you think it would be worthwhile to set up some ethics refresher training for staff? Why?
Workplace Characteristics
Items Surveyed:
Resources: I have the appropriate supplies, materials, and equipment to perform my job well.
Workload: My workload is reasonable.
Workgroup Competency: My work unit has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish
organizational goals.
Skill Development: I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization.
Innovation: I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things.
Clear Expectations: I know what is expected of me on the job.
Talents Used: My talents are used well in the workplace.
Goal Aligned Work: I know how my work relates to the agency's goals.
Decisional Involvement: How satisfied are you with your involvement in decisions that affect your work?
Prior to discussion, review the Manager Advantage topics:
Employee Engagement
Training for Employees
Creativity and Innovation
Help Employees Develop Careers
Mentoring and Developing Employees
Align Individual Performance with Agency Mission
Discussion Points:
What resources do you need to maintain or elevate your productivity?
What equipment, software, or programs are outdated?
Let’s discuss your duties to ensure they still align with our agency mission and goals.
What do you think about our agency goals? Do you have a clear picture of what they are? Do you
think our unit is doing work that fulfills those goals? Why or why not?
Do you understand the goals you’re responsible for and the importance of accomplishing them?
Let's talk about them more.
What skills do you consider strengths and how can we best use them?
Is there another area that you would like to be cross trained in? Let's discuss how we can make it
What new skills would you like to acquire? What resources would you need? Let's think creatively
about how to do this.
Is there anything about your current duties that you have questions about or feel a change is
Attitudes Toward the Work Environment
Items Surveyed:
Personal Accomplishment: My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment.
Overall Satisfaction: Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job?
Organization Satisfaction: Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization?
Recommend My Organization: I recommend my organization as a good place to work.
Workplace Inspiration: This organization really inspires the very best in me in the way of job performance.
Extra Effort: I always do more than is actually required.
More Than Paycheck: My job is more than just a paycheck to me.
Workplace Customer Satisfaction: How satisfied do you think Veterans and their families are with the products
and services provided by the place where you work?
Prior to discussion, review the Manager Advantage topics:
Customer Service
Engagement Strategies
Public Service Motivation
Discussion Points:
What parts of your work do you find fulfilling on a professional level? Are there other
responsibilities or projects that you'd like to take on that would make you feel more professionally
satisfied? Let’s talk about how I can better facilitate those needs.
What customer service deficiencies have you observed? Do you have ideas for how can we
I’m thinking of creating a work group to develop creative solutions and innovative ideas to deal
with customer service issues. Do you want to be considered for this group? What skills could you
How can we make our workplace a safer environment, both physically and with respect to the
COVID-19 pandemic?
Are you looking for new responsibilities? Do you think you’re ready for them? What interests you?
Attitudes Toward Leaders
Items Surveyed:
Supervisor Satisfaction: Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by your immediate supervisor?
Sr. Leader Satisfaction: Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by the manager directly above your
immediate supervisor?
Sr. Leader Workforce Motivation: In my organization, senior leaders generate high levels of motivation and
commitment in the workforce.
Sr. Leader Ethics: My organization's senior leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity.
Sr. Leader Goal Communication: Managers communicate the goals of the organization.
Sr. Leader Respect: I have a high level of respect for my organization's senior leaders.
Sr. Leader Info Sharing: How satisfied are you with the information you receive from management on what's going
on in your organization?
Prior to discussion, review the Manager Advantage topics:
Customer Service
Develop Your Employees
Align Office Goals with Agency Strategic Plan
Align Individual Performance with Agency Mission
Discussion Points:
Let’s review the goals of our agency and how I see our work unit achieving those goals. Do you
think we are meeting the agency's goals? Why or why not?
Here’s how I see your job connecting to the agency mission. How do you see it?
Do you think upper management is doing a good job of communicating about changes at the
agency? What questions do you have about things that are happening in our agency?
Do you feel that agency leaders are living up to their obligation to maintain a high level of ethics for
themselves and agency personnel? If not, why? What particular concerns do you have?
What can senior leaders do to elevate motivation and commitment in our workforce?
Employee Withdrawal
Items Surveyed:
Exhaustion: I feel burned out from my work.
Depersonalization: I worry that this job is hardening me emotionally.
Reduced Achievement: I have accomplished many worthwhile things in this job.
Prior to discussion, review the Manager Advantage topics:
Challenge Employees with Exciting Work
Discussion Points:
What aspect of your job gives you professional fulfillment? How can we carry that into other areas?
Is there a project that you’re interested in leading?
Tell me what resources or tools you need to enable success.
Are there elements of your job that are causing you stress? What can we do to alleviate some of
that stress?
Are there elements of your job that you feel are unnecessary?
I want to make sure I include all of your positive accomplishments in your next annual appraisal.
Could you also keep track of them so we can compare notes?
Is the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting your ability to do your work? How can we address that?
Let’s talk about how the EAP can help with workplace stress and even personal issues you may be
Let’s review our agency’s health and wellness programs.