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Attendee List Promotions
National Restaurant Association Show 2022 May 21 -24, 2022 • Chicago, Illinois
Exhibiting Company: ______________________________________
Booth #: ______________________________________________
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Third Party
3rd Party Company (if applicable): __________________________
Contact Name: ___________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________________ State/Country:____________________________ Zip:__________
Phone:_______________________ Fax: ______________________ Email: ________________________________________________
Data Selection
2019-2021 registrants. Total number of email recipients = 63,500 (indie operators, chain operators,
noncommercial operators, retail)
Email List Options
List Price
Send Date
2019-2021 Show registrants
Exhibitors can send emails to their targeted list. Exhibitors will
not have direct access to any email address through this list.
All orders must be paid in full prior to fulfillment of order.
per thousand
with $2,000
minimum order
* Beware of communications from fraudulent vendors who are not Official Service Providers. We do not sell our
database information. Any company outside of Winsight claiming to have our registration data should be considered
as possibly fraudulent.
General Terms and Conditions for Use of National Restaurant Association Show Data
These general terms and conditions (Agreement”) made and entered on ___________, 2021/2022 by and between National
Restaurant Association Solutions, LLC (“NRAS”) and ______________ (“Company”) regarding Companys use of the National
Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show (“National Restaurant Association Show”) marketing or email data or
services provided by NRAS and/or its affiliates, including the National Restaurant Association (“National Restaurant
Association”), and third-party contractors, including Winsight, LLC. (“Winsight”) and/or its affiliated companies, which data or
services are referred to collectively as the “Data.”
1. Ownership.
(a) The term “National Restaurant Association Show Property” means all programs, files, systems, documentation,
information, con-tent, graphics, work product relating to the National Restaurant Association Show that are produced by NRAS
or its affiliates, and derivate works of any of the foregoing, including, without limitation, the National Restaurant Association
Show website or websites, page layouts, site designs, user interfaces utilized or provided by Winsight, any HTML programming
performed as part of providing Company with Data and any other special programs, functionalities, interfaces and other work
product, ideas, concepts or tech-niques which Winsight may develop, use or rely upon in providing the Data to Company.
(b) All National Restaurant Association Show Property shall be and will remain the property of NRAS.
(c) NRAS shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual
property rights in and to the National Restaurant Association Show Property and the Data.
2. Limited License.
Upon Companys execution of this Agreement and the payment of all amounts due, Company is granted a limited, personal,
nontransferable, nonexclusive and retractable license to use the Data solely for Companys direct marketing, market research
and customer prospecting purposes, in strict accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Upon expiration or termination of
the Agreement, Company shall discontinue use of the Data and, as requested by NRAS, either (a) return the Data to Winsight
without retaining any copies thereof or any notes or other information thereon or (b) provide a certificate, executed by
Company, in form and substance satisfactory to NRAS, that the Data has been destroyed in such a manner to render the Data
permanently unread-able and unrecoverable.
3. Limitations on Use.
(a) Unless specifically authorized in advance and in writing by NRAS, Company will not share, sell, transfer or otherwise make
the Data available to any third person or entity and Company will use Companys best efforts to prevent the misuse or
unauthorized use of the Data by any third person or entity.
(b) You will not use the Data for consumer credit purposes, underwriting consumer insurance, employment purposes, tenant
screening purposes, for any other purpose covered by the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act or any applicable federal or state
law or for any other purpose not expressly authorized by the Agreement.
ontinued on next page
Attendee List Promotions
National Restaurant Association Show 2022 May 21-24, 2022 • Chicago, Illinois
4. Your Responsibilities; Use of Email Data
(a) Your use of the Data will comply with all applicable federal, state, local and foreign laws, statues, rules and regulations
(“Laws”), including Laws regarding telemarketing, email and facsimile marketing, customer solicitation and all applicable
guidelines of the Di-rect Marketing Association (“DMA”). If Company is not a member of the DMA, Company will use
Companys best efforts to comply with the DMAs guidelines.
(b) Your use of any email Data will comply with all applicable Laws, including the CAN-SPAM Act, COPPA, and any State Registry
(c) NRAS reserves the right to review Companys use of the Data to ensure compliance with this Agreement, but any failure of
NRAS to review such use will not constitute acceptance of such use or waive any of NRASs rights hereunder or limit any of
Companys obligations with respect to the Data. At any time upon at least 3 days’ notice, NRAS may audit Companys records to
determine whether Company is in compliance with this Agreement, and Company will make available to NRAS or its affiliates
all records necessary for the conduct of such an audit.
5. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limited Warranty.
The Data is provided on a strictly “as is” basis. NRAS does not assure or warrant the correctness, comprehensiveness or
complete-ness of the Data and, except as provided herein, NRAS disclaims any and all warranties of any nature, express or
implied, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You have 14 days from Companys
receipt of the Data to inspect it and notify NRAS of any problems or mistakes in the Data, and if Company so notify NRAS within
such 14-day period, the problem or mistake will be corrected at no additional charge to Company.
6. Limitation of Liability.
Except as provided in the last sentence of Section 5, NRAS will not be liable for any claim, demand, loss, liability, damage,
injuries, cost or expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and legal costs), whether general, direct, special, incidental,
consequential or other damage caused in whole or in part or directly or indirectly by any use of the Data or any alleged or
actual failure by NRAS to comply with the terms of this Agreement, whether or not any such damages were foreseeable or
whether NRAS was advised of the possibility of such damages. NRASs maximum liability under the last sentence of Section 5
will not exceed the amount Company paid NRAS under the Agreement within the 12 months preceding the event which gave
rise to NRAS liability.
7. Your Indemnification of NRAS.
You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless NRAS, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, independent contractors,
agents and representatives against any claim, demand, loss, liability, damage, injury cost or expense (including attorneys’ fees
and legal costs) which arises, directly or indirectly, out of Companys act or omission with respect to the Data or any violation of
the Agree-ment or any violation of law.
8. Interruption of Service.
You acknowledge that, given the technical nature of resources Winsight requires to provide the Data to Company, temporary
interruptions may occur in the provision of Data and that any such interruptions shall not result in Winsight having any liability
to Company or others and shall not suspend or eliminate Companys payment obligations to
Winsight or provide Company with any refund rights for amounts previously paid to Winsight.
9. No Assignment by You.
You may not assign Companys rights or obligations under this Agreement to any other person or entity without the prior
written consent of NRAS, whether by operation of law or otherwise, and any attempt to do so shall be void.
10. Additional Remedy of Termination.
In addition to all other legal rights and remedies available to NRAS for any apparent, threatened or actual breach or violation of
the Agreement by Company, NRAS has the right to terminate the Agreement and demand immediate return or destruction of
the Data at any time if NRAS believes Company is not complying in full with the Agreement.
continued on next page
11. Governing Law; Jurisdiction.
The Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Illinois, without regard for the principles of
con-flicts of law of that State or any other state. Any litigation or other dispute relating to or arising under the Agreement
shall only be brought in the state or federal courts located in Cook County, Illinois, and Company agrees to submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of such courts and waive any objections to the venue of any such proceeding therein.
12. Payment for Non-Invoiced Products.
(a) Payment: You agree to pay Winsight a fee in accordance with the fees, charges and billing terms in effect at the time a fee
or charge is due and payable. Fees charged are nonrefundable. In the case of subscription products, the subscription term shall
be effective for the agreed upon period, after which the subscription term shall automatically renew for the specified renewal
period (if any) at the then current subscription price.
(b) Recurring Billing: Your acceptance of the terms of the Agreement constitutes Companys authorization to Winsight to
automat-ically charge the credit/debit card provided by Company, and in the case of subscription products, to continue
charging the credit/debit card at the agreed-upon intervals during the term of the subscription. You agree to provide Winsight
with complete and accurate billing and contact information and to update that information with thirty (30) days of any change
to the billing information. Failure of the recurring payment process does not absolve Companys payment obligations.
(c) Interest Charges: There will be interest charges on any amounts which Company fails to pay when due at the rate of 1.5% a
month, or such lower rate as may be equal to the maximum rate allowed by applicable law, on the unpaid amount.
13. Entire Agreement; Amendment or Waiver.
The Agreement contains the entire understanding between Company and NRAS and supersedes any prior understandings or
agreements, oral or written, relating to the subject matter of the Agreement. The Agreement may only be amended by a
document signed by Company and NRAS. No waiver of any breach of the Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of a future
breach, whether of a similar or different nature, and no waiver shall be effective unless in writing
signed by the waiving party.
14. Execution; Counterparts.
The Agreement may be executed in its original, by facsimile or in electronically transmitted portable document format and it
may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original of the same document.
continued on next page
Establishment or Operation
R1 Table Service - Fine Dining
R2 Table Service - Casual Dining
R3 Table Service - Family Dining
R4 Quick Service
R5 Fast Casual
R6 Pizza
R7 Bar/Tavern/Pub/Brewery
R8 Coffee Shop/Donut/Bakery/
R9 Ice Cream/Frozen Novelty
R10 Buffet/Cafeteria/Banquets
R11 Catering - On/Off Site
R12 Clubs - Social/Country/Golf
R13 Concessions - Theme Parks/
R14 Conference/Convention Ctrs
R15 Mobile Foodservice & Vending
R16 Airlines/Commissary
R17 Lodging/Casino/Cruise Ship/
R 25 Ghost Kitchen
R 26 Off-Premise/Delivery
R19 Business & Industry/Other
Contract Foodservice
R20 College/University Foodservice
R21 Correctional Institution/Prison
R22 Health Care/Retirement
R23 Military/Military Clubs
R24 K-12 School Foodservice
R29 Chain-owned
R30 Franchise
R31 Independent
R32 Multi-unit Headquarters
R33 Non-commercial
R34 Corporate-owned
R35 Licensed
Serve Adult Beverage?
R34 Yes
R35 No
If Yes, Purchasing Role for Adult Beverage
R79 Make Decisions
R80 Specify Products/Services
R81 Influence Decisions
R82 No Role
% of Sales from Adult Beverage
R90 0-10%
R91 11-20%
R92 21-30%
R93 31-50%
R94 51-75%
R95 76%+
How many units do you represent?
R73 1
R74 2 to 9
R75 10 to 49
R76 50 to 99
R77 100 to 399
R78 Over 400
Annual Sales at Operation
R37 Under $100,000
R38 $100,000 - $499,999
R39 $500,000 - $1,499,999
R40 $1,500,000 - $4,999,999
R41 $5,000,000 - $24,999,999
R42 Over $25,000,000
Purchasing Role
Make decisions
R44 Specify products/Services
R45 Influence decisions
R46 No role
Area of Responsibility
R47 Corporate/Executive Mgmt.
R48 FOH Management
R49 Operations/International Operations
R50 Culinary/Chef
R51 Supply Chain
R52 Administrative Support
R53 IT - Information Technology
R54 Beverage Management
R55 Sales/Marketing
R56 Accounting/Finance
R57 Training/HR
R58 Nutrition/Dietetics
R59 QA/R&D
R60 Design/Construction
R61 Development/Real Estate
R62 Franchisor/Franchisee
R71 Mixologist
R72 Bartender
R63 Other
R73 Server
Level within Organization
R64 C-level/Owner
R67 Director
R68 Manager
R69 Chef
R70 Associate/Other
Establishment or Operation
T25 Convenience Store
T26 Specialty Store/Gourmet/Deli
T27 Supermarket
T28 Wholesaler/Warehouse Club/
T29 Chain-owned
T30 Franchise
T31 Independent
T32 Multi-unit Headquarters
T33 Non-commercial
T34 Corporate-owned
T35 Licensed
Serve Adult Beverage?
T34 Yes
T35 No
If Yes, Purchasing Role for Adult Beverage
Make Decisions
T80 Specify Products/Services
Influence Decisions
No Role
% of Sales from Adult Beverage
T90 0-10%
T91 11-20%
T92 21-30%
T93 31-50%
T94 51-75%
T95 76%+
How many units do you represent?
T73 1
T74 2 - 9
T75 10 - 49
T76 50 - 99
T77 100 - 399
T78 Over 400
Annual Sales at Operation
T37 Under $100,000
T38 $100,000 - $499,999
T39 $500,000 - $1,499,999
T40 $1,500,000 - $4,999,999
T41 $5,000,000 - $24,999,999
T42 Over $25,000,000
Purchasing Role
T43 Make decisions
T44 Specify products/services
T45 Influence decisions
T46 No role
Area of Responsibility
T47 Corporate/Executive Mgmt.
T48 FOH Management
T49 Operations/International
T50 Culinary/Chef
T51 Supply Chain
T52 Administrative Support
T53 IT - Information Technology
T54 Beverage Management
T55 Sales/Marketing
T56 Accounting/Finance
T57 Training/HR
T58 Nutrition/Dietetics
T59 QA/R&D
T60 Design/Construction
T61 Development/Real Estate
T62 Franchisor/Franchisee
T71 Mixologist
T72 Bartender
T63 Other
T73 Server
Level within Organization
T64 C-level/Owner
T67 Director
T68 Manager
T69 Chef
T70 Associate/Other
Type of Lodging Operation
L1 Bed & Breakfast
L2 Casino
L3 Cruise Ship
L4 Hotel
L5 Motel
L6 Resort/Spa
How many locations do
you represent?
L90 1
L91 2 to 9
L92 10 to 49
L93 50 to 99
L94 100 to 399
L95 400+
LODGING (continued)
Purchasing Role
L18 Make decisions
L19 Specify products/services
L20 Influence decision
L21 No role
Area of Responsibility
L47 Corporate
L71 Corporate F&B
L49 Operations
L51 Purchasing
L72 F&B Purchasing
L53 IT - Information Technology
L55 Sales/Catering
L56 Accounting/Finance
L57 Training/HR
L60 Design/Construction
L73 General Manager
L74 Front Desk
Level within Organization
L64 C-level/Owner
L67 Director
L68 Manager
L70 Associate
L76 Vice President
L77 Chef
Serve Adult Beverage?
L34 Yes
L35 No
If Yes, Purchasing Role for
Adult Beverage
L78 Make Decisions
L79 Specify Products/Services
L80 Influence Decisions
L81 No Role
S1 Beverage Manufacturer
S2 Equipment Manufacturer
S3 Food/Ingredient Manufacturer
S4 Supplies Manufacturer
S5 Technology
D1 Adult Beverage Distributor
D2 Beverage Wholesaler
D3 Equipment Dealer
D4 Food/Beverage Broker
D5 Food Distributor
D6 Supplies Distributor
Purchasing Role
D43 Make decisions
D44 Specify products/services
D45 Influence decisions
D46 No role
Level within Organization
D64 C-level/Owner
D66 Vice President
D67 Director
D68 Manager
D70 Associate
A1 Advertising/PR/Publications
A2 Architect/Designer
A3 Student Culinary/Hospital
A4 Consultant
A5 Equipment Service
A6 Exporter
A7 Faculty/Admin/Training
A8 Financial Services
A9 Government Agency/Utilities
A11 Manufacturers Agent/Rep
A12 Specifier
A13 Trade Association
A15 Other
A16 Technology
A17 Importer