TENANT NAME: ______________________________
TENANT NAME: ______________________________
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________
This addendum to the rental agreement executed between the parties contains additional rules and
regulations intended to help secure the comfort and safety of residents and their neighbors.
Tenant shall not make any alterations to the premises, including but not limited to installing
aerials, lighting fixtures, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers or other items without first
obtaining written permission from Landlord: provided, however, that notwithstanding such
consent, all alterations including items affixed to the premises shall become the property of the
Lessor upon termination of the lease.
Tenant shall not change or install locks, paint, or wallpaper said premises without Landlord's
prior written consent, Tenant shall not place placards, signs, or other exhibits in a window or any
other place where they can be viewed by other residents or by the general public.
The following checked items are furnished by Management as a courtesy to Tenant and are not to
be construed in any manner as a part of the rental paid by the Tenant:
[ ] Refrigerator [ ] Stove/oven [ ] Dish Washer [ ] Washer [ ] Dryer
[ ] Microwave [ ] Ceiling Fan(s) [ ] Window Coverings
Birds, dogs, cats, reptiles or other animals will not be permitted in, upon or about the premises
without the express prior written consent of the property owner. Consent, if given, shall be
revocable by the property owner at any time.
Any antenna or satellite dish placed on or attached on the roof or exterior walls of the building
without consent of the property owner in writing is liable to removal without notice.
Private balconies and patios are not intended for storage. Bicycles and patio furniture are the only
items that may be placed or stored on the balcony or patio. Other personal items, including, but
not limited to boxes and general clutter, must be stored elsewhere or disposed of properly.
A $__________ cleaning charge may be deducted if the rental property is not returned clean,
including appliances and carpet. Other necessary repair, painting or damage charges may be
deducted from deposit. If the property owner must perform painting, carpet cleaning, or other
cleaning within the initial one-year lease term, the tenant will be responsible for any costs
Neither the tenant nor any of the tenant's agents, employees, licensees or visitors shall at any time
bring into or keep upon the demised premises any flammable, combustible or explosive fluid,
material, chemical or substance.
Profane, obscene, loud or boisterous language, or unseemly behavior and conduct are absolutely
prohibited. The tenant agrees to not permit to be done, anything that will annoy, harass,
embarrass, or inconvenience any other tenants, neighbors or occupants in adjoining premises.
At all times during the lease term, residents shall conduct themselves, and require other persons
on the Premises with their consent to conduct themselves, in a manner that does not unreasonably
disturb his neighbors or constitute a breach of the peace. Tenants shall not make or permit any
disturbing noises in the building by a tenant or tenant's family, employees, agents, visitors or
licensees, nor do or permit any thing by such persons that will interfere with the rights, comforts
or convenience of other residents. Residents shall not play or allow to be played, any musical
instrument or operate audio-visual equipment in the demised premises, or on the exterior of said
premises, if disturbs or annoys other occupants of the building.
Drug-related criminal activity will not be tolerated on or near the property, whether on the part of
the tenant, any member of the household, any guest or any other person. Acts of violence or
threats of violence, including but not limited to, brandishing weapons or the unlawful discharge
of firearms, on or near the property will not be tolerated. The parties agree that violation of any or
all of these provisions shall be a material violation of the lease and will be cause for immediate
termination of the lease.
Nothing shall be placed or kept on the outer sill or on the outside of any window, and nothing
shall be thrown out of any window, door or from any porch into any attached court, yard,
sidewalk or alley. No awnings or other projections shall be attached to the outside walls of the
building, and no blinds, shades or screens shall be attached to or hung in, or used in connection
with any window or door of the demised premises, without prior written consent of the property
owner. Garbage cans, supplies, or other articles shall not be placed in the halls or on the staircase
landings, nor shall anything be hung from the windows or balconies or placed upon the
windowsills. No linens, clothing, curtains, rugs or mops shall be shaken or hung from any of the
windows or doors.
No garbage or other refuse shall be stored or allowed to accumulate on the premises for extended
periods of time. No garbage shall he thrown out of windows, doors or from any other part of the
property. All garbage and refuse shall be disposed of in a timely manner in places and dumpsters
provided by the landlord or municipality.
Only persons employed by the property owner or his agents shall operate, or have anything to do
with any heating plant on the premises. The tenant shall not install or use any electrical or other
type of space heater without the express prior written consent of the property owner. The tenant
shall not use cooking appliances to heat the premises. Lessor provides routine heating and cooling
checks and changes of filters. Property owner reserves the right to access during normal business
hours to conduct routine, preventative maintenance on heating and cooling equipment.
If the landlord observes any activity of a suspicious nature on the part of the tenant, employees,
guests or family members of the tenant in the leased premises, or any areas adjoining the
premises, the landlord shall inform the police and the activity may be cause for immediate
termination of the lease. Illegal activities on the premises will not be tolerated. Any arrest of a
tenant, or guests of the tenant or suspicion of any illegal activity, regardless of whether it results
in a conviction, may be cause for termination of tenancy.
Keys shall be provided upon payment of the first month's rent and security deposits, and shall be
deemed a part of this Agreement. The tenant shall not change, reproduce or add any keys and/or
locks without the express prior permission of the property owner. The tenant shall provide the
property owner with copies of every key for the premises.
If the tenant shall lose the keys to the apartment, then he shall be responsible for a fee of
$________ in addition to cost of replacement keys or locksmith charges.
Before occupancy of the rental property, all light bulbs will be installed and in good working
order. Thereafter, tenants are required to provide and change all bulbs within or switch controlled
from their premises, no matter where located, at their own expense.
In the event that the tenant locks themselves out of their premises, they may obtain a key from the
property owner at a time convenient to the owner. The tenant must pay for any damage to the
property as a result of a lockout
No person shall congregate, lounge, play, sit, or unnecessarily obstruct any of the common areas.
The sidewalks, entrances, passages, courts, vestibules, stairways, corridors and halls must not be
obstructed or encumbered or used for a purpose other than ingress and egress to and from the
demised premises. No baby carriages, vehicles, bicycles or portable barbecues shall be allowed to
stand in the halls, passageways, porches or courts of the building. Children shall not play in any
common areas not designated as play areas.
All tenant property and equipment shall be brought into and taken from the premises through the
rear entrance when possible, and nothing shall be permitted to remain in any public areas.
Only occupants listed on the application for tenancy and lease shall occupy the rental property.
Any deviation from this requirement will automatically terminate the lease/rental agreement.
Under this agreement, an occupant is defined as anyone who spends more than five nights in the
property during any one-month period.
Property owner reserves the right to require a $___________ pet deposit. Tenant agrees to allow
property owner to deduct the full cost of carpet cleaning, pest extermination and air freshener
from the deposit. Tenant agrees to return apartment and yard without damages and in original
condition. Property owner reserves the right to periodically inspect tenant's apartment and if any
damage has occurred, tenant agrees to immediately vacate premises and the lease shall be
The toilets, washbasins, sink; disposal and other plumbing fixtures shall not be used for any
purpose other than those for which they were constructed. No sweeping, rubbish, rags or other
substances shall be thrown therein. The cost to repair damages or clean drain lines resulting from
the misuse of fixtures in the demised premises shall be borne by the resident. The tenant shall
keep the sink, lavatory drains and commode lines in good operating condition.
Tenant agrees to notify property owner immediately and follow up in writing of any necessary
repairs or unsafe condition of any kind within the rental property or common areas.
No sign, advertisement, notice or other lettering shall be exhibited, inscribed, painted, or affixed
by tenant or tenant's family, on any part of the outside or inside of the demised premises or the
building without prior written consent of the property owner.
Water beds or fish tanks or other liquid containers over 10 gallons in capacity shall not be
allowed in the apartment without the express prior written consent of the property owner. If
consent is provided, tenant shall be fully responsible for any water damage that may occur to the
Property owner reserves the right to amend or revoke rules or regulations, in whole or part, or to
adopt new ones, at anytime or from time to time, and all such amendments, revocations, or new
rules shall become a part of this lease/rental agreement as of their effective date.
Violation of the rules and regulations, or any part of them, will be just cause to invoke the
remedies provided for in the lease/rental agreement. Any notice regarding amending or revoking
any of the rules and regulations in whole or in part, or to adopt new ones, shall be effective upon
notice delivered to the tenant, or, if necessary, posted in a place likely to be seen by the tenant.
Please sign your name in the space provided below as an indication that you have received a copy
of the aforementioned rules and regulations, and that you have reviewed and understand them.
TENANT: _________________________ DATE:_______________
TENANT: _________________________ DATE:_______________