2525 E. Camelback Rd. Ste. 1101, Phoenix AZ 85016 Phone: 602-279-9663 Toll Free: 800-640-0635
Dear Client,
Thank you for choosing Weststar Pacific Mortgage as your loan servicing agent. Weststar is one of the nation’s
leaders in loan servicing and currently provides services for accounts nationwide.
As a licensed provider of loan servicing for over 35 years, Weststar has the expertise, knowledge, and
technology to provide you with unequaled service.
For sellers and lenders, Weststar will remit payments received on your account to you promptly and accurately.
We’ve enclosed a direct deposit form for your convenience should you prefer to receive your funds
electronically. We also offer a variety of account reporting services which may be of benefit to clients with more
than 10 accounts.
For buyers and borrowers Weststar will (upon request) draft your funds allowing your transaction to move
quickly and accurately. We’ve enclosed an auto draft form for your convenience should you prefer this service.
Regardless of whether you choose auto draft or to mail your payment in, payment coupons with your account
information will be mailed within two weeks of your first payment due date. If you choose auto draft you can
put these aside, secure in the knowledge that your payment will be processed.
We know you will be pleased with the quality of service you will receive from our customer service staff. Should
you have any questions regarding your account or loan servicing in general, please feel free to contact us. Our
Customer Service Team is available via email to PhxCustomerService@westloan.com or via telephone to 602-
279-9663 or 800-530-0332.
In addition, be sure to include your email address on the servicing instructions sheet. Once your account is
setup, you’ll be able to view your payment and loan details by logging into www.westloan.com.
We value your opinion! Please email PhxFeedback@westloan.com and tell us how we’re doing!
We look forward to being a member of your loan servicing team and sincerely appreciate your business!
Lisa Lariviere
Lisa Lariviere
Vice President
2525 E. Camelback Rd. Ste. 1101, Phoenix AZ 85016 Phone: 602-279-9663 Toll Free: 800-640-0635
a new account will not be accepted for servicing without these items
_____ Birthday information for all parties
_____ Social Security Number or TIN # for all parties
_____ Servicing Instructions signed by all parties
_____ Setup Fee (see servicing instructions sheet)
_____ Property Parcel Number (if real property)
_____ Closing Statement (if closed by title company)
_____ legible copy of picture ID for all parties
Taxes and Insurance collection (if applicable) (check both)
_____ Copy of insurance certificate
_____ Copy of tax certificate is included
_____ HOA invoice (if applicable)
Interest Calculation Method (choose one)
_____ Periodic Interest means that interest is calculated on a 360-day year and 30 days between
payments regardless of date of payment.
_____ Daily Interest means that interest is calculated on a 365-day year and the actual number of days
between payments.
Payoff Documents (choose one)
_____ Weststar Pacific Mortgage is named as trustee in the Deed of Trust
_____ EXECUTED BUT UNRECORDED Release document is provided
Special Instructions Noted on servicing instruction sheet
_____ Due in full date (if applicable)
_____ Prepayment penalty and/or Termination Fee (if applicable)
_____ Balloon penalty (if applicable)
_____ Special payment processing requirements
_____ Direct Deposit form filled in and signed by lender
_____ Automatic Withdraw form filled in and signed by borrower
(choose one)
_____ Note Deed of Trust Executed Release OR Weststar Pacific Mortgage Named as trustee
_____ Agreement for Sale executed but unrecorded warranty deed
_____ Purchase Contract executed but unrecorded warranty deed
_____ Option Contract
_____ Memorandum of Option
_____ Lease Option
_____ Lease
_____ Personal Property Note
(NMLS #93243, AZBK 0901413 - Revised 2019)
Weststar Pacific Mortgage
This is authorization to establish a Loan Service Account. We agree to the standard fees
charged on this account. We herewith deposit with you the following and instruct you to
disburse as herein directed.
Interest ______________ %
______________ Calculation Method required (P or D - refer to checklist for description)
______________ Interest Start date
Payment ______________ 1
Due Date
______________ Balloon Date (Due in full)
___________________________________ APN or Parcel required if real property
______________ Who pays monthly service fees (B-Payor; S-Payee; SP-Split refer to fee schedule)
$ _____________ Principal and Interest (or Lease) Amount (per pmnt)
$_____________ Impound Amount (per pmnt if to be impounded by Weststar)
$_____________ Monthly Payor Fee Estimate (subject to update by WPM)
$ ____________ Wrap-around (Underlying) Lien Amount (if applicable)
Impound Collection __ N/A ___ Taxes ___ Insurance ___ HOA
Please note: Weststar collects and pays taxes and insurance in-house therefore we do not use a tax service.
___________________________________ Insurance Policy or Binder #
___________________________________ Address for Insurance Underwriter required (cannot be
agent unless commercial property)
___________________________________ Home Owner’s Association Account #
Late Charge _____________ $ or % Late Fee
_____________ # of days allowed
_____________ Are there other late provisions such as $ per day etc. (Y/N)
____________ Automatic Late Notice @ 15 days (Y/N) **additional Payor Fee
***Payor Initials: ______ ______ ***Beneficiary Initials: ______ ______
***Payor Initials: ______ ______ ***Beneficiary Initials: ______ ______
(NMLS #93243, AZBK 0901413 - Revised 2019)
Payor Name: : _____________________________________________________________________________
Address : _____________________________________________________________________________
City : __________________________________________ State : __________ Zip: _________________________
SS# or TIN required : _______________________________________________________________________
Birthdate required: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone : _______________________________________________________________________
Primary email address : _______________________________________________________________________
Payor Name if any : _______________________________________________________________________
Address : ___________________________________________________________________________________
City : ________________________________________ State : __________ Zip: ___________________________
SS# or TIN required : _______________________________________________________________________
Birthdate required: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone : _______________________________________________________________________
Primary email address : _______________________________________________________________________
Lien Holder(s)
Beneficiary Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Address : ___________________________________________________________________________________
City : ________________________________________ State : __________ Zip: ___________________________
Phone : _______________________________________________________________________
Primary SS# or TIN required : ________________________________________________________________
Birthdate required: ____________________________________________________________________________
Primary email address : _______________________________________________________________________
Additional Beneficiary if any: ____________________________________________________________________
Address : ____________________________________________________________________________________
City : ________________________________________ State : __________ Zip: ____________________________
Primary SS# or TIN required : _______________________________________________________________
Birthdate required: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone : ________________________________________________________________________
Primary email address : ________________________________________________________________________
***Payor Initials ______ ______ ***Beneficiary Initials ______ ______
***Payor Initials ______ ______ ***Beneficiary Initials ______ ______
(NMLS #93243, AZBK 0901413 - Revised 2019)
Underlying Lien Information (if applicable)
Lien Holder Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Address Required: __________________________________________________________________________________
City : ________________________________________ State : __________ Zip: ___________________________
Phone: ________________________________________ Acct/Loan # : _______________________________
Next payment due: _______________________________
Full Payment Amount: $______________________________ Are taxes and Insurance included in this loan? ______
Property Type
Residential Commercial Property Vacant Land
***Payor Initials: ______ ______ ***Beneficiary Initials: ______ ______
***Payor Initials: ______ ______ ***Beneficiary Initials: ______ ______
(NMLS #93243, AZBK 0901413 - Revised 2019)
Weststar Pacific Mortgage agrees to act as a Loan Servicing Agent for the parties pursuant to this Loan Servicing
Agreement. In accepting this Loan Service and designating Weststar as Loan Servicing Agent, the parties hereto
mutually agree to this instruction sheet and the following terms and conditions.
1. The duties and responsibilities of Weststar are limited to those expressly set forth in this Agreement. Neither party shall have the
right to change or modify the terms of this Agreement (except the Payee under the contract or note may change where their
payment is disbursed by written notice to Weststar and the Payer under the contract or note may change where their payment is
drafted from by written notice to Weststar) unless such change or modification is in writing and executed by all parties to the Loan
Servicing Agreement.
2. Weststar shall not be responsible or liable: (i) for the sufficiency, accuracy, or correctness of the form, manner of execution,
execution, or validity of any paper, instrument or document deposited hereunder, or any description of property or other thing
therein, (ii) the identity, authority, or rights of the persons executing or delivering, or purporting to execute or deliver any paper
instrument or document. Further, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that Weststar shall not be called upon to construe
any contract or instrument deposited herewith.
3. In accordance with Weststar’s published fee schedule and servicing instructions, the servicing fees due are to be paid by the
parties designated. Weststar shall have the right to change its fees from time to time. Please note that monthly service fees shall
accrue until the account is closed out and all fees then due have been paid.
4. If a payment is more than 15 days past due (or as may be otherwise directed), and the parties have instructed Weststar to send a
past due reminder notice, Weststar shall send the reminder notice and the Purchaser/Payer shall pay the fee for the service, in
accordance with the fee schedule then in effect.
5. Weststar shall be authorized to electronically deposit and/or draft proceeds from the collection account, if that service has been
requested. This service shall be provided as a convenience and Weststar shall have no responsibility if the receiving party: (i) fails
to make deposits; or, (ii) makes a credit to another account. Weststar shall not be responsible for the bank’s charges relating to
the deposit/draft. Weststar’s obligation shall be expressly limited to the prompt deposit and/or drafting of funds, as available. If
a party receives money or a deposit that is not due them, they shall immediately notify Weststar.
6. If Weststar remits a payment without waiting for checks or drafts to be honored by the institution upon which they are drawn, the
Payee agrees to hold Weststar harmless from any loss sustained by reason of the dishonoring of said checks or drafts. In the
event any check or draft is dishonored by the institution upon which it is drawn, and Weststar has remitted such payments, Payee
shall return such payments to Weststar within five (5) business days from the date requested by Weststar.
7. If a release of any lien described in the Loan Documents is not provided to Weststar when the account is setup, the party who is
obligated to provide the release shall provide the release upon request by Weststar. If the release is not provided when
requested, Weststar may hold final funds until the release is provided.
8. Weststar shall have the right to resign as loan servicing agent by giving the parties thirty (30) days written notice. Weststar shall
also have the right to assign its duties as loan servicing agent to other licensed individuals or entities upon thirty (30) days’ notice.
9. In the event fees that are due are not paid and the non-paying party voluntarily or involuntarily loses his rights to the property
through a deed-in-lieu, non-judicial foreclosure, judicial foreclosure or otherwise, the other party or parties hereto agree to collect
and forward all fees due Weststar prior to or immediately after the transfer of title.
10. As a material consideration for Weststar’s acceptance to act as the loan servicing agent, it is agreed that Weststar shall not be
liable for any of its acts or omissions done in good faith, nor shall it be liable for any claims, demands, losses or damages made,
claimed or suffered by any party to this Agreement, excepting such as may arise through or be caused by Weststar’s gross
negligence. Each of the parties to this Agreement agree to indemnify Weststar and hold Weststar harmless from all costs,
damages, judgments, attorney’s fees, expenses, obligations and liabilities of any kind which Weststar may incur or suffer in
connection with or arising out of the services provided hereunder, except such as may be caused by Weststar’s gross negligence.
Weststar is hereby given a lien and a contractual right to set off upon and against all rights and interest of each of the undersigned
to all interests in any property, paper, instruments, documents and all monies arising there from to protect Weststar’s rights to
indemnification and reimbursement under this Agreement. The right to set off may be exercised at Weststar’s sole discretion,
without notice to the parties hereto or any party who may have an interest.
11. In the event any conflict or controversy arises concerning any act or failure to act by Weststar or Weststar receiving conflicting
demands for any act or failure to act, the parties hereto expressly agree and consent that Weststar shall have the absolute right,
in its sole discretion, to either (a) withhold all money, property, paper instruments or documents deposited herewith and stop all
further proceedings in, and performance of this loan servicing until a mutual agreement has been reached between all parties
hereto, or (b) file suit in interpleader to have the court decide the dispute. In the event Weststar files an interpleader suit, or in
the event any party interested in the Loan Servicing Agreement files an action against Weststar, Weststar shall be fully released
and discharged from all obligations imposed upon it in this Agreement, except for claims arising from Weststar’s gross negligence.
In the event a suit is brought by or against Weststar, the parties to this loan servicing agreement jointly and severally agree to pay
Weststar all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees which it may expend or incur in such action.
***Payor Initials: ______ ______ ***Beneficiary Initials: ______ ______
***Payor Initials: ______ ______ ***Beneficiary Initials: ______ ______
(NMLS #93243, AZBK 0901413 - Revised 2019)
12. Weststar shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney fees incurred in the enforcement of any provision of this Agreement,
including but not limited to fees incurred in the collection of any money that may be due Weststar pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement, whether or not a lawsuit is filed. Further, Weststar shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney’s fees incurred
in responding to any writ or levy served upon it, which attorney’s fees may be satisfied out of the monies due to the party whose
interest has been garnished, levied upon or otherwise attached.
13. Weststar shall have the absolute right, in its sole discretion, to update this Agreement with proper notice to all parties. This
agreement shall be binding on all parties hereto, their heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.
14. Weststar Pacific Mortgage is complying with the “Know Your Customer” and Anti-Money Laundering requirements of the US
Patriot Act. Weststar has implemented appropriate due diligence and risk management procedures and will service only those
accounts which meet these requirements.
Setup Fee without Impounds (Per Balance Collected) $125.00
Setup Fee with Impounds (Per Balance Collected) $150.00
Transaction/Servicing Fee with one ACH direct deposit
Monthly $13.00
Quarterly $39.00
Semi-Annual $78.00
Annual $156.00
Additional Disbursement by check $5.00 per month per add’l ck (payee fee)
Receipt by Paper $5.00 per month per receipt
Collection for Taxes and/or insurance add’l $6.00 per month
Disbursement from the impound account $8.00 per disbursement
Assignment or Assumption Fee $100.00
Bereavement Transfer $50.00
Partial Release $100.00
Verifications $25.00
Holding Documents/Dormant accounts $156.00 per year
Close Out (Withdrawal & Affidavits) $150.00
Close Out on Payoff $125.00
Bring-Current Statement $40.00
Payoff Statement $100.00
Payoff Statement Update $40.00 (if pmnt recd/new statement req.)
Recording Fee Actual Charge
Modification and Addendums $100.00
Late Reminder/Delinquency Notice $20.00
Insufficient Funds/Returned Items $25.00
Void and Reissues/Stop pay $29.00
Reconveyance Fee $125.00
Demand Monitor Fee $145.00 (includes 1 dmd stmt, 1 fax, 1
update, foreclosure monitoring)
Fed Ex Fee $25.00
Bankruptcy Management/Adj Rate Payments $15.00 per month
Research/Special Handling/Manual Calculation $50.00 min. per hour
Document Signing Fee (For Trust Services) $125.00
Storage Retrieval $35.00
By signature below I agree that I have read and understand the terms of the Servicing Instruction Terms and
Conditions as stated in this seven (7) page agreement and agree to place the attached documents with
Weststar Pacific Mortgage for servicing.
***Payor SIGNATURE: _____________________________ Date: __________________
***Payor SIGNATURE: _____________________________ Date: __________________
***Beneficiary SIGNATURE: _________________________ Date: __________________
***Beneficiary SIGNATURE: _________________________ Date: __________________
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
(NMLS #93243, AZBK 0901413 - Revised 2019)
In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Dodd-Frank Act) amended the Real Estate
Settlement and Procedures Act (RESPA) of 1974, which is implemented by Regulation X and the Truth in Lending Act (TILA),
which is implemented by Regulation Z, with regard to the servicing of certain residential mortgage loans. The Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued rules in January 2013 to implement these Dodd-Frank Act amendments to RESPA
and TILA. These rules were finalized in October of 2013 with interim final rules for implementation.
Please be advised that in accordance with the final rules as implemented, any loan that is made by a “Creditor,which is
defined differently under RESPA and TILA, is required to be compliant with the Act and related rules during the course of
its servicing period. Under RESPA and its implementing regulations, creditor” is defined as follows:
Defined in section 103(g) of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (15 U.S.C. 1602(g), that makes or invests
in residential real estate loans aggregating more than $1,000,000 per year. For purposes of this definition,
the term “creditor” does not include any agency or instrumentality of any State, and the term “residential
real estate loan” means any loan secured by residential real property, including single-family and
multifamily residential property.
Similarly, TILA and Regulation Z applies to each individual or business that offers or extends credit when four conditions
are met: (1) the credit is offered or extended to consumers, (2) the offering or extension of credit is done regularly, (3) the
credit is subject to a finance charge or is payable by a written agreement in more than four installments, and (4) the credit
is primarily for personal, family, or household purposes. See 12 CRF 1026.1(c)(1). In evaluating the applicability of
requirements and liability under TILA/Regulation Z, it is necessary to determine whether a person or entity is acting as a
“creditor” as defined by 12 CFR 1026.2(a)(17). In relevant part, TILA/Regulation Z defines the term “Creditor” as follows:
A person who regularly extends consumer credit that is subject to a finance charge or is payable by written
agreement in more than four installments (not including a down payment), and to whom the obligation
is initially payable, either on the face of the note or contract, or by agreement when there is no note or
See 12 CFR 1026.2(a)(17). The phrase “regularly extends consumer credit” is explained as follows:
A person regularly extends consumer credit only if it extended credit (other than credit subject to the
requirements of § 1026.32) more than 25 times (or more than 5 times for transactions secured by a
dwelling) in the preceding calendar year. If a person did not meet these numerical standards in the
preceding calendar year, the numerical standards shall be applied to the current calendar year. A person
regularly extends consumer credit if, in any 12-month period, the person originates more than one credit
extension that is subject to the requirements of
See 12 CFR 1026.2(a)(17). Significantly, although a person generally must extend more than five dwelling-secured
transactions to be considered as regularly extending consumer credit, under Regulation Z, making even one HOEPA or
Section 32 loan through a mortgage broker qualifies as regularly extending consumer credit.
See (http://www.consumerfinance.gov) for further clarification.
Weststar Mortgage Corporation suggests that you review this with your legal advisor to determine if you fall under the
“creditor” rules.
(NMLS #93243, AZBK 0901413 - Revised 2019)
Please review these new rules and mark the appropriate box stating if you meet the criteria of as creditor as
defined by the CFPB.
I have read the new CFPB rules and understand the definition of a “creditor” and agree
that I DO fall under the rule as a creditor.
I have read the new CFPB rules and understand the definition of a “creditor” and have
determined that I DO NOT fall under the rule as a creditor.
Under the final rule, the CFPB requires every servicer to contact each Lender/Creditor to determine what “Foreclosure
Prevention Alternatives” the Lender/Creditor offers, if any, and to make that information available to the borrowers
should they become delinquent in their mortgage loan payments. Weststar Mortgage Corporation must be able to prove
that you provided us with your “Foreclosure Prevention Alternatives,” if any, that you are willing to offer to your
Please chose one of the below options. Please attach additional documents as necessary for Option 2.
Option 1:
No “Foreclosure Prevention Alternatives” are offered.
Option 2:
Please follow the below instructions on ALL my loans.
***Beneficiary SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________
***Beneficiary SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
2525 E. Camelback Rd. Ste. 1101, Phoenix AZ 85016 Phone: 602-279-9663 Toll Free: 800-640-0635
DATE: ___________________
CUSTOMER NAME: ________________________
WESTSTAR ACCOUNT NUMBER: ___________________________
BANK NAME: _________________________________________________
ABA ROUTING: ________________________________________________
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: ______________________________________
CHECKING: _________SAVINGS: _________
Please be advised if the date of transfer occurs on a weekend or holiday, the draft will take place on
the business day prior to that date. Written requests to stop drafts must be received by Weststar at
least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled draft.
Please accept this letter as your authorization to draft payments for the above referenced
contract/collection account. A Voided check from bank account is attached. I understand this service is
provided as a convenience to me. Weststar Pacific Mortgage (Weststar) shall have no responsibility for
the bank’s failure to make the draft from my account or for bank changes relating to the draft.
Weststar’s liability is limited to the prompt drafting of the amount of total payment due. I understand
it is my responsibility to inform Weststar of any monies drafted from my account by Weststar which
should not have been.
Authorized Signature
*Please include a voided check or printout from your bank showing the routing and account number.
This will ensure accuracy when the prenote is sent to your bank.
2525 E. Camelback Rd. Ste. 1101, Phoenix AZ 85016 Phone: 602-279-9663 Toll Free: 800-640-0635
DATE: ___________________
CUSTOMER NAME: ________________________
WESTSTAR ACCOUNT NUMBER: ___________________________
BANK NAME: _________________________________________________
ABA ROUTING/TRANSIT NUMBER: ________________________________
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: ______________________________________
CHECKING: _________SAVINGS: _________
Please accept this letter as your authorization to electronically deposit proceeds from the above
referenced collection account, I understand this service is provided as a convenience to me, and
Weststar Pacific Mortgage (Weststar) shall have no responsibility for the bank’s failure to make the
deposit to my account, or for the bank’s charges relating to the deposit. Weststar’s liability is limited to
the prompt deposit of funds. I understand it is my responsibility to inform Weststar of any monies
deposited into my account by Weststar which are not due to me.
Authorized Signature
*Please include a voided check or printout from your bank showing the routing and account number.
This will ensure accuracy when the prenote is sent to your bank.
2525 E. Camelback Rd. Ste. 1101, Phoenix AZ 85016 Phone: 602-279-9663 Toll Free: 800-640-0635
Website Support Instructions for New Loan Holders
1. The first thing you will do from www.westloan.com is click on ‘Register a new Account’.
2. Your email address will now be your username. Enter that on the Register page along with a valid
password using the rules displayed on the screen. The password should include:
1. Upper case character (A-Z)
2. Lower case character (a-z)
3. Numeric Digit (0-9)
4. Special Character (.,[]{}|\/?!@#$%^&*())
5. And it must be at least 6 characters long.
3. A link will be sent to your inbox to confirm your email address. After you confirm your email address,
you will be able to log in.
4. Once you log in, you will be brought to a one-time only screen to connect your loan your username.
This screen is the Find your Loan screen.
5. Enter Type: Loan, Loan Number: xxxxxxxxx, Secret: Is the full social security number that we have on
file for this account. (all 9 digits, no dashes)
6. Once you get the ‘Successfully linked service account’ message, select the Go to Dashboard link.
7. Now you are done with the Find your Loan screen. The next time you log in, you will be brought directly
to the Dashboard.
8. Click Detail View to see a summary of your loan’s information.
9. On the left-hand side of the screen you will see options for Payment History and Impound History.