Utah County Attorney’s Office
Bureau of Investigations Complaint Form
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Instructions: Please be thorough and return completed form to our office: 100 E Center Street, Suite 3300, Provo, UT 84606;
Fax: (801) 851-8070; or email to ChelseaC@utahcounty.gov or AlenaA@utahcounty.gov.
Your Full Name: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________
Address:___________________________________ City:_________________ State: _____ Zip:_______
Business Address: ___________________________ City: _________________State:_____ Zip: _______
Occupation: _________________________ Phone: (____) ____-_______ (hm) (____) ____-______ (wk)
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________
Full Name of Business, Company, Firm, Person, etc: __________________________________________
Business Address:___________________________ City: _________________ State: ____ Zip: _______
Full name of salesperson, agent, or other representative: _______________________________________
Employed by: _________________________________________________________________________
Did you have a business or personal relationship with the firm or any of its partners, officers, directors, or
controlling persons? Yes No Business Personal How Long? _____ Yrs _____ Months
Please describe the nature of this relationship. _______________________________________________
How much money did you invest with this company? $________________________________________
How much money have you lost as a result of your participation with this company? $________________
Have you contacted the business or person regarding your complaint? Yes No
If yes, please provide date(s) and person(s) contacted. _________________________________________
What were the results of your contact(s)? ___________________________________________________
Have you filed this complaint with another law enforcement or consumer protection agency?
Yes No
If yes, provide name and address of agency, and the person handling your complaint. ________________
Have you or any other victim filed a civil action (lawsuit) in any court? Yes No
If yes, provide name of county / case number / date. ___________________________________________
**Please provide court documents.**
Are you willing to appear as a witness, be sworn, testify, and be cross-examined concerning the
allegations made in this complaint? Yes No