51 S. University Ave. Ste 117
Provo, Ut 84601 - (801)851-8343
Temporary Use Permit Application
Check type of Temporary Use applying for and complete application:
9 Auxiliary parking - 5 days, twice annually
9 Christmas Tree Sales - 45 days annually
9 Commercial Filming - 6 weeks (renewable)
9 Corn Maze/Haunted House/Outside Haunted Event - 65 days
9 Construction Yard - 1 year (renewable)
9 Migrant Camps - 45 days annually
9 Recycling Equipment During Demolition - 6 months
9 Seasonal Sales and Services - 6 months
9 Small Event - 10 days, twice annually
9 Temp Existing Dwelling - 30 days (extension possible)
9 Tents, Canopies & Membrane Structures - 180 days annually
Applicant Name: _____________________________________ Phone: ________________ Fax: _______________
Mailing Address:_____________________________________ City: _______________ State: _____ Zip: _______
Email:_________________________________ Name of Event/Business: __________________________________
Parcel No.: _____________________________ Property Owner: _________________________________________
Describe event and list any equipment:_______________________________________________________________
Applicant must submit a detailed site plan showing event, parking, structures, equipment, roads,
accesses, closest residences, etc.
Source of power: _______________
Number of parking spaces: _______
Type & number of sanitary facilities: _______________________________
Requested date to: begin operation __________ end operation ___________
Applicant acknowledges that the temporary use, if granted, may not start prior to the indicated “Start Date”
and becomes invalid upon the indicated “Expiration Date” for which the approval has been granted.
_______________________________ _______ _________________________________ ___________
Property Owner’s Approval Signature Date Applicant’s Signature Date
Applicant is required to receive the following approvals: (Staff will indicate)
9 Health Department (801-851-7525, 151 S. University Ave., Provo): _____________________________________
9 Fire Marshal (801-851-8348, 51 S. University Ave, Provo): ____________________________________________
9 County Sheriff (801-851-4000, 3075 N Main, Spanish Fork): ___________________________________________
9 County Engineering, access permit (801-851-8601, 2855 S State, Provo): _________________________________
9 UDOT, access permit (801-227-8000, 825 N. 900 W. Orem): ___________________________________________
Zone: __________ Sec: _____ T: _____ R: _____ County Address: __________________________________
Planning Comments:
________________________________________ ____________
Zoning Administrator’s Approval Date
For Office Use Only
Permit No.: ________________
Start date: _________________
Expiration date: ____________
Planning Fee: ______________
Fire Marshal Fee: ___________
Receipt No.: _______________
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