form HUD-52641 (3/2000)
ref Handbook 7420.8
Previous editions are obsolete
8. Owner Certification
During the term of this contract, the owner certifies that:
a. The owner is maintaining the contract unit and premises
in accordance with the HQS.
b. The contract unit is leased to the tenant. The lease
includes the tenancy addendum (Part C of the HAP
contract), and is in accordance with the HAP contract
and program requirements. The owner has provided the
lease to the PHA, including any revisions of the lease.
c. The rent to owner does not exceed rents charged by the
owner for rental of comparable unassisted units in the
d. Except for the rent to owner, the owner has not received
and will not receive any payments or other consideration
(from the family, the PHA, HUD, or any other public or
private source) for rental of the contract unit during the
HAP contract term.
e. The family does not own or have any interest in the
contract unit.
f. To the best of the owner’s knowledge, the members of
the family reside in the contract unit, and the unit is the
family’s only residence.
g. The owner (including a principal or other interested
party) is not the parent, child, grandparent, grandchild,
sister, or brother of any member of the family, unless the
PHA has determined (and has notified the owner and the
family of such determination) that approving rental of
the unit, notwithstanding such relationship, would pro-
vide reasonable accommodation for a family member
who is a person with disabilities.
9. Prohibition of Discrimination. In accordance with appli-
cable equal opportunity statutes, Executive Orders, and regu-
a. The owner must not discriminate against any person
because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
familial status, or disability in connection with the HAP
b. The owner must cooperate with the PHA and HUD in
conducting equal opportunity compliance reviews and
complaint investigations in connection with the HAP
10. Owner’s Breach of HAP Contract
a. Any of the following actions by the owner (including a
principal or other interested party) is a breach of the HAP
contract by the owner:
(1) If the owner has violated any obligation under the
HAP contract, including the owner’s obligation to
maintain the unit in accordance with the HQS.
(2) If the owner has violated any obligation under any
other housing assistance payments contract under
Section 8.
(3) If the owner has committed fraud, bribery or any
other corrupt or criminal act in connection with any
Federal housing assistance program.
(4) For projects with mortgages insured by HUD or
loans made by HUD, if the owner has failed to
comply with the regulations for the applicable mort-
gage insurance or loan program, with the mortgage
or mortgage note, or with the regulatory agreement;
or if the owner has committed fraud, bribery or any
other corrupt or criminal act in connection with the
mortgage or loan.
(5) If the owner has engaged in any drug-related crimi-
nal activity or any violent criminal activity.
b. If the PHA determines that a breach has occurred, the
PHA may exercise any of its rights and remedies under
the HAP contract, or any other available rights and
remedies for such breach. The PHA shall notify the
owner of such determination, including a brief statement
of the reasons for the determination. The notice by the
PHA to the owner may require the owner to take correc-
tive action, as verified or determined by the PHA, by a
deadline prescribed in the notice.
c. The PHA’s rights and remedies for owner breach of the
HAP contract include recovery of overpayments, sus-
pension of housing assistance payments, abatement or
other reduction of housing assistance payments, termi-
nation of housing assistance payments, and termination
of the HAP contract.
d. The PHA may seek and obtain additional relief by judi-
cial order or action, including specific performance,
other injunctive relief or order for damages.
e. Even if the family continues to live in the contract unit,
the PHA may exercise any rights and remedies for owner
breach of the HAP contract.
f. The PHA’s exercise or non-exercise of any right or
remedy for owner breach of the HAP contract is not a
waiver of the right to exercise that or any other right or
remedy at any time.
11. PHA and HUD Access to Premises and Owner’s Records
a. The owner must provide any information pertinent to the
HAP contract that the PHA or HUD may reasonably
b. The PHA, HUD and the Comptroller General of the
United States shall have full and free access to the
contract unit and the premises, and to all accounts and
other records of the owner that are relevant to the HAP
contract, including the right to examine or audit the
records and to make copies.
c. The owner must grant such access to computerized or
other electronic records, and to any computers, equip-
ment or facilities containing such records, and must
provide any information or assistance needed to access
the records.
12. Exclusion of Third Party Rights
a. The family is not a party to or third party beneficiary of
Part B of the HAP contract. The family may not enforce
any provision of Part B, and may not exercise any right
or remedy against the owner or PHA under Part B.
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