Application for Utah County Event Permit Attachment “C” page 2 rev 11/04/2009
ATTACHMENT “C” continued
(This page must be signed and submitted as part of the Application)
The following requirements shall apply to any Event Permit issued pursuant to this Application.
1. Upon issuance of an Event Permit, Utah County, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY, hereby grants to Applicant, hereinafter
referred to as COMPANY, its employees, agents, licensees, successors, assigns, related entities and other persons connected
with the Event, hereinafter referred to as PROGRAM, the following rights with respect to the COUNTY property identified
in the Application, hereinafter referred to as the PREMISES:
a. The right to enter and remain upon the PREMISES with personnel and equipment for the purpose of photographing
scenes for the PROGRAM and parking vehicles and equipment associated with production of the PROGRAM during
the periods set forth in the Application.
b. In the event the production schedule of the PROGRAM is changed due to weather or other conditions beyond the
control of COMPANY, if COMPANY so elects, COMPANY may, for a period of time equal to the delay caused by
the weather or other conditions beyond the control of COMPANY, utilize the PREMISES on another date or dates to
be determined by agreement between the parties without further charge.
c. The right to make recordings of the PREMISES on film or tape, hereinafter referred to as the RECORDINGS.
COMPANY will not photograph or use any name connected with the PREMISES or UTAH COUNTY and will not
use any such name or names in or in connection with the RECORDINGS.
d. The irrevocable right to use the RECORDINGS in perpetuity in any manner and media as COMPANY may elect.
2. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to obligate COMPANY to use, broadcast, or distribute any RECORDINGS
containing the scenes which have been filmed or taped on the PREMISES or to use any name connected with the PREMISES
in connection with any program.
3. COMPANY may, at any time, elect to not use the PREMISES by giving COUNTY written notice of such election, in which
case neither party shall have any obligation hereunder unless otherwise specified herein.
4 The COMPANY shall indemnify, save and hold harmless COUNTY, its officers, employees, and agents, from and against
any and all claims, demands, causes of action, orders, decrees, judgements, losses, damages, and liabilities to persons or
property (including all costs and attorney’s fees incurred in defending any claim, demand, or cause of action) occasioned by,
growing out of, or arising or resulting from (a) COMPANY’S, its agents, employees, licensees, successors, assigns, related
entities or other persons connected with the PROGRAM, breach of or performance of this Event Permit, or (b) any
negligence, act or omission of COMPANY, its agents, employees, licensees, successors, assigns, related entities or other
persons connected with the PROGRAM, except to the extent that such are caused by any negligence, act or omission of
COUNTY, its officers, employees or agents. The COMPANY shall assume sole liability for any injuries or damages caused
to a third party as a result of COMPANY’S, its agents, employees, licensees, successors, assigns, related entities or other
persons connected with the PROGRAM, actions under this Event Permit or their negligence, acts or omissions except to the
extent that such are caused by any negligence, act or omission of COUNTY, its officers, employees or agents.
5. In the event that it becomes necessary for COUNTY to utilize the PREMISES, as a result of an emergency occurring after the
execution of, or during the term of this Event Permit, in a manner which would interfere with the activities of COMPANY,
this Event Permit shall be immediately suspended during such emergency. COMPANY shall bear any and all of its costs or
damages incurred as a result of the suspension of this Event Permit due to any such emergency. COMPANY shall not restrict
access to the PREMISES by emergency service vehicles and other public and utility vehicles or personnel.
6. COMPANY shall not make any modifications, material or cosmetic to the PREMISES without the prior written approval of
the COUNTY. COMPANY shall leave the PREMISES in as good order and condition as when received by COMPANY,
force majeure herein permitted excepted. COMPANY shall reimburse COUNTY for any unresolved cleanup, damages,
repairs, or restorations necessary to return the PREMISES to the condition they were in when received by COMPANY
insofar as such resulted from the actions of the COMPANY its agents, employees, licensees, successors, assigns, related
entities or other persons connected with the PROGRAM. All costs associated with cleanup, modifications, damages, repairs,
or restorations to the PREMISES necessitated by COMPANY shall be the sole responsibility of COMPANY and shall not be
billable or assignable to COUNTY in any manner.