State Exemption Qualification Form
This section is to certify that your proposed structure qualifies for the “Agricultural Use Exemption”
allowed under Section 15A-1-204, Utah Code annotated 1953, as amended.
Applicant: Please accurately respond to the following statements. Your answers to the following statements
will be evaluated relative to Section 15A-1-204 of the Utah Code. Any misrepresentation of facts or
circumstances could result in a violation of the State Construction Code, the Utah County Land Use
Ordinance, and the Utah County Code.
I. As defined by Section 15A-1-202(1) of the Utah Code, “agricultural use” means a use that relates to the
tilling of soil and raising of crops, or keeping or raising of domestic animals.
II. As defined by Section 15A-1-202(10) of the Utah Code, “not for human occupancy” means use of a
structure for purposes other than protection or comfort of human beings, but allows people to enter the
structure for maintenance and repair; and the care of livestock, crops, or equipment intended for
agricultural use, which are kept there.
III. As provided by Section 15A-1-204(11) (a) of the Utah Code, a structure used solely in conjunction with
agriculture use, and not for human occupancy, or a structure that is no more than 1,500 square feet and
used solely for the type of sales described in Subsection 59-12-104(20), is exempt from the permit
requirements of the State Construction Code.
IV. As provided by Section 15A-1-204(11) (b) of the Utah Code, unless located in whole or in part in an
agricultural protection area, a structure located within the boundaries of a city or town and less than five
contiguous acres; or within an approved subdivision plat on a parcel less than two (2) contiguous acres is
not exempt from the permit requirements.
I. Will the proposed structure be used only for “agricultural use” as defined above? ___ ___
II. Will the proposed structure be used “not for human occupancy,” as defined above? ___ ___
III. Will the proposed structure include electrical, plumbing or other mechanical work? ___ ___
IV. Is the subject property within a platted county subdivision? ___ ___
If the answer to “IV” is yes, what is the acreage of your subdivision lot? Acres
V. Will the proposed structure be located on property included in an Agriculture Protection Area created under Title
17, Chapter 41, Agriculture and Industrial Protection Areas? ___ ___
VI. State the proposed agricultural use of the structure: ________________________________________________
* Site plan and floor plan of the agriculture structure required to be submitted with this application.
Under penalty of perjury, I hereby certify that the statements made above are true and accurate. I understand
that any misrepresentation of fact could result in a violation of applicable County and State laws. I will abide
by the minimum setback requirements listed on this application. Any change in use from an exempt
agricultural structure, will require a new permit and documented structural engineering and testing for
compliance to current construction codes. Failure to maintain the structure as defined above by “agricultural
use” may result in fines and/or legal action by Utah County.
_____________________________________________________ ______________________
Owner’s Signature Date
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