Updated March 2022
Version R_1.0 ©Annkissam, 2022
Employer Shift Approval Using TVV (IVR)
After a shift has been recorded with TVV (IVR), the Employer can
approve the time worked by calling in to the same TVV (IVR) line
and following a few steps. As the Employer, it’s your choice to call
and review shifts daily or you can call less often and review multiple
shifts on the same call. Follow instructions from your FMS Provider
as you will need to approve shifts timely so that your employees are
paid timely.
1. Call the toll-free number from a phone number that has been
registered with the FMS Provider.
2. Press 3to begin Employer Shift Review and Approval.
3. Enter your six-digit Employer ID. You must enter six digits. The
system will read the ID back to you, you will confirm the ID by
pressing “1”.
4. Enter your six-digit PIN. You must enter six digits. The PIN is like
a password set up for you by the FMS Provider and should not
be shared with your Employees. The system will read the PIN
back to you, and you will confirm the PIN by pressing “1”.
5. The system will read shift information to you, including the
Consumer ID, Employee ID, date and start time of the shift, date
and end time of the shift, how long the shift was, and the
service code.
6. You’ll be prompted to press “1” to approve, “2” to repeat the
shift information, or “3” to skip approval. If you do not press
one of these numbers, the shift information will be repeated
7. If any other shifts need to be approved, those shifts will be read
aloud, and you will have the same options for approving,
repeating, or skipping.
8. After all shifts have been reviewed the system will state “Thank
you for shift approval. Goodbye.”
Here is a place for you to write in the information you need when
making a call to review and approve shifts. The Participant/
Consumer you are an Employer for or the FMS that helps the
Participant/Consumer will give you the information you need.
Information You Need
My Information
TVV Phone Number
My Employer ID
Participant/Consumer ID
Employee ID
If you still have questions, please reach out to the FMS
Provider for assistance.