___________ _____________________________ ___________
University of Central Missouri Scholarly Activity Fund
Application for Support of Faculty Travel
**Please first fill out the form electronically, then print to obtain signatures.**
Faculty Member Information
Email: Campus Phone:
Department: Campus Address:
Date of initial full-time status: Are you in a tenure-track position? Yes No
Summary of Meeting
Name of Meeting:
Level of organization: International National Regional/ State
Name of Sponsoring Organization:
Location: Dates of Meeting:
Co-Presenter(s) seeking travel support from this fund: No Yes Name(s):
Purpose of Attendance
Please see the second page for criteria for the four categories of faculty travel supported by the Scholarly Activity Fund
and the documentation required for each category. Select only one:
Cat I: Meeting Presentation Cat II: Meeting Facilitation Cat III:1
Year Faculty Cat IV: Student Sponsor
Estimated Expenses
Transportation: $ Meals: $ Lodging: $
Registration: $ Other: $ Total: $
Estimated Alternative Funding Sources
Department: $ CTL: $ External: $ Other: $
Levels of Funding Support Amount Amount Approval Signatures Date
Requested Approved
Scholarly Activity Fund
Travel outside of the United
States up to $1500
Scholarly Activity Fund
National travel (outside of
the region) up to $1000
Scholarly Activity Fund __________
Regional/State travel (any
state that borders Missouri)
up to $750
for office use only
Required Signatures Date
The above information is complete and accurate and the required documentation is attached.
Faculty Member:
Department Chair:
College Dean:
Last First Middle
Supported Categories of Faculty Travel for Dissemination of Scholarly Work
Please check the category for which type of support is requested and attach the required documentation.
Meeting Presentation
Type of Presentation
Academic exhibit
Documentation required:
A copy of the acceptance notification
A description of the selection process
An abstract of the paper/poster or description of the exhibit/workshop
Musical or Dramatic Performance, or Art Exhibit
Musical performance
Dramatic performance
Art exhibit
Documentation required:
Basis for request to perform
A description of the selection process
A statement of the nature and importance of performance or exhibit
Meeting Facilitation
Professional Duties
Session or panel chair
Panel discussion-non paper/commentator
Documentation required:
A description of the selection process, duties, and responsibilities
A statement identifying the nature of panel, session or exhibition
National Officer Duties
Documentation required:
A statement identifying election process and length of term
A description of the anticipated activities, duties, and responsibilities
A description of the selection process
Elected Delegate Duties
Documentation required:
A description of the selection process, duties, and responsibilities
or 2
Year Faculty Member (from first date of hire)
Documentation required:
Statement indicating date of full-time status
Conference brochure or flyer
Student Sponsorfor the dissemination of scholarly work performed by students under a faculty’s guidance
Documentation required:
Name of student/s you are sponsoring:
A description of sponsor requirements and responsibilities
If more than one faculty sponsor is required, please also include justification
for the need of multiple sponsors and the names of co-sponsors. Funding will be
limited to two (2) maximum sponsors per trip.
An abstract of the students’ scholarly work for presentation
A description of the selection and/or acceptance process
A copy of the acceptance notification
Please submit the completed application and required documentation to: Graduate Education and Research, WDE 1900
Form updated: August 21, 2017
Scholarly Activity Fund Eligibility Terms and Procedure
These funds support full-time faculty who must travel for the purpose of dissemin
ation of scholarly work at state/
regional, national, or international professional meetings or events. Faculty may be awarded up to $1000 per fiscal year
for travel within the United States, or up to $1500 for an International trip every other fiscal year. These allocations may
be split between two or more professional meetings or events. If a faculty member would like to utilize their allocation
in this way, they will need to submit an application for each trip. Applications may be submitted at any time as long as
they are submitted 10 business days prior to the travel date to the Graduate Education and Research office. All fields
in the application must be completed, all the required signatures procured, and supporting documentation provided in
order for an application to be processed. Applications are subject to denial should they not meet the parameters as
outlined under the listed categories. All travel expense summaries or receipts should be forwarded to Accounts
Payable. We do not require you to submit any copies of this type of documentation. Upon returning from your trip,
please have the departmental office professional apply for reimbursement online at:
Individuals that are selected to represent UCM by receiving a Scholarly Activity Fund allocation will be urged to
participate in the Graduate Scholars Symposium to be held in Spring semesters, or in other forms of dissemination to the
campus community to be organized by Graduate Education and Research.
All inquiries can be directed to:
Graduate Education and Research
Ward Edwards 1900