Harmon College Internship Application
Revised July 20, 2018
Sarah Alkire
Dockery 101
University of Central Missouri
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Phone 660-543-8432
STEP 1 – Student Portion:
Name: 700#:
Major: Phone number:
Company where you are interning:
Have you worked here before, or currently working there? If yes, how long?
Will a family member be supervising you? If yes, who?
Student Application Checklist – please check off each and sign below:
□ I have communicated with my advisor and have confirmed that I would like to be
enrolled in credit hours under the prefix of (ex. MGT, ACCT, etc.).
□ Based on the credit hours requested above, I need to work a minimimum of
hours as a requi
rement for passing the course.
□ I understand that all of my work hours need to be completed at the same employer
during the term I am enrolled for credit.
□ I have a job description directly and evidently from the company that I will turn in with
this application. I understand that the Harmon College Internship Office (HCIO) is
looking to see that this position will be relevant to my degree, challenging at a collegiate
level and that it is a paid position.
□ In addition to my application and job description, I understand my degree audit will be
reviewed to ensure I meet the pre-requisites listed under the HCIO section.
□ I understand that the deadline to be enrolled in the internship course is two weeks after
the first day of the semester.
□ Once enrolled in the course, I will check my UCM e-mail and Blackboard in order to
meet all the requirements of the course, including assignments.
□ I agree to conduct myself in a professional manner, complete assigned tasks and adhere
to all personnel rules to the satisfaction of my supervisor.
Student Signature: Date:
→ Next step, have your supervisor complete the Supervisor Portion.
click to sign
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