Elliott Student Union
Banner Reservation
No. Note:
Please check a location for banner:
Railing in front of the Union Bowling Center
Outside railing in front of Clock Tower
Please make sure banners are:
- From a registered student organization or department.
- Professionally made of vinyl, nylon or other approved material with eyelets
for hanging. Due to weather conditions, grommets and wind pockets are
- Hung with ties or cords, not tape.
- Must be 2' by 4' (2 feet high and 4 feet wide) -
- May be displayed for a maximum of two weeks.
- Hand-made banners are not permitted.
Please submit your Banner Reservation Request and banner proof image for
content approval to Amy Jenkins at ajenkins@ucmo.edu or turn it in to Union
Requests for inside banner locations will not be accepted. A staff member will
hang the banner once turned in. See the Campus Posting Procedures section
for general posting policies. A limit of 12 banners can be accommodated. Elliott
Student Union reserves the right to deny banners.
Organization (if applicable):