Subregions of Canada
Main Ideas
• Canada is divided into four
subregions—the Atlantic,
Core, and Prairie Provinces,
and the Pacific Province and
the Territories.
• Each subregion possesses
unique natural resources,
landforms, economic
activities, and cultural life.
Places & Terms
Connect to the Issues
urban sprawl
of Canada’s population is in
urban areas within 100 miles
of the U.S.-Canadian border.
* Total farm receipts, mineral
output, and manufacturing
SOURCE: Statistics Canada 1998
Comparing the Subregions of Canada
Population Production*
Atlantic Provinces
Core Provinces
Prairie Provinces
Pacific Province
and the Territories
SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Graphs
ANALYZING DATA Which subregion has the highest production?
MAKING COMPARISONS How do the Pacific Province and the
Territories compare overall to the other three subregions?
A HUMAN PERSPECTIVE The Grand Banks, a shallow section of the
North Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland, make up one of the earth’s
richest fishing grounds. In fact, it was the abundance of fish—including
cod, haddock, herring, and mackerel—that first attracted Europeans to
the region centuries ago. Today, thousands of hardy Canadians make their
living fishing in these coastal waters. One, Alex Saunders of Labrador,
remarked that “fishing is a disease. Once you start, you keep at it, do what-
ever’s necessary. I jeopardize my home, all my possessions just to keep
this boat going and keep fishing. The Grand Banks are part of the
Atlantic Provinces, one of Canada’s four subregions.
The Atlantic Provinces
Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories. Each has a
unique population, economy, and resources. Eastern Canada is the loca-
tion of the four
Atlantic Provinces—Prince Edward Island, New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.
chart below, the Atlantic Provinces are home to just 8 percent of
Canada’s population. Of these people, most live in coastal cities, such as
Halifax, Nova Scotia, and St. John, New Brunswick. The small popula-
tion is due largely to the provinces’ rugged terrain and severe weather.
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For example, about 85 percent of the land in Nova Scotia
cannot be farmed because of rocky hills and poor soil.
In New Brunswick, forests cover 90 percent of the land.
Newfoundland—made up of the island of Newfound-
land, Labrador, and nearby islands—is visited by fierce
storms that roar up the Atlantic seaboard.
ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Despite the sometimes harsh
conditions, the people of the Atlantic Provinces have
learned to use what the land and the sea offer them. For
example, New Brunswick’s dense forests provide the
province with its largest industry—logging. This indus-
try produces lumber, wood pulp, and paper products.
The Gulf of St. Lawrence and coastal waters supply plen-
tiful stocks of seafood for export. Also, there is mining
for zinc, copper, lead, and silver.
Logging and fishing are mainstays of the economy of
Nova Scotia, too. This province boasts one of the largest
fish-processing plants in North America. In addition,
shipbuilding and trade through the port of Halifax pro-
vide more employment and revenue. Until the 20th cen-
tury, fishing was the principal industry in Newfoundland.
Today, the province also has healthy mining and logging
industries. Moreover, its hydroelectric-power resources
are part of a system supplying power to Quebec and parts
of the northeastern United States.
The Core Provinces—
Quebec and Ontario
In 1608, Samuel de Champlain, a French explorer, built a fort, the first
European structure in what is now Canada, at present-day Quebec City.
Four centuries later, the lands he colonized are part of the country’s most
dynamic region—
Quebec and Ontario, Canada’s Core Provinces.
THE HEARTLAND OF CANADA Quebec and Ontario are often referred
to as Canada’s heartland, and with good reason. Three out of five
Canadians live there. Ontario is the largest province in terms of popu-
lation, Quebec in land area. Most of the settlement in these inland
provinces is found along the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.
Each province is the core of one of Canada’s two major cultures. A large
number of Canada’s English-speaking majority live in Ontario. For most
French-speaking Canadians, Quebec is home.
are at the center of Canada’s political and economic life. Ottawa is the
capital of the federal government. It is located in southeastern Ontario,
right next to the border of Quebec province. Quebec has its own politi-
cal importance as the heart of French Canadian life.
Ontario and Quebec also power Canada’s economy. Together, they
account for more than 35 percent of Canadian agricultural production,
45 percent of its mineral output, and 70 percent of its manufacturing. As
Acadians to Cajuns
Colonists from France founded
the colony of Acadia on the
eastern coast of what is now
Canada in 1604. Tensions flared
between these settlers and
later arrivals from England
and Scotland, however.
In 1713, the British gained
control of Acadia and renamed
it Nova Scotia (New Scotland).
They expelled about 4,000
descendants of the original
Acadians. Many eventually set-
tled in southern Louisiana. Today,
their culture still thrives in the
Mississippi Delta area, where
the people are called Cajuns
(an alteration of Acadian).
Using the Atlas
Look at the
map on page 154.
Which bodies of
water do the
Atlantic Provinces
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the map on page 160 shows, they supply a wide variety of products.
Toronto, located on the shores of Lake Ontario, is not only the country’s
most populous city but also its banking and financial hub. Montreal,
located on the St. Lawrence River, is Canada’s second largest city. It is the
center of economic and political activity in Quebec province.
The Prairie Provinces
To the west of the hustle and bustle of Ontario and Quebec lie the
Prairie Pr
—Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.
CANADA’S BREADBASKET Canada’s Prairie Provinces are part of the
Great Plains of North America. These three provinces are the center of
the nation’s agricultural yield. They account for 50 percent of Canada’s
agricultural production. The land of the Prairie Provinces, however, con-
sists of more than just fertile soil. About 60 percent of Canada’s mineral
output comes from this region of the country. Alberta itself has the
nation’s largest known deposits of coal and oil and produces 90 percent
of Canada’s natural gas.
A CULTURAL MIX The people of the Prairie Provinces are a diverse
group. Manitoba has large numbers of Scots-Irish, Germans,
Scandinavians, Ukrainians, and Poles. The town of St. Boniface boasts
the largest French-Canadian population outside Quebec. The popula-
tion of Saskatchewan also includes immigrants from South and East
Asia and is home to the métis. Alberta is perhaps the most diverse of
all. In addition to European immigrants, this province also has signifi-
cant Indian, Japanese, Lebanese, and Vietnamese populations.
The Pacific Province and the Territories
The province of British Columbia along with the three territories—
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut—make up Canada’s
western and northern lands.
Seeing Patterns
Why might
Alberta have
attracted such a
diverse population?
REGION The vast
fertile plains of the
Prairie Provinces,
shown here in Regina,
Saskatchewan, provide
wheat for Canadians
and the world.
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BRITISH COLUMBIA Canada’s westernmost province
British Columbia. Nearly all of it lies within the Rocky
Mountain range. As a result, three-fourths of the
province is 3,000 feet or more above sea level. More
than half of the land is densely forested, and nearly
one-third is frozen tundra, snowfields, and glaciers.
Most of the population is found in the southwest. This
is the location of British Columbia’s two largest cities,
Victoria and Vancouver. The economy is built on log-
ging, mining, and hydroelectric-power production.
Vancouver is Canada’s largest port and has a prosper-
ous shipping trade.
THE TERRITORIES Canada’s three territories make up
41 percent of the country’s land mass. Yet, they are too
sparsely populated to be provinces. The Yukon Territory,
with a population around 30,000, lies north of British
Columbia and is largely an unspoiled wilderness. Directly
east is the Northwest Territories, an area that extends into
the Arctic. It has a population of about 41,000 people.
Nunavut was carved out of the eastern half of the
Northwest Territories in 1999. It is home to many
of Canada’s Inuit. (See
Geography Today” on this
page.) Even though the land is rugged and climatic con-
ditions are severe, economic activities take place in the
territories. Mining, fishing, and some logging are the principal indus-
tries, and these widely scattered activities explain why the settlements
are so dispersed.
In this chapter and the last, you read about the human geography of
the United States and Canada. In the next chapter, you will learn about
some of the issues that are facing those countries today.
Places & Terms
Identify and explain
where in the region
these would be found.
Atlantic Provinces
Prairie Provinces
British Columbia
Taking Notes
REGION Review the notes you
took for this section.
What is the major economic
activity of the Atlantic Provinces?
Which provinces make up the
Prairie Provinces?
Main Ideas
a. Why is the population of
the Atlantic Provinces so
b. Why are Ontario and
Quebec called the
heartland of Canada?
c. What economic activities
take place in British
Geographic Thinking
Making Inferences Which
subregions have the greatest
potential for economic
growth? Think about:
already developed
each subregion’s natural
See Skillbuilder
Handbook, page R4.
MAKING COMPARISONS Review the differences among the subregions of Canada. Create a
brochure that illustrates the economic activities, population characteristics, and major cities of
the subregions.
Nunavut is large, cold, undevel-
oped, and sparsely settled. It is
also Canada’s newest territory—
its flag is shown below. In 1999,
the Canadian government split off
the eastern half of the Northwest
Territories and created a territory
that would settle the land claims
of the Inuit. Nunavut means “our
land” in the Inuit language.
About 30,000 people live in its
almost 820,000 square miles—an
area more than three times the
size of Alberta.
Using the Atlas
Using a world
map, locate
Vancouver. Where
might many of
the goods shipped
from its port be
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